
What are the liver functions? Chinese and Western medicine have something to say

The liver is the body's largest digestive gland and is known as the body's "chemical plant." There are more than 500 biochemical reactions carried out in the liver, and their main physiological functions include:

From the perspective of Western medicine, the main functions of the liver are as follows:

What are the liver functions? Chinese and Western medicine have something to say

1. Metabolic function.

Including the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, it provides energy to the human body.

When blood sugar is sufficient, the liver stores glucose in the form of glycogen (glycogen synthesis); when blood sugar is insufficient, the liver automatically breaks down glycogen into glucose (glycogen decomposition) into the bloodstream for use by the human body.

Protein metabolism in the liver is the conversion of amino acids into substrates that can be used to produce capacity, produce glucose, and non-essential amino acids. The liver can also break down the fats from food to produce energy that can be used by the body.

2. Storage and activation function.

This includes the storage of vitamins and minerals to provide nutrients to the body.

The liver can store all the fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) in the blood, as well as B12, zinc, copper, iron, magnesium, and so on. At the same time, the proteins in the liver are responsible for transporting vitamins and minerals to various parts of the body so that they can play their rightful role.

What are the liver functions? Chinese and Western medicine have something to say

3. Synthesize and secrete bile to promote fat metabolism and absorption

The intake, binding and excretion of bilirubin, the production and excretion of bile acids are borne by the liver. The bile produced and secreted by liver cells is transported through the bile ducts to the gallbladder, which is concentrated and discharged into the small intestine to help digest and absorb fat. Without bile, about 40% of the fat ingested is lost from the stool, and it is accompanied by malabsorption of fat-soluble vitamins.

4. Detoxification function

Toxic and harmful waste products in the process of human metabolism and foreign poisons, toxins, and drug metabolism and decomposition products are detoxified in the liver.

We often say that the liver has a detoxifying effect, mainly that it can convert amino acids into urea, which is excreted through the kidneys.

What are the liver functions? Chinese and Western medicine have something to say

5. Inactivate hormones and balance hormone levels in the body.

The liver can inactivate and excrete aldosterone, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, etc.

6. Filter and store blood to maintain physical and mental health

The liver removes bacteria and debris from the bloodstream through the phagocytic action of Kupfer cells located in the blood sinuses, and in times of heart failure, stores blood that regurgitates from the vena cava.

What are the liver functions? Chinese and Western medicine have something to say

7. Synthesis of proteins and coagulation factors.

The liver is the only place for albumin synthesis. It is also an important place for the synthesis of coagulation factors. The liver synthesizes various coagulation factors, and the liver plays an important role in the body's dynamic balance of coagulation and anticoagulation.

8. Immune function.

The liver is an important organ that makes up the body's immune defense system. 90% of mononuclear-macrophages are present in the liver, can engulf various germs, viruses and some inflammatory factors, and some cells in the liver also secrete cytokines and chemokines, which can play a local immune regulatory role. After suffering from liver disease, the human body loses some immune defense functions, and the probability of causing various infections will increase.

What are the liver functions? Chinese and Western medicine have something to say

Looking at the five major functions of the liver from the perspective of Traditional Chinese medicine

Chinese medicine believes that the main function of the liver is to drain and hide blood.

The drainage function is manifested in regulating mental emotions and promoting digestion and absorption.

The blood storage function of the liver is mainly manifested in the storage of blood and the regulation of blood volume.

1. Regulate your mood

Chinese medicine believes that in addition to being dominated by the heart, people's mental activities are also related to the drainage function of the liver.

Normal liver drainage, the human body can coordinate its own mental activities, become comfortable; liver drainage is not enough, it will become sentimental; liver drainage is too much, it is easy to overexcite and irritable, often dizziness and pain.

What are the liver functions? Chinese and Western medicine have something to say

2. Promotes digestion and absorption

If the liver is not drained, it will lead to digestive system abnormalities, loss of appetite, indigestion, bloating, diarrhea and other symptoms.

3. Store blood

When people are immovable and mentally calm, very little blood is needed for physical activity, and excess blood flows into the liver. This is the blood storage function of the liver, and the liver is like a large warehouse of blood.

5. Regulates blood volume

When activity or emotions are high, the human body will need a lot of blood, at this time the heart beats very fast, the blood flow rate accelerates, and when the blood is not enough, the liver will discharge its own stored blood to supply the needs of other organs. If the blood storage function of the liver is abnormal, it will cause blood deficiency or bleeding.

What are the liver functions? Chinese and Western medicine have something to say

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