
Yucheng Research Journal: Children grow up in the sun

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Yucheng Research Journal: Children grow up in the sun

Hua Luogeng once said: "Scientific inspiration is by no means something that can be waited for." If there is any chance opportunity for scientific discovery, then this 'chance opportunity' can only be given to those who are literate, to those who are good at independent thinking, to those who have the spirit of perseverance, not to lazy people. ”

On February 19, I came to The Yucheng Childcare Institution and saw the education of cultivating "people", and its training goal is written like this:

To cultivate the core qualities that future society needs to have:

1. Independent personality;

2. Optimistic and positive attitude;

3. Good sociality (care, communication, responsibility, order);

4. Intelligence (observation, comprehension, application, creation, memory);

5. Mobility.

In the future, you can go anywhere in the world and become a happy person.

How does Yucheng Childcare Institution achieve such a training goal? A few small things can be seen from the following small things.

On February 25, Yucheng ushered in the last wave of cold air, and the morning class was for children to build a fire together to drive away the cold. After the circle activity, the children began to make a fire in the open space, in this process, they used matches and muskets, but they were very difficult to catch fire, so they began to find the reason, at first they thought that the fire of the matches and muskets was not big enough, they went to look for dry paper to help burn, lit and put it in the wood pile, found that it was still not OK, only a few small leaves were lit; later they went to directly light the branches, and found that it was because the snow had wet the branches and leaves before, so they had not been lit. So they began looking for dry and flammable materials. At this time, Si Yu proposed that he wanted to drill wood for fire, and some children were very interested, but everyone did not know how to operate, so they began to ask for help from Teacher Tang Manling. Teacher Tang helped them learn by providing a video of drilling wood for fire, and they relied on the video tips to find batteries, dry firewood and tin foil strips (because they did not find tin foil replaced by tin paper strips), and then collaborated on fire experiments. In the process of experimentation, Si Yu found that there was very little dry firewood, and she wanted to make her own wood chips, she found a pencil sharpener, and then selected the right thickness of branches to start making.

Note: Teacher Tang Manling, founder of Yucheng Childcare Institution in Huaihua City, Hunan Province (Yijie Early Education Science Research Institute 0-3 years old experimental base), Yijie guest expert, 10 years of 0-3 years old education practice and research experience, in the 0-3 year old childcare institution curriculum construction has in-depth research.

Yucheng Research Journal: Children grow up in the sun
Yucheng Research Journal: Children grow up in the sun
Yucheng Research Journal: Children grow up in the sun

This was an excellent project-based learning experience for me, and the teachers and children in Yucheng are already very accustomed to this form of learning. They encounter problems, solve problems, and don't have the idea of giving up because they encounter difficulties. In the process, children learn to ask for help, they are adventurous, they connect with others and the world, their communication skills are developed, and they develop good relationships with teachers and peers. When the children asked for help, Mr. Tang did not have a big package, but only provided the children with a bracket so that they could touch their "recent development area".

Vygotsky proposed that everyone has a "recent development zone." In the process of participating in activities with the child, when the child can quickly master a certain skill but cannot complete it independently, the teacher can fully learn this skill by building a learning scaffold in his "recent development area" with wisdom and experience.

Yucheng Research Journal: Children grow up in the sun

On February 28th, my study trip to Yucheng was coming to an end, and the lesson on this day was "Farewell BBQ". In the morning, we put the prepared ingredients outdoors and make a barbecue with the kids. The children were very hands-on and learned how to string the corn more firmly, and hand-eye coordination developed in the process. Dongdong was accidentally burned while roasting corn, and the old man took her to flush under the tap, which made Dongdong feel the feeling of being taken care of by his companions. Peer relationships are an important part of interpersonal relationships, and they play a unique role that adults cannot replace in the process of socialization and all-round physical and mental development of children. Peers are of similar age, have the same interests, and have equal dominance, there will be a free and relaxed atmosphere, children can fully express themselves, discover themselves, affirm themselves, and feel positive and happy psychologically.

Yucheng Research Journal: Children grow up in the sun
Yucheng Research Journal: Children grow up in the sun
Yucheng Research Journal: Children grow up in the sun
Yucheng Research Journal: Children grow up in the sun
Yucheng Research Journal: Children grow up in the sun

Yucheng's curriculum is based on a project-based learning method, the source of the project theme will be based on the season and children's interests, like the aforementioned fire and farewell barbecue are based on the current events of the theme. Such a life-oriented curriculum allows children to get close to nature, close to life, and perceive the changes in the things around them, so as to grow into "real people".

After lunch, the children were going to take a lunch break, but Kang Kang didn't want to sleep, so I took him to play in the sand. On that day, the sun was shining, and Kang Kang was rolling in the sand. He loved the weather and played alone in the bunker for an hour. When he played with the sand, he found that the sand below was relatively wet, so he dug out the sand and basked in the sun. In the process, I did not disturb Kang Kang too much and let him enjoy his time alone. For children, being alone is also an ability.

The ability to be alone

Yucheng Research Journal: Children grow up in the sun
Yucheng Research Journal: Children grow up in the sun

Zhou Guoping wrote in an article: "All soul life in the strict sense of the word unfolds when alone. Talking with others about the past and the present, quoting the scriptures, it is small talk and discussion; only when you immerse yourself in the masterpieces of the masters can you have a real spiritual understanding. Sightseeing with others is just tourism; only when you face the vast mountains and the sea alone, you will really feel the communication with nature. ”

Before the age of 6, children rarely have time alone, they are busy integrating into the surrounding environment, growing up in the company of parents, teachers, and friends. In the company of others, children will often respond to others, follow the thinking of others, and cannot think independently. But when alone, they relax completely, perceive the changes that have taken place in themselves, and look for something they really enjoy. Kang Kang is very focused when he is alone, completely immersed in his own world, relaxing himself and truly connecting with his heart.

In Yucheng, children are respected. Teachers will let them choose what they want to do while ensuring safety. The children in Yucheng are happy from the heart, and the biggest expectation of parents and teachers for them is to be themselves. There are no competitions here, no chases after me, but to understand the world in an exploratory way.

I hope that children can grow up truly and happily in the sun, and teachers and parents do not have to worry and wait for the flowers to bloom.


Author: Yijie Meng Xiaoqing

Editor: Yijie Shen Simin

Review: Yijie Li Junjie

Early education

A Jie family education

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