
Wenno: 9 of the 10 babies love to "punch" the mother's face, it is really not a coincidence!

Speaking of "being beaten by the baby", presumably many mothers are already "experienced", right?

You never know at what point your baby will "physically attack" you.

Hold it well, you can suddenly give you a slap on the "pia", by the way, a small hand grab, so that the few hairs that are already few are missing a few... It's pretty bald.

Once or twice, he can also smile and praise "the baby's strength is really big", the key is that the more he fights, the more he fights, the more times he can't help but be a little confused:

Why did your baby punch me in the face? If you beat someone at a young age, do you want to make rules for him?

Babies "hit people" ≠ attack you

First of all, don't misunderstand, in fact, the baby within 1 and a half years old "hits people", does not mean that he loves to attack, or has a violent tendency, but he is exploring.

Because from about the age of 1, the motor skills of the baby's hands have developed greatly, and he has become more and more proficient in using his "hands".

Whether it's touching or scratching, it's his practice of "touching" and exploring ways to interact with you.

Wenno: 9 of the 10 babies love to "punch" the mother's face, it is really not a coincidence!

Occasionally you feel that the baby is heavy, and you really can't blame him, because a seemingly simple touch action actually requires the baby to coordinate the hands and even the body muscles.

For babies whose fine movements and large movements have not yet developed well, it is too normal to not be able to control the weight.

Even at the age of 2, you don't expect your baby to make the difference between touching, patting, and hitting.

So sometimes you think your baby is hitting you, but he's actually just saying "I want to touch you."

Why does babies love to "punch" their mother in the face?

Generally speaking, babies "hit people" mostly because they are excited and liked, so if you have to ask, why is it always the old mother who is beaten... That's because your baby likes you the most.

Babies will not only distinguish between familiar and strangers, but also have a "sorting" of intimacy for family members, and nature that usually takes care of the baby the most and has the closest relationship is the first to bear the brunt.

Wenno: 9 of the 10 babies love to "punch" the mother's face, it is really not a coincidence!

When holding the baby, your line of sight is level with him, the baby feels close when he sees the mother's face, and as a result, the "touch" does not control the strength, and it becomes "beating".

In this way, the mother's face naturally became a "battered area".

How to deal with the baby's total "hit" person?

Speaking of which, you must be asking:

That is always beaten is not ok, not only is it easy to be "injured", if you do not stop it, the baby still thinks that it is allowed, will it develop into a casual beating in the future?

However, you must have tried a lot of methods, whether it is shouting pain, reasoning, or even fighting back, basically no effect.

If nothing else, the baby will be able to slap you happily in the next second...

The problem is that the emoticon feedback you give to your baby is so interesting that he will only find this interaction fun, but it will further strengthen the act of punching you in the face.

Wenno: 9 of the 10 babies love to "punch" the mother's face, it is really not a coincidence!

In fact, the best way is to "no response", do not make a particularly exaggerated expression, do not give the baby a special response, and first remain calm.

Afterwards you can guide your baby like this:

"Babies can't hit here, but you can clap your hands with your mother."

Then reach out your palm and give your baby a high-five to give your baby feedback that "it's happier to do this."

Replace your baby's beating behavior with friendly behavior, and every time you high-five him, you can respond to your baby with exaggerated expressions and voices, believing that he will be "addicted" in a few times.

The baby is still young and cannot control his behavior well, so it is useless to be reasonable a lot of times, so it is better to "divert attention" in another way.

The first meaning of being a mother: to remain calm and guide appropriately.

To know that the baby's world is very simple, what bad eyes can he have? Just wanted to become more intimate with you.

For babies, it is not clear what a beating is, and they express their love for intimate people through interaction with their parents, which becomes a "beating" due to uncontrollable force.

In the face of a baby who can't distinguish between the weight and the weight of the hand, parents should not be in a hurry, guide the baby according to the appropriate method, and help the baby express love in the right way.

In the days of taking a baby, who has not been "beaten" a few times, and how do you cope?

Hurry up to the message area to discuss and share it~

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