
What are the liver functions? How to nourish the liver usually?

From the perspective of Western medicine, the main functions of the liver are as follows:

1. Metabolic function.

Including the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, it provides energy to the human body.

When blood sugar is sufficient, the liver stores glucose in the form of glycogen (glycogen synthesis); when blood sugar is insufficient, the liver automatically breaks down glycogen into glucose (glycogen decomposition) into the bloodstream for use by the human body.

Protein metabolism in the liver is the conversion of amino acids into substrates that can be used to produce capacity, produce glucose, and non-essential amino acids. The liver can also break down the fats from food to produce energy that can be used by the body.

2. Storage and activation function.

This includes the storage of vitamins and minerals to provide nutrients to the body.

The liver can store all the fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) in the blood, as well as B12, zinc, copper, iron, magnesium, and so on. At the same time, the proteins in the liver are responsible for transporting vitamins and minerals to various parts of the body so that they can play their rightful role.

What are the liver functions? How to nourish the liver usually?

3. Synthesize and secrete bile to promote fat metabolism and absorption

The intake, binding and excretion of bilirubin, the production and excretion of bile acids are borne by the liver. The bile produced and secreted by liver cells is transported through the bile ducts to the gallbladder, which is concentrated and discharged into the small intestine to help digest and absorb fat. Without bile, about 40% of the fat ingested is lost from the stool, and it is accompanied by malabsorption of fat-soluble vitamins.

4. Detoxification function

Toxic and harmful waste products in the process of human metabolism and foreign poisons, toxins, and drug metabolism and decomposition products are detoxified in the liver.

We often say that the liver has a detoxifying effect, mainly that it can convert amino acids into urea, which is excreted through the kidneys.

What are the liver functions? How to nourish the liver usually?

5. Inactivate hormones and balance hormone levels in the body.

The liver can inactivate and excrete aldosterone, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, etc.

6. Filter and store blood to maintain physical and mental health

The liver removes bacteria and debris from the bloodstream through the phagocytic action of Kupfer cells located in the blood sinuses, and in times of heart failure, stores blood that regurgitates from the vena cava.

7. Synthesis of proteins and coagulation factors.

The liver is the only place for albumin synthesis. It is also an important place for the synthesis of coagulation factors. The liver synthesizes various coagulation factors, and the liver plays an important role in the body's dynamic balance of coagulation and anticoagulation.

8. Immune function.

The liver is an important organ that makes up the body's immune defense system. 90% of mononuclear-macrophages are present in the liver, can engulf various germs, viruses and some inflammatory factors, and some cells in the liver also secrete cytokines and chemokines, which can play a local immune regulatory role. After suffering from liver disease, the human body loses some immune defense functions, and the probability of causing various infections will increase.

What are the liver functions? How to nourish the liver usually?

What aspects should be paid attention to in the usual liver nourishment and liver protection?

As the saying goes: "three points of treatment, seven points of maintenance".

Scientific liver nourishment mainly includes: reasonable nutrition, good mood and appropriate rest.

1. Reasonable nutrition.

A reasonable diet is important for the rehabilitation of patients with chronic liver disease. Some patients simply think that liver disease patients should not eat meat, liver disease patients should not eat peppers, these "simple" is unscientific. Clinically, the diet should be adjusted according to the patient's specific situation and eating habits.

(1) Avoid eating fatty meat, avoid eating greasy, and eat less spicy and irritating food.

(2) Pay attention to supplementing with an appropriate amount of protein and vitamins.

But do not overdose, excessive intake of protein, sugar and fat, will increase the burden on the liver, cause obesity, and even appear in indigestion and bloating and other symptoms.

(3) Pay attention to the appropriate amount of nutrition and balance, and eat regularly; diet is self-doubled, and the stomach is injured. Reasonable eating habits are very important for the normal functioning of the spleen and stomach.

(4) Eat less over-processed foods, including smoked, pickles, pickles, and fried foods.

(5) Do not drink alcohol.

Alcohol can directly damage liver cells and aggravate the progression of liver disease. Alcohol has a synergistic effect with hepatitis B and C viruses, and even if a normal amount of alcohol is consumed, it accelerates the process of liver fibrosis, therefore, patients with liver disease must abstain from alcohol;

(6) Medication under the guidance of experts.

Avoid the use of traditional Chinese medicines, Western medicines, health care products, etc. that have the effect of harming the liver.

What are the liver functions? How to nourish the liver usually?

2. Good mood.

Patients with chronic liver disease have general emotional disorders, and most people usually show heavy hearts, depression, and heavy ideological burdens, which affects the quality of life of many patients.

Due to the long course of chronic liver disease, the condition is serious, the symptoms are complex and changeable, and the complications are many, which seriously affects the patient's mood, depression and anxiety will in turn affect the treatment of the patient, and even lead to aggravation of the disease.

Chinese medicine believes that "liver main drainage", so liver qi drainage is not smooth, there are corresponding emotional changes, patients should adjust their emotions in a timely manner. Preventing the decline of immunity is not conducive to the treatment and recovery of liver disease.

What are the liver functions? How to nourish the liver usually?

3. Combine work and leisure to avoid overwork.

Sun Simiao said that "often want to work a little, but it is not tired", moderate work and leisure, the combination of movement and static, is beneficial to the movement of muscles and bones, usually qi and blood, and strengthen the body. If there is a loss of labor and leisure, "Zhuangzi" says: "If you work without end, you will do harm, if you use it diligently, you will work hard, and if you work hard, you will exhaust it."

Overwork will make the liver hypoxia and ischemia worse, and it is easy to make the liver cells that have been damaged by lack of oxygen, inducing repeated liver disease. Therefore, patients with liver disease cannot overwork.

For patients with repeated abnormal liver function, attention should be paid to appropriate bed rest, which can reduce the physiological burden of the liver and help the recovery of liver cells.

It is also necessary to avoid excessive comfort, eating, sleeping and eating, which will increase the occurrence of fatty liver and is not conducive to disease recovery.

What are the liver functions? How to nourish the liver usually?

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