
Nourish the liver in spring, find a way, avoid misunderstandings, and do more with less!

Love and be careful of the liver, pay attention not to get lost.

According to the Theory of the Five Elements of Chinese Medicine, the liver belongs to the wood, which is the yang of the yin, corresponding to the spring qi in nature. Therefore, spring is the best time to nourish the liver and protect the liver. Health, the most basic includes spirit, emotion, work and rest, exercise and diet.

Nourish the liver in spring, find a way, avoid misunderstandings, and do more with less!

Liver nourishment pay attention to avoid these misunderstandings!

Myth 1: Liver nourishment should eat more acid

"Chinese medicine has the saying of 'five tastes into the five internal organs', some people think that the 'acid' in food corresponds to the liver, want to supplement the liver, eat more acid is not wrong?"

In the spring, many people choose sour foods to eat directly or as a seasoning to enhance the taste, such as ume, hawthorn, lemon, orange, orange and other fruits and vinegar.

In fact, it is true that the sour taste into the liver is correct, but it is believed that the liver should eat more acid in the spring, but it is half understood and falls into the misunderstanding of liver nourishment.

There are many people who are too hot in the liver, if you use sour flavor to supplement the liver, it is tantamount to "pouring oil on the fire", but it is easy to hurt the spleen and affect the gastrointestinal function because the liver fire is too strong. Spring liver nourishment advocates "less acid and increased sweetness". It should be noted that the "increase in sweetness" here does not mean to eat more sweets, but to foods that have a sweet taste and can strengthen the spleen, such as spinach, carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, chestnuts, yams, etc., which are helpful for people with strong liver fire and liver yin deficiency.

Nourish the liver in spring, find a way, avoid misunderstandings, and do more with less!

Myth 2: Eating more liver can cure liver disease

"Chinese medicine has a saying of 'complementing the form with shapes', so eating liver can not only nourish the liver, but also cure liver disease?"

In fact, eating animal liver can be used for symptoms such as dizziness and night blindness caused by liver blood deficiency, which is the so-called "liver opening to the eye"; and from the perspective of Western medical nutrition, eating animal liver is conducive to supplementing the eyes with adequate nutrition, thereby improving eye diseases. From this point of view, eating liver can nourish the liver.

However, this does not mean that eating liver can cure liver disease, especially for patients with viral hepatitis, fatty liver and so on. In fact, most patients with liver disease are manifested as damp heat and stasis, and it is necessary to clear the damp heat of the liver and gallbladder, and these diseases cannot be cured by eating more liver, but may aggravate the disease.

Nourish the liver in spring, find a way, avoid misunderstandings, and do more with less!

Myth 3: Vegetarianism can stay away from fatty liver

Does eating only vegetarian, eating less or not eating meat make fatty liver disappear? ”

Suffering from fatty liver is not necessarily the ingestion of high-fat foods to be prone to disease, nor is it just the "patent" of fat people, and people who only eat vegetarian diet will also be "candidates" for fatty liver.

This is because, if the fat intake is low, it may make people eat more staple foods to satisfy the feeling of being full. And white rice, white bread, cakes, biscuits, sweet drinks and other foods contain a lot of sugar and starch, after entering the body, more than the body's metabolic needs, will be converted into triglycerides, if stored in the liver too much triglycerides, will be converted into fat, thereby forming a fatty liver.

Nourish the liver in spring, find a way, avoid misunderstandings, and do more with less!

Myth 4: Detoxification is beneficial to the liver, the more exercise the better?

"More exercise can sweat, can it help the liver 'detoxify'?"

Exercise does help the yang in the body to rise, which is good for the liver. However, the more intense the exercise, the better, the exercise time is too long, the intensity is too large, the sweat is too much, the yin blood is consumed, but the liver is hurt.

It is recommended to adhere to 5 days of aerobic exercise every week, such as running, swimming, etc., each exercise is best controlled at a single time of 40 to 60 minutes, and the maximum heart rate during exercise does not exceed (180-age). The most important thing to nourish the liver in spring is "nourishing the spirit", you may wish to go outdoors to "find fun", such as stepping on the spring flowers, sightseeing and water, outing and walking, etc., which can not only make the joints and muscles of the whole body get moderate exercise, promote the smooth flow of qi and blood, but also make the spirit accessible and emotional stability, thereby improving human immunity.

Nourish the liver in spring, find a way, avoid misunderstandings, and do more with less!

How to nourish the liver is the most appropriate?

1. Adjust the diet

Chinese medicine believes that spring is the season of yang qi, so people should adapt to the changes of the day and time, and nourish the yang qi through diet to maintain the health of the body.

The general dietary health principle is: appropriate choice of high-calorie foods in staple foods; Guarantee the right amount of high-quality protein; Ensure adequate vitamins.

2. Exercise more

As the saying goes, "Life is in motion." "Liver care also requires proper exercise. But it is suggested that the outbreak is now somewhat serious. It is recommended that you can do basic exercises such as yoga and sit-ups at home.

3. Get enough sleep

"When a person lies down, the blood returns to the liver", this sentence comes from the Inner Classic. Therefore, it is recommended that you make sure to sleep enough at night.

Nourish the liver in spring, find a way, avoid misunderstandings, and do more with less!

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