
Having these 4 habits before going to bed may cause damage to the liver, if you have, stay away as soon as possible

Which organ of the body is indestructible? Presumably many people will vote for "liver"!

The reason for this is that everyone has learned about the liver in biology textbooks, it is the most important detoxification and metabolic organ of the human body, and almost all toxins need to complete a series of biological transformations in the liver.

Not only that, liver cells also have a strong compensatory capacity, a wide range of functions, and a high work intensity.

Having these 4 habits before going to bed may cause damage to the liver, if you have, stay away as soon as possible

However, the series of advantages and effects of the liver do not mean that the liver itself is indestructible.

On the contrary, the liver is actually very fragile, whether it is a viral infection, an unhealthy daily life or a dietary habit, it can cause damage to the liver and even induce liver disease.

Relevant data surveys show that the total number of people suffering from various chronic liver diseases in the mainland has reached nearly 400 million people, and this data is still being refreshed.

Having these 4 habits before going to bed may cause damage to the liver, if you have, stay away as soon as possible

So the question is, which habits can cause damage to the liver, and should we stay away from it?

1. Drinking alcohol before going to bed: alcohol has the effect of inhibiting the central system, after a small amount of drinking, it often produces fatigue and drowsiness, and it is easier to enter sleep.

Therefore, some people are accustomed to drinking a glass of wine before going to bed. However, when alcohol enters the body, it will be metabolized by the liver, and drinking alcohol before going to bed not only increases the decomposition burden of the liver, but also causes direct damage to liver cells and inhibits the liver's other biological transformation capabilities.

People who drink alcohol for a long time may have a series of alcoholic liver diseases in the future, including fatty liver disease, hepatitis, fibrosis, cirrhosis, and even cancerous disease;

Having these 4 habits before going to bed may cause damage to the liver, if you have, stay away as soon as possible

2, before going to bed to eat: some people are accustomed to eating supper before going to bed, and most of the supper is a high-fat, high-calorie food type.

Eating supper is indeed a feeling of fullness, and when blood is mainly supplied to the stomach and intestines for digestion, it will also affect the brain and make people sleepy.

However, eating a large number of suppers before going to bed will not only have an impact on gastrointestinal health, but also prompt the liver to secrete more bile to digest food.

At the same time, there is no excess activity at night, fat is constantly accumulated in the body, which can cause obesity over time, and obesity is one of the most fundamental reasons for inducing fatty liver;

Having these 4 habits before going to bed may cause damage to the liver, if you have, stay away as soon as possible

3, stay up late: from the perspective of Chinese medicine, 11 o'clock in the night to 2 am, is the time for liver repair and adjustment, if you do not enter sleep at this time, it may cause the problem of liver fire.

From the perspective of modern medicine, staying up late for a long time often reduces the body's immune function, so that the body becomes the target of various diseases and pathogens.

Especially in patients who have developed viral hepatitis, the immune function is reduced, which is often detrimental to the control of the disease;

Having these 4 habits before going to bed may cause damage to the liver, if you have, stay away as soon as possible

4. Blind medication: the liver is an organ for detoxification and metabolism, and some drugs also need to be degraded and metabolized in the liver.

However, some drugs just have hepatotoxic substances, such as some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, Chinese herbal medicines, etc.

If you do not blindly use drugs according to the doctor's instructions and arbitrarily increase the dosage of medicine, it will not only fail to treat the disease, but also may cause liver damage.

Having these 4 habits before going to bed may cause damage to the liver, if you have, stay away as soon as possible

Finally, we should remind everyone that if you want liver health, you should first improve the bad behavior habits in daily life, especially to stay away from the above four points.

In addition, if you have a family history of liver disease, a long history of alcoholism, and a sexual life that is too disordered, it is necessary not only to change your living habits and behaviors, but also to seek medical attention regularly for targeted liver health examinations.

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