
"The acacia flowers are fragrant in the spring, and the heart is precious at that time", the locust flowers are eaten, and the liver is cleared and the bleeding is good

Spring belongs to the liver, locust flowers into the liver meridian, can be liver fire, can be described as nature to give us a good gift for health.

The ancients regarded the locust flower as a mascot, "a locust tree in front of the door, either to attract treasure, or to enter the wealth", used to pray for a safe home and be able to have children.

"The acacia flowers are fragrant in the spring, and the heart is precious at that time", the locust flowers are eaten, and the liver is cleared and the bleeding is good

Folk also often make locust flowers into various cuisines, which is really a healthy and delicious wild vegetable.

Fresh locust flowers can be mixed with vegetables, soup, stewed rice, dumplings, and can also be made into delicious locust flower cakes, which is a widely eaten flower food.

"The acacia flowers are fragrant in the spring, and the heart is precious at that time", the locust flowers are eaten, and the liver is cleared and the bleeding is good

Nutritional value of locust flowers

Locust flowers are the buds of legumes that are edible.

Rich in trace elements and vitamins, each 100g locust flower contains 2.1g of carbohydrates, 2.1g of fiber, 425g of vitamin A content, 46mg of vitamin C, 2550ug of magnesium, 44mg of magnesium, 97mg of calcium, 1.4mg of iron, 0.33mg of zinc, 0.06mg of copper, 0.55mg of manganese, 221mg of potassium, 37mg of phosphorus, 28mg of sodium, and locust flowers are suitable for a wide range of people to eat.

"The acacia flowers are fragrant in the spring, and the heart is precious at that time", the locust flowers are eaten, and the liver is cleared and the bleeding is good

Medicinal value of locust flowers

The medicinal use of locust flowers in ancient China has undergone a relatively long process, from the earliest pharmaceutical monograph "Shennong Materia Medica" to the "Tang Materia Medica" that only records the locust horn but no locust flower.

In the Tang Dynasty's "Materia Medica", only one sentence was recorded that "the flowers can be dyed yellow", which shows that at this time, the locust flower was only used as a dye, and its medicinal value was not discussed.

The "Rihuazi Materia Medica" of the Five Dynasties period records for the first time that Yun "tastes bitter, flat and non-toxic; cures five hemorrhoids, heartache, red eyes, kills abdominal insects and heat, cures skin wind, and intestinal wind and diarrhea, red diarrhea, and stir-frying." ”

Song yuan Materia Medica's description of the locust flower into medicine is relatively simple, on the contrary, all of them focus on the dyeing function of the locust flower, which shows that the dyeing of locust flowers in this period is more common than that of medicine.

"The acacia flowers are fragrant in the spring, and the heart is precious at that time", the locust flowers are eaten, and the liver is cleared and the bleeding is good

The Ming Dynasty's "Compendium of Materia Medica" pointed out that "harvesting when not open, old is good, into medicine and stir-frying." ”

It also shows that since the Ming Dynasty, locust flowers have been of good quality to unopened buds, and clinical medicine must be fried. From the initial yellow dye, until the fifth generation began to enter the medicine, locust flower has undergone a long process, its medicinal properties, main therapeutic effects and medical prescriptions have also been more and more comprehensive understanding.

"The acacia flowers are fragrant in the spring, and the heart is precious at that time", the locust flowers are eaten, and the liver is cleared and the bleeding is good

Locust flowers are cool and bitter, and belong to the liver and large intestine. Efficacy Cool blood, stop bleeding, clear liver fire. Buds that have not flowered and harvested are preferably those with strong buds, green and thick flowers, and no branches.

Locust flower is suitable for vomiting blood, blood in the blood, blood in the stool, hemorrhoids, headache, red eyes and so on. Modern clinics are also often used in hypertension for people with hepatic fire, and have the function of clearing the liver and lowering blood pressure.

"Rihuazi Materia Medica" contains locust flowers, "cure five hemorrhoids, heartache, red eyes, kill abdominal insects and heat, cure skin wind".

"Materia Medica" said that it "cures carbuncle sore poison, pubic sores wet itch, hemorrhoid leakage, solution bayberry bad sores, chancre poison".

The "Materia Medica" says: "The blood of the human liver and the large intestine is divided and the blood is cool, the wind and heat are red and white diarrhea, the five hemorrhoids are intestinal wind, and the vomiting blood is broken."

"The acacia flowers are fragrant in the spring, and the heart is precious at that time", the locust flowers are eaten, and the liver is cleared and the bleeding is good

1. Clear liver fire

It is used for headache, swelling, redness, dizziness and so on. Modern clinical practice is also often used in hypertension is the liver fire is too strong, has the ability to clear the liver and reduce blood pressure.

