
After the baby adds complementary food, how to choose noodles~

After the baby eats complementary foods, it is necessary to follow the standard from thin to thick, from fine to coarse, in other words, after the baby is used to the paste-like food such as rice paste, you can try granular food.

Otherwise, the chewing ability can not be fully exercised, the baby is older you may find that the slightly harder food will be spit out or swallowed immediately without chewing, which not only affects digestion and absorption, but also is not conducive to the digestion and absorption of nutrients.

When it comes to granular foods, fresh noodles are a good choice, and you can try them for your baby in 7 to 9 months.

In the case of choosing baby fresh noodles, you may find that there are too many types, dotted noodles, crushed noodles, faces, butterfly noodles, pasta... Which kind of suitable for which month old baby, is not a little confused

After the baby adds complementary food, how to choose noodles~

1, no additional salt / low sodium

Most of the usual fresh noodles are made with salt in order to better taste and strength.

The sodium component of this ordinary fresh noodle will be 660mg/100g, what is this concept? A 1-year-old baby's daily sodium supply is 700mg, in fact, according to the daily diet can meet the sodium requirements: drink 500ml of formula milk powder per day, plus 1 raw egg, 75g meat, poultry and fish, a small half bowl of white rice, some greens and fresh fruits, similar to 700mg sodium intake.

If the meal is changed to this kind of high-sodium fresh noodles, a meal of 25g, you will ingest 165mg of sodium, very easy to exceed.

Therefore, when choosing fresh noodles, it is necessary to pay attention to the sodium component in the nutrient reference value is not higher than 24mg/100KJ, and if the baby eats it within 1 year of age, it is necessary to remove the fresh noodles with salt added to the ingredient list.

2, should not have the addition of not have

In order to better enhance the taste, some fresh noodles will be added with sweeteners and food preservatives.

Like the general fresh noodles, in addition to salt, industrial ethanol, sorbitol liquid and so on.

If the baby is accustomed to eating such food, the taste becomes deeper, and then it is difficult to make him eat lighter.

3, strengthen the nutritional elements of fresh noodles are more suitable for the baby

The baby's stomach is just a little bigger, of course, every bite of food you eat has to contain nutrients. Fresh noodles are also best fortified with a variety of nutrients. For example: vitamin D, vitamin D, calcium, iron, zinc, etc. On the right side of the figure below are the nutrients that can be selected.

After the baby adds complementary food, how to choose noodles~

4. Choose fresh noodles according to the age of the month

The general fresh noodles are straight and long in different sizes, and they are not very friendly for babies who have just eaten baby food supplements, he can't eat such a strip of food, it is very easy to choke, and he bites continuously.

A more grown baby can eat butterfly noodles, one by one, and he can try to grab and eat them by himself.

While exercising the cognitive ability of the fingers, chewing can also be improved, and the cute appearance can also stimulate the baby's interest in eating.

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