
Essential Kindergarten Skills for 3-Year-Olds! Did your baby get it? Don't let your child lose on these fronts

The 3-year-old baby has reached the age of kindergarten, but the necessary skills before entering the kindergarten, has your baby got it?

Essential Kindergarten Skills for 3-Year-Olds! Did your baby get it? Don't let your child lose on these fronts

Some skills can be learned in kindergarten, but some skills are best mastered before the baby enters the kindergarten, which is beneficial for them to start a new kindergarten life.

So, today we take a look at what 3-year-olds must have kindergarten skills!

1. Self-care ability:

Eat independently: Because if the baby enters the kindergarten, the teacher cannot feed each baby, so it is particularly important to be able to eat by yourself.

Essential Kindergarten Skills for 3-Year-Olds! Did your baby get it? Don't let your child lose on these fronts

If you want to cultivate the baby's ability to eat independently, parents should avoid chasing and feeding, otherwise it is difficult for the baby to develop the habit of eating independently.

Wear and undress, shoes and socks: The baby is best able to wear and undress and shoes and socks by himself, if the child is not yet, then parents should also consciously cultivate the baby's ability in this regard.

Essential Kindergarten Skills for 3-Year-Olds! Did your baby get it? Don't let your child lose on these fronts

Independent toilet: In fact, many babies have happened because they will not go to the toilet by themselves, so once they arrive at kindergarten, they are prone to pee their pants, or they can't bear not to defecate, and then go to the toilet after going home, no matter what the situation is, it is not conducive to the healthy growth of the baby.

If your baby can go to the toilet independently, you can avoid such a situation very well, so that your baby can adapt to kindergarten life more smoothly.

Essential Kindergarten Skills for 3-Year-Olds! Did your baby get it? Don't let your child lose on these fronts

In addition, in order to do their own personal hygiene, the baby also needs to learn to wash his hands, wipe his hands, and even wipe his mouth, wipe his nose, etc.

2. Language skills:

If you enter kindergarten, your baby will start his own social life and need to communicate with teachers and other children, so it is necessary to have a certain language expression ability at this time.

Essential Kindergarten Skills for 3-Year-Olds! Did your baby get it? Don't let your child lose on these fronts

Specifically, it is best for children to have a certain understanding ability, to understand most of the teacher's words, to be able to execute well, and at the same time, to express themselves as clearly as possible and to be able to express their feelings.

3. Athletic ability

After entering the kindergarten, the teacher is bound to organize the babies to carry out some appropriate exercises, so the baby needs to have certain motor skills, such as running, jumping and so on.

4. Hands-on ability

Because after entering kindergarten, many things have to be learned to do by themselves, so the baby also needs to have a certain hands-on ability.

Essential Kindergarten Skills for 3-Year-Olds! Did your baby get it? Don't let your child lose on these fronts

Such as drawing by yourself, flipping through books or organizing things, these abilities can also be slowly learned after the baby enters the kindergarten, and then gradually mastered.

5. Cognitive ability

Cognitive ability is very important, it is the most basic and important of all abilities.

3-year-old babies should recognize and speak most of the things in life as much as possible, and have a simple understanding of their uses, which is also convenient for the baby to communicate better with others.

In addition, parents also need to make the baby aware of the difference between men and women, with a certain gender awareness.

6. Social skills

After entering the kindergarten, children will start to make friends, will have their own social circle, if the child has good social skills at this time, it is good for them to integrate into the new environment, and at the same time, in the process of making new friends, they will not only harvest happiness, but also become more confident.

Essential Kindergarten Skills for 3-Year-Olds! Did your baby get it? Don't let your child lose on these fronts

On the other hand, if the baby's social skills are relatively weak and the process of making friends is not so smooth, it is likely that they will become withdrawn, unconfident, and even unwilling to go to kindergarten.

Therefore, in order to avoid this, parents need to consciously cultivate their babies' social skills and teach them some social skills so that they can better start a new life in kindergarten.

Of course, the development of each baby is different, parents do not need to require their babies to be synchronized with other babies, or to surpass other babies, but at least try to make the baby not too far behind.

Essential Kindergarten Skills for 3-Year-Olds! Did your baby get it? Don't let your child lose on these fronts

If the gap between the baby and the same age is too large, parents should reflect on whether the baby's education is not in place, if so, parents should pay attention to it as soon as possible.

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