
Wenno: Children have these 5 behaviors, implying high IQ, parents should not mistake it for bad!

Children with high IQs are actually not only smart and flexible brains, but can also be seen through some small details.

If your child has the following performances, often with a higher IQ than their peers, let's take a look!


I've loved to laugh since I was a kid

Is it true that smiling children are smarter?

In fact, this statement is based on evidence. We all know that a baby is born with crying, and crying is instinctive.

And "laughter" is the result of the close cooperation between the brain and the spirit.

Perception - First of all, the baby already has the ability to distinguish whether external things can make the child feel happy, which proves that the baby's mental activity has begun, and a baby with keen senses and the ability to distinguish is often very smart.

Coordination - Through the joint cooperation of the nervous system and facial muscles, the expression of "laughing" is completed.

Wenno: Children have these 5 behaviors, implying high IQ, parents should not mistake it for bad!

Medical experts at the University of Washington in the United States have studied the relationship between age and intelligence and concluded that children who love to laugh are usually very smart.

In addition, the age at which children can laugh is also one of the important indicators for judging pronunciation. Therefore, the sooner the child will laugh, the higher the IQ and the smarter.

In addition, if you want your child to thrive in laughter, it is really important for parents to respond positively to their child's smile in a timely manner.

The Harvard Child Development Center has a very famous "still face" experiment:

1. At the beginning of the experiment, the mother was full of pampering and gentleness, and the child was also happy.

2, suddenly the mother has no expression, the child finds that something is wrong, and begins to think of ways to attract the attention of the mother.

3, the child is a little confused, tried to do a lot of actions, but the mother is still indifferent.

4, the child began to be uneasy, afraid, and then howled and cried.

This experiment proves to us the importance of interaction between parents and children!

We should not skimp on the praise and smile of the child, and if we still keep the state of forbidden face when responding to the child, it will only hurt the child.


Love to imitate

The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle believed that learning began with imitation.

Child psychologist Merzov found that babies born 2 to 3 weeks old can face-to-face mimic the facial expressions made by adults, including at least sticking out their tongues, opening their mouths and pouting their mouths. He will achieve his learning purpose by constantly imitating.

0-6 years old is called the child's imitation sensitive period, in which the child enters the best period of imitation from the age of 2 to 3.

Wenno: Children have these 5 behaviors, implying high IQ, parents should not mistake it for bad!

Children's imitation is also exploring the outside world, and the key lies in how to guide correctly. If parents can pay attention to the sensitive period of their children's imitation and scientifically guide their children's imitation behavior, their children can give full play to their learning and observation ability and be one step ahead in cognitive ability.



Mom, what is this?

Mom, why should I go to kindergarten?

Why can I still see the moon during the day?

Why can a puppy give birth to a puppy?

More than one mother thinks that the child's words are too much to cause headaches, and always asks strange questions, which is simply a moving "100,000 questions", which makes the old mothers have a headache.

Wenno: Children have these 5 behaviors, implying high IQ, parents should not mistake it for bad!

Britain's "Independent" once conducted an interview with 1500 families, and the data collected showed that the average mother answered nearly 500 questions per week.

In fact, there is a big item of "verbal IQ" in children's IQ assessment. Review studies have shown that most children aged 0-6 years stumble in their speech. If your child is able to utter complete sentences around the age of 2, it means that he has a talent for language. Can be a good group of language and show it, behind this is not the embodiment of logical thinking?

Wenno: Children have these 5 behaviors, implying high IQ, parents should not mistake it for bad!

Children with "talkative" tend to have rich thinking and strong expression skills, and can also reflect excellent observation.

You think, when a child asks a question, he is actually curious and curious about the world.

This act of love of exploration is a good quality for intellectual development. When the child has this kind of performance, parents should not be bored, and they cannot often severely criticize the child on the grounds of "talking too much", which is easy to dampen the child's "desire to express".

Usually, parents can take the initiative to guide their children to express their own ideas and care for their children's curiosity. Of course, in order not to affect others, parents should also do a good job of relevant guidance, such as in the library such as this place to talk as little as possible.


Love "Lifting the Bar"

Many people are taught from an early age that children only listen to adults, especially when they "make mistakes", and once they refute them, they will be more severely criticized, which is actually denying the child's subjective consciousness.

Wenno: Children have these 5 behaviors, implying high IQ, parents should not mistake it for bad!

When children are more than one year old, they begin to slowly form their own "personality", and loving "lifting the bar" is often not deliberately unable to live with their parents, but it shows that they begin to learn to judge the "right and wrong" of things, and it is also a manifestation of the desire to perform, because they want to have the right to speak before raising the bar.

Children who question and oppose are not only quick-thinking, adaptable, and more assertive in personality.

The courage to argue and resist is also a sign of the awakening of personal consciousness, and it is not easy to blindly follow from an early age. This valuable ability is conducive to the long-term development of children.

Wenno: Children have these 5 behaviors, implying high IQ, parents should not mistake it for bad!

Parents should allow their children to justify their actions and listen to the children finish their words, as long as they are not nonsense and issues of principle, there is no need to question what the child says.

Sometimes instead of reprimanding, it is better to "argue" with the child on a reasonable basis and clearly repeat the logic of the reason, so as to exercise the child's logical thinking ability.


Good memory

There is a saying in ancient Greece: memory is the mother of intelligence, it is a necessary condition for the accumulation of knowledge and experience.

Children with good memories, teaching them things effortlessly, quickly remembered, learning efficiency.

Even the words and things that parents have done can always be remembered clearly and inadvertently, which shows that their brain development is relatively sound, that is, the performance of intelligence.

Wenno: Children have these 5 behaviors, implying high IQ, parents should not mistake it for bad!

Memory is the process of encoding, storing and extracting information entered by the human brain from the outside world, so children with strong memory are much stronger than ordinary people in terms of concentration, observation, imagination and logical thinking.

The above five points, take a look at what time your children are in?

Almost all parents want their children to have a high IQ, and although IQ is related to innate factors, nurturing is also very important.

In fact, every child has his own talent and shining points. The true meaning of education is to adapt to the different characteristics of each child and then teach according to their aptitudes, encourage children to explore their inner interests and hobbies, and get happiness from them.

Compared with high IQ, it is the most important thing to let children have a rich background and a sunny temperament, do you think?

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