2. Cool blood to stop bleeding, used for blood fever and bleeding evidence

This product is cold and bitter, returned to the liver, large intestine meridian, good at draining the fiery heat of the large intestine and cool blood to stop bleeding, so it is good at treating lower bleeding, such as hemorrhoidals, blood in the stool. For the treatment of blood in the stool, it is often used with wattle mustard and cypress leaves. To cure vomiting blood and blood, it is often used with white grass root and so on.

3. Laxative, improve constipation

Locust flower clears hot and cool blood, mostly used as a common medicine for the treatment of constipation and blood in the stool, for hemorrhoidal bleeding, blood in the stool, blood fever caused by damp heat of the large intestine, generally for decoction or chinese medicine compatibility.

4. Improve capillaries

The ingredients in locust flowers, rupitan and quercetin, can maintain the normal resistance of capillaries, reduce vascular permeability, and restore normal elasticity to capillaries bleeding due to increased fragility.

5. Treatment of dizziness

After picking and drying, brew and drink with boiling water to clear the liver and cool the blood, relieve dizziness, irritability and irritability and other symptoms.

6. Protect the cardiovascular system

Locust flower extract can play a mild excitatory effect on the frog heart in vitro; quercetin, ruevoside and quercetin in locust flower can increase the output and contraction of the frog heart and slow down the heart rate.

7. Anti-inflammatory effect

The rupiroside and quercetin in locust flowers have an inhibitory effect on the paw edema of the feet caused by histamine, egg white, serotonin, formaldehyde, polyvinylpyrrolidone in rats, and the puffiness of the feet caused by hyaluronidase.

8. Antispasmodic and anti-ulcer effect

Quercetin contained in locust flower can reduce the tension of intestinal and bronchial smooth muscles, its antispasmodic effect is 5 times stronger than that of rupiroside, and can relieve spasm of smooth muscles of the small intestine caused by barium chloride.

Although the locust flower is good, not everyone can eat it. See which people should not use locust flowers:

1. People with weak spleen and stomach

Because the locust flower is hot and cool, the flower is cold, so people with spleen and stomach deficiency eat locust flowers are easy to cause aggravation of the disease.

2. People with diabetes

Diabetics are taboo for sugar, and some sugary foods, locust flowers contain nectar, but also contain sugar, so diabetics are not suitable for eating locust flowers.

3. People with allergic constitution

Spring is the season of allergies, because many flowers, or pollen will cause allergies, locust flowers are no exception, people with allergic constitutions are best not to eat locust flowers, may cause allergies.

4. Steamed locust flowers are not easy to digest

People with a bad digestive system should not overdose.

"The acacia flowers are fragrant in the spring, and the heart is precious at that time", the locust flowers are eaten, and the liver is cleared and the bleeding is good

Recommend several recipes with locust flowers:

1. Acacia porridge from two places


30 grams each of raw land, bone skin and locust flowers, and 30-60 grams of japonica rice;


The raw ground, bone skin, locust flowers are washed and fried in water to remove the slag to get the juice, and cook it together with japonica rice to make porridge.

【Directions】Once a day, can be taken for 3-5 days.

Effect: Clears heat and fixes the meridians. It is used for menorrhagia, dark red or purple red, thick texture, abdominal distention and pain. Upset thirst, yellow urine, red tongue, moss yellow, pulse slip number.

"The acacia flowers are fragrant in the spring, and the heart is precious at that time", the locust flowers are eaten, and the liver is cleared and the bleeding is good

2. Locust flower porridge

Ingredients: fresh locust flower, millet, red beans.

Directions: Take a bunch of millet, an appropriate amount of red beans, wash and turn to heat. After bringing to a boil, pause the heat and use a large spoon to remove the foam. Add the locust flowers, heat them to a boil, turn the lid of the pot to a low heat and simmer for half an hour. The boiling process does not open the lid of the pot, and the aroma of locust flowers will not overflow.

Effect: Clear liver diarrhea fire, healthy spleen and dampness. It is suitable for people with strong liver fire, red eyes and pain, hot and humid intestines, and hemorrhoids and bleeding.

3. Cold mix of locust flowers

Ingredients: fresh locust flowers, salt, soy sauce, sesame oil to taste.

Directions: Gently blanch the locust flowers, remove from the cold and drain. Add salt, soy sauce and sesame oil and mix well.

Effect: Clear liver diarrhea, moisturize bowel and laxative.

"The acacia flowers are fragrant in the spring, and the heart is precious at that time", the locust flowers are eaten, and the liver is cleared and the bleeding is good

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