
Wenno: Babies learn to walk, and most parents are helping! Learn the right way to walk, do it!

With the continuous popularization of science, many parents also know that walkers cannot help their babies to learn, but there are various safety problems. Although parents have given up the walker, but new problems have emerged, and recently received a message from many parents "Can you recommend a toddler belt?" "You can walk a few steps while supporting your baby's body, but you can't walk, what should you do?"

Because there are more messages, can not reply one by one, today we will talk about the baby toddler those things!

Wenno: Babies learn to walk, and most parents are helping! Learn the right way to walk, do it!

During the baby's toddler period, holding him to learn to walk is purely a help

In the park or community, it is often seen that parents hold the baby or use the toddler belt to let the baby "learn to walk", and they are still tired of back pain, and then complain that the child is really tired. As everyone knows, doing so is really laborious and unflattering.

Holding the baby to walk, it is easy to form the baby's wrong walking habits, such as tiptoeing;

Holding the baby to walk, it is easy to cause damage to the baby's bones, and adults who do not pay attention to the tract will lead to the baby's arm fracture or dislocation;

Adults lead the baby away, which is not conducive to the development of the baby's vestibular balance ability;

Too much intervention by parents will easily make the baby's dependence stronger.

Toddler the right way to do this

The baby's development follows the law of development, can not be forced, go with the flow, parents create conditions for exercise. The baby develops fast, the parents are not so tired, and the "lazy" on the parenting road can be stolen.

The premise of the baby's ability to walk is that the lower limbs must have enough strength and the body's balance ability to walk.

In fact, at the age of a small month, looking up, turning over, sitting, crawling, standing alone, etc. are all exercises of balance and limb strength.

If these forces are not reached, the baby will naturally not be able to walk independently.

Wenno: Babies learn to walk, and most parents are helping! Learn the right way to walk, do it!

How to exercise lower limb strength?

When the baby is standing, put a toy on the ground, and the adult supports the baby's hands or armpits to let the baby crouch down and pick up the toy. You can do it 10 to 20 times, twice a day.

You can also prepare a small stool for your baby to sit, stand up, and practice many times.

Doing so can make the baby's lower limb muscles get a good exercise, and the increase in leg strength is of great help to the baby's standing and walking afterwards.

This kind of exercise is suitable for 9 or 10 months of baby, this stage of the baby more turning over, sitting, crawling has basically no problem, the lower limbs have a certain strength.

Before walking independently, practice walking

The so-called helper can let the baby stand next to the sofa or low table, use toys to tease the baby, let him walk along the sofa or table to the side.

When there is no problem with the baby taking away, you can hand the baby a toy or food he likes to eat, so that he has to let go. You can also have your baby stand with his back against the couch, teasing him with a toy and reaching forward as far as possible to get something.

Even if it is not successful once or twice, it does not matter, parents do not have to be discouraged, practice more, as long as the development is normal, there is no need to worry.

Wenno: Babies learn to walk, and most parents are helping! Learn the right way to walk, do it!

Is it normal for babies to walk early? Is it harmful?

Generally about 1 year old baby will continue to walk, if 18 months old still can not walk, it is recommended to visit the hospital to see if there are developmental problems.

Recently, I received some parents' messages "The baby is 10 months old, there is no deliberate teaching, but he will walk independently, is there any relationship?" ”

Some babies walk early, some babies walk late, like this kind of spontaneous behavior of the baby, the body is ready to walk, and naturally walks. Parents also don't have to worry.

Create more conditions for the baby to exercise, each baby's flowering period is different, parents do not overly anxious, wait for the flowers to bloom!

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