
Big data doesn't care about what you think, it just domesticates you as an animal, and some parents do the same with their children

Have you ever encountered a situation where you just thought about something, and then for a while, you will see ads for this thing on various apps and websites? So you feel like you're being watched by your cell phone, and big data seems to know exactly what you're thinking.

It's true that you're being watched, but it's just your behavior, not your thoughts.

Maybe it's a record of your search that makes big data think you're interested in this, and then it's going to go crazy and stuff what it thinks you're interested in.

Big data doesn't care about what you think, it just domesticates you as an animal, and some parents do the same with their children

This is the so-called precision marketing, in fact, it is just a false proposition, just like the scam call, playing with probability, big data can not know what you are thinking.

It doesn't matter what you're thinking, it just makes you think you're thinking that way.

In essence, it is just based on your behavior, labeling you with various labels, and then according to these labels, recommending relevant content or products to you, making you think that you really think so, and then constantly reinforcing your illusion, until you solidify your thinking and make you fall into an information cocoon.

Big data doesn't care about what you think, it just domesticates you as an animal, and some parents do the same with their children

The essence of this logic, like the theory of the behaviorist school of psychology, is to domesticate people as animals, and then continuously strengthen them in the same way to achieve the purpose of captivity.

Captivity is about allowing you to consume or take up your time to use a certain software or website.

The longer you use this software, the more commercial value it has, the more ads there are, and the two-way harvest belongs to yes.

Big data doesn't care about what you think, it just domesticates you as an animal, and some parents do the same with their children

For example, if you watch a video, or play a game, you will find it interesting at first, and over time, the threshold for you to feel happy will become higher, and it will become more and more difficult to get happy through these things.

So the game is constantly updated, and the form of entertainment is constantly changing.

Because you are human, not animal.

People are subjectively motivated and self-aware.

The behaviorist school of psychology advocates that all human behaviors are learned, and that personality and behavior can be changed by changing the environment and doing corresponding training.

As mentioned earlier, behaviorism equates man with animals, only studies human behavior, does not understand man's inner nature, and many times applies the results of experiments done on animals directly to people.

Big data doesn't care about what you think, it just domesticates you as an animal, and some parents do the same with their children

The four mythical beasts of psychology: Pavlov's dog, Tolman's mouse, Skinner's pigeon and Thorndike's cat, are all from the behaviorist genre, and interested friends can go to see the relevant experiments and conclusions.

Big data doesn't care about what you think, it just domesticates you as an animal, and some parents do the same with their children

There are some theories that do have some practicality, because humans do have animal properties. Keep in mind, though, that every school of psychology is limited and one-sided.

Big data doesn't care about what you think, it just domesticates you as an animal, and some parents do the same with their children

John Watson, the founder of the behaviorist school, famously said:

Give me a dozen healthy babies, and the environment that suits me to nurture them, and train them to be whatever I want, to become doctors, lawyers, artists, entrepreneurs, and even beggar thieves.

Of course he didn't, but he did one of the infamous experiments in the history of psychology, the Little Albert Fear Experiment.

As a result, he had a normal 9-month-old baby, suffering from severe phobias, afraid of all hairy animals, and later developed to fear even the bearded Santa Claus.

Big data doesn't care about what you think, it just domesticates you as an animal, and some parents do the same with their children

Comparison of attitudes toward mice and rabbits before and after Little Albert's experiments

Big data doesn't care about what you think, it just domesticates you as an animal, and some parents do the same with their children

Little Albert died of cerebral edema at the age of 6, and interested friends can search for experimental details.

Watson applied his parenting theory to his three children, and the end result was that all three of them suffered from severe depression. The eldest son committed suicide in his thirties, the daughter committed suicide several times in adulthood, accompanied by serious psychological problems throughout her life, and the younger son ran away from home and wandered for many years.

His parenting theory has been sought after by Americans from abandonment decades ago, and sadly, in recent years, some domestic childcare institutions have enshrined these foreign garbage as treasures, packaging Watson's theory as American parenting law and publicizing it.

Big data doesn't care about what you think, it just domesticates you as an animal, and some parents do the same with their children

The most famous is the so-called cry immunization method, that is, when the child cries, do not care about the ta, so that the ta can be cultivated independently.

There is also the delayed gratification training method and the infant independent complete sleep method

Watson proposed: People are machines, and what kind of shaping and training you input into your children will get what kind of results.

How many children have this poisoned!

Watson himself, whose influence in the field of psychology at that time was second only to Freud, was forced to quit the psychology world because of cheating on his female students, and then entered the advertising industry with great success, and modern marketing talked about brand value, brand loyalty, and marketing by taking advantage of the situation, all of which were left over from Watson's play.

And this set of big data play is to follow Watson's theory, constantly feed you with similar content, and make you feel that those handsome and beautiful women with filters eat and drink videos are the real life, is what life should look like.

Over time, you will be inseparable from these videos, you can briefly feel some pleasure when watching, return to reality and feel lost, and finally be circled into a frog at the bottom of the well, thinking that big data understands you very well, knows your ideas, and recommends all the goods, food, and videos recommended to you.

Big data doesn't care about what you think, it just domesticates you as an animal, and some parents do the same with their children

Are you sure? Seriously, you don't necessarily know what you're thinking or wanting.

You think that's their life, but that's their job.

The pan-entertainment and consumerism that makes you addicted to it are nipple music.

In 1995, U.S. National Security Adviser Brzezinski argued that rising productivity would be accompanied by increased competition, and that 80 percent of the world's population would be marginalized, that they would not have to and could not participate in the production and service of products, and that 80 percent of wealth would be in the hands of another 20 percent. In order to comfort the "abandoned" people in society and avoid class conflicts, one way is to let companies mass-produce "nipples" - let addictive entertainment and sensory stimulus products (such as: internet, television, short videos) fill people's lives, divert their attention and dissatisfaction, and make them immersed in "happiness" and unconsciously lose the ability to think about real problems.

Big data doesn't care about what you think, it just domesticates you as an animal, and some parents do the same with their children

I believe that no one wants to be domesticated and captive by others as animals, if you do not want to be hypnotized by this technological fortune telling, it is enough to do two things: learn new knowledge and maintain independent thinking.

Also protect your privacy.

It's like the nipple music theory I just mentioned, if I don't explain, you don't know, but if you can search for it yourself, it means that you can think independently.

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