
Pregnant mothers eat the wrong things, will affect the baby's "IQ", the following foods are best not to eat during pregnancy

This article is original by Tuanzi Ma parenting, welcome personal comments and sharing

Perhaps for every pregnant mother, it is most painful not to "eat and drink" during pregnancy, and Tuanzi's mother has also experienced this period of time, but it made me feel bad at that time.

Pregnant mothers eat the wrong things, will affect the baby's "IQ", the following foods are best not to eat during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the food that pregnant mothers eat every day will be directly related to the growth and development of the baby in our stomachs, so for diet, every pregnant mother cannot be sloppy. But there are some mothers who can't keep their mouths shut, and always like to eat some strange food, which will lead to some problems.

Expectant mothers are not afraid to eat during pregnancy, which almost affects the IQ level of the fetus

Xiao Man after 00 is already a mother-to-be, and Xiao Man likes to eat peppers before pregnancy, but after pregnancy, her husband as a doctor specifically told Xiao Man to avoid eating, especially spicy food.

Pregnant mothers eat the wrong things, will affect the baby's "IQ", the following foods are best not to eat during pregnancy

But Xiao Man is a person who is not spicy and unhappy, and every time he can't help it, he steals food behind his husband's back. On this day, Xiao Man was caught by her husband when she stole food, and when she waited for her husband to speak, Xiao Man was aggrieved, her pregnancy was too hard, she couldn't eat well, and she couldn't sleep well.

The husband also feels very helpless, but for the sake of the fetus, or and Xiao Man talked about a lot of drawbacks of uncontrolled diet during pregnancy, which will affect the baby's appearance and IQ, although Xiao Man still wants to say something, but once he hears the IQ that affects the child, he finally holds back.

Pregnant mothers eat the wrong things, will affect the baby's "IQ", the following foods are best not to eat during pregnancy

Pregnant mothers eat these kinds of foods, and the baby born may be "low IQ"

Pregnant mothers during pregnancy, can not quit their usual small habits is also a normal phenomenon, but some food if not taboo, will be harmful to the fetus, but also reduce the baby's IQ.

Food that tastes very salty

Many people have a heavy taste, like to put more salt when cooking, and for those pickles, they are not rejected, but these heavy flavor foods, eating too much will make pregnant women lose hair, hair loss, and also affect the memory of pregnant women.

Pregnant mothers eat the wrong things, will affect the baby's "IQ", the following foods are best not to eat during pregnancy

In addition, too salty food also has an impact on the development of the fetus, especially brain development, reducing the baby's IQ, so it is recommended that pregnant mothers in pregnancy diet or to be light, eat less or do not eat very salty food.

Food that tastes very sour

In the folk, there have always been rumors of "sour children and spicy women", so many mothers will deliberately eat some sour foods in order to have a son, but the taste of too sour food will reduce the PH value in the blood of pregnant mothers, affect the baby's brain development, and directly reduce the baby's IQ.

Whether or not the boy can be born at that time is not known, and it is very likely that a "stupid baby" will be born. Therefore, pregnant mothers should still eat cautiously as well.

Pregnant mothers eat the wrong things, will affect the baby's "IQ", the following foods are best not to eat during pregnancy

Msg and other spices

The condiments such as monosodium glutamate or chicken essence that we eat every day contain ingredients such as "sodium glutamate", which will affect the absorption of some trace elements in the pregnant mother's body, the most obvious of which is the "zinc" element.

If the pregnant mother is seriously deficient in zinc during pregnancy, then it is likely to affect the baby's intellectual development and vision development, so pregnant mothers are best to eat less or not eat MSG, chicken essence and other spices during pregnancy.

Pregnant mothers eat the wrong things, will affect the baby's "IQ", the following foods are best not to eat during pregnancy

Leaded food

"Lead" this kind of food, for the baby's intellectual development can have a great impact, want to give birth to a high IQ baby, pregnant mothers to avoid contact with "lead" food, such as puffed food, peeled eggs, etc., are relatively high lead content of food.

If you want your baby to be smart, expectant mothers can supplement these nutrients

Iron: Iron can promote the production of red blood cells, and red blood cells are important to the development of the fetus, but also transport the nutrients needed in the blood, want the baby to be smart, the mother should pay more attention to iron supplementation.

Pregnant mothers eat the wrong things, will affect the baby's "IQ", the following foods are best not to eat during pregnancy

Zinc: Zinc deficiency will hinder the development of the fetus's mind and body shape, so it is important for pregnant women to supplement zinc;

Folic acid: not only should we pay attention to folic acid supplementation before pregnancy, but also pay attention to folic acid supplementation in the first trimester, because folic acid will directly affect the development of the fetal brain and spinal cord, if there is a lack of folic acid, the intelligence of the natural fetus will be affected.

Pregnant mothers eat the wrong things, will affect the baby's "IQ", the following foods are best not to eat during pregnancy

In addition to diet, pregnant women use this thing, which can also cause fetal intelligence

When I went to buy breakfast in the morning, I saw a pregnant mother eating breakfast. In order to use without cleaning, the breakfast shop is covered with a white plastic bag on the bowl, so that although it looks more hygienic, the harm behind the human body is also very large.

The main components of plastic bags are: polyethylene and polypropylene, the composition is not easy to decompose, when encountering high temperatures, harmful substances will penetrate into the food, the harm to the human body is very large, and even carcinogenic.

Pregnant mothers eat the wrong things, will affect the baby's "IQ", the following foods are best not to eat during pregnancy

Especially for pregnant women, it should be far away from these household garbage, research shows that too much exposure of pregnant women to plastic products, will lead to fetal intelligence, will be lower about 6 points, for the future learning and into society has a great impact.

Tuanzi Mama wants to say:

Today's pregnant mothers are more inclined to pay attention to their own feelings after pregnancy, but some small habits after pregnancy should still be paid attention to, after all, it is from one person to two people, which is not only good for themselves, but also good for the baby.

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