
What are the pitfalls of treating functional uterine bleeding?

Drug treatment is mainly, anovulatory, ovulatory, ovulatory and divided into menorrhagia and intermenstrual bleeding.

What are the pitfalls of treating functional uterine bleeding?

Anovulatory blood, puberty we generally take two steps, the first step to stop bleeding, the second step to control the cycle.

Of course, we can use various methods to stop the bleeding, of course, the simplest and most applicable method is the contraceptive pill, the contraceptive pill is widely used in these fields, with contraceptives, with progesterone, estrogen, the blood is stopped, but this person She did not ovulate This matter has not been solved, so she may appear every month in the future, what to do?

What are the pitfalls of treating functional uterine bleeding?

To control the cycle, what method is used to control the cycle? Or the birth control pill, the simplest and most convenient method. Of course, you can also use the progesterone cycle to apply, use these methods to control a period of time cycle, first stop the blood, and then control the cycle for at least half a year, and then stop the drug to see if she herself has restored her own regularity, which is the anovulatory blood of adolescence.

As for the anovulatory blood of menopause, people over the age of 40, we should be cautious about using contraceptives, we generally do not use it, what do these people do? It is also to stop bleeding, use progesterone, stop the blood, and then also control the cycle, the way to control the cycle is to cycle progesterone, give her ten to fourteen days of progesterone every month, control the menstrual cycle well, this is also a commonly used method.

As for menorrhagia, it is usually caused by excessive hyperactivity of the fibrinolytic system, and the use of antifibrinolytics is also a method, with some progesterone, endometrial atrophy with contraceptives also has a good effect, roughly like this kind of drug, can reduce the amount of menstrual bleeding in about 50%.

What are the pitfalls of treating functional uterine bleeding?

There is also a contraceptive ring, where the head contains a ring of progesterone, which can greatly reduce the amount of menstrual bleeding, as for intermenstrual bleeding, if you want children, use ovulation induction drugs, do not want children's contraceptives, and use different drugs to treat different situations.

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