
To the goddess, nourish the liver and raise a good color!

Today is goddess day, first of all to all the goddesses to extend festive greetings.

There is a famous saying in Chinese medicine that the kidney is the innate foundation, and the spleen and stomach are the acquired nature. But for women, Ye Tianshi, a famous physician in the Qing Dynasty, told us in the "Medical Case of The Guide to Clinical Evidence" that "women take the liver as the first", and the innate nature of women is the liver.

The liver has two basic functions: one is to hide blood, and the other is to drain. One hiding and one discharge, coordinated cooperation, can provide sufficient blood nourishment, but also can make it normal evacuation and excretion, through the pregnancy milk can be smoothly carried out.

To the goddess, nourish the liver and raise a good color!

First of all, the physiological activities of the goddess's life are closely related to the liver through, belt, fetus, childbirth, and milk.

Because women are yin, with blood as the body, it is easy to consume yin blood during menstruation; during pregnancy, although menstruation is stopped, it is necessary to spend more yin blood to nourish the fetus; blood loss is necessary during childbirth; after giving birth, yin blood is also needed to be uplinked into milk to feed the baby.

Many of women's physiological activities have the characteristics of blood consumption, and blood nourishment is particularly critical. And the liver "mainly hides blood", "the liver hides blood, the heart does it, people move, the blood is transported to the scriptures, and the blood is returned to the liver." ”

Secondly, the liver is mainly drained, and the emotion is more damaged by the liver.

Anger and thought in the seven emotions of Chinese medicine are the more common causes of emotional illness in women, and women are sentimental, delicate in their minds, and are easily hurt by emotions. Emotions are prone to fluctuations, affecting the blood storage and drainage function of the liver.

To the goddess, nourish the liver and raise a good color!

How does a bad liver affect the complexion?

The liver mainly hides blood and drains the main drainage, only when the qi and blood are sufficient and the blood runs smoothly, can the internal organs and skin of the whole body be fully nourished. The blood flow of the face is smooth, the skin can be nourished, and the face will show a rosy and shiny color.

If the drainage function of the liver is out of balance, the qi machine is not smooth, the qi is not bloody, and the facial skin is not nourished, there will be many skin problems such as yellowish complexion, melasma, enlarged pores, prominent eye bags, dark circles, and even premature aging.

The liver is a sea of blood, hair is blood, only the function of the liver is normal, in order to run the blood to nourish the skin hair, the hair will be dark and bright, if the liver is lost and leaked, the qi machine is depressed, the supply of hair nutrients is hindered, there will be hair wilting, scarcity, shedding and so on.

The eyes are the windows of the soul, and the liver is open to the eyes, if the liver blood is insufficient, there is no way to provide for the eyes, there will be no concentration, sluggishness, and even unclear vision, dry eyes and so on.

From the perspective of Western medicine, a good liver can maintain a series of functions such as normal metabolism and detoxification of the liver. If the liver cannot detoxify properly, the toxins will remain in the body, the face will appear dark brown, the skin will be pigmented, causing a variety of skin problems.

To the goddess, nourish the liver and raise a good color!

How do goddesses nourish their livers?

1. Eat a light diet.

Zhang Zhongjing, a physician, said: "When spring comes, the taste of its diet should be reduced and sweetened, and the diet should not be wasted for a day to nourish the temper." The "Thousand Golden Fangs" of the medicine king Sun Simiao records: "On the seventy-second day of spring, the province of acid and sweetness is increased to nourish the temper."

In the spring, the liver is vigorous, which is easy to affect the spleen and appear weak spleen and stomach disease. Spring diet should be light and delicious, avoid greasy and spicy, should choose some liver nourishing, liver thinning, spleen, rational food and medicinal materials.

Eat fresh vegetables such as cabbage, green peppers, tomatoes, carrots, celery, cabbage, and fruits such as citrus and lemons.

Drinking more water can enhance blood circulation, promote metabolism, and reduce the damage of metabolites and toxins to the liver.

Diet should be light, pay attention not to be too hot and dry, reduce spicy, fried, barbecue and other irritating foods.

To the goddess, nourish the liver and raise a good color!

2. Go to bed early and get up early.

"The Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic": When a person lies down, the blood returns to the liver. In the "Wen Disease Article Discernment", it is said: "The main blood of the liver, the liver takes blood as its own nourishment, the blood foot is soft, and the blood deficiency is strong", so going to bed early is the best way to nourish the liver and protect the liver.

3. Do not be greedy.

Including diet and clothing, excessive gluttony and cold drinks are easy to hurt the yang qi of the spleen and stomach, without paying attention to the warmth of the body, especially the waist and lower limbs, the cold invades the body and affects the operation of qi and blood, liver qi and liver blood will also be affected, forming a vicious circle.

To the goddess, nourish the liver and raise a good color!

4. Do a good job of emotional management.

More smile, less anger, so that the qi and blood are smooth, the mood is comfortable, do not worry about small things, Chinese medicine believes that some bad emotions such as anger, anxiety, depression, etc. will hurt the liver, causing liver qi depression, not easy to relieve, and eventually cause liver dysfunction.

5. Exercise appropriately.

The main limbs of the spleen can be enriched by exercising, the muscles of the limbs can be enriched, the qi and blood can be reached smoothly, and the spleen function is strong, which is conducive to the spleen and blood nourishing the liver.

To the goddess, nourish the liver and raise a good color!

6. Avoid long-term vision.

The "Five Labor Wounds" in the "Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic" points out: Long-sighted wounds and blood! Meaning: excessive blood injury with the eyes! "Liver qi is connected to the eye", that is to say, the health of the eyes is related to the liver qi, when the liver is strong through the qi and blood, it can nourish the eyes very well, and the eyes can remain healthy. If the eyes are used excessively, it will consume the liver through qi and blood, and the problem of insufficient qi and blood will inevitably affect the liver function and is not conducive to liver nourishment.

7. Insist on soaking your feet

After soaking your feet in hot water for a short period of time, it helps to improve the blood flow throughout the body, can better transport blood to major organs, can get blood nourishment faster, organs will naturally become healthier, and the liver and kidneys are one of the organs that benefit.

To the goddess, nourish the liver and raise a good color!

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