
Babies always sleep "full bed rolling", don't think the baby is restless, they are sending a signal to you

When babies learn to turn over, the bed seems to become their battlefield, and in the morning they can often be seen lying on the bed or lying on the bed in various strange positions, and whenever they change their posture, they will be accompanied by a soft "humming" sound.

When the baby can't speak, all their emotions and physical states can only be expressed through actions and meaningless tones, and parents must not feel that the child is just annoying and noisy, and his behavior is telling their emotions.

Babies always sleep "full bed rolling", don't think the baby is restless, they are sending a signal to you

Why does your baby "roll over the bed" after falling asleep?

First of all, the baby cries in the middle of the night or sleeps unsteadily, it is very likely that he feels uncomfortable, compared to the urine pulled, there are some reasons that can not be seen from the outside will cause the child to feel uncomfortable, the most common reason is the baby's stomach flatulence.

The baby's digestive system and intestines are not mature, so parents need to help vent, otherwise it is easy to cause children's gastrointestinal colic.

After feeding the baby, you can let the baby lie on the shoulder of the parent in a lying position, and have a hand gently pat the back of the child until the baby burps, which is what the old people often call "hiccup". The baby will not control his desire very well, and he is very eager to eat milk, which causes a large amount of air to enter the baby's stomach with the milk, if not exhaust in time, the baby is easy to spit up.

Babies always sleep "full bed rolling", don't think the baby is restless, they are sending a signal to you

Exhaust exercise is also a very useful method, half an hour after the child has finished feeding, let the child lie on his back on the bed, the parent will rub his hands hot, slowly rub about eight times around the child's navel around the circle, and then use both hands to pull down from the child's stomach fifteen times.

Gently hold your baby's ankles and curl up with your legs together toward your baby's belly, or you can alternately curl up in the direction of your belly with your legs, like pedaling a bicycle.

Or let the baby lie on his back, use the baby's left hand to reach the right knee, and use the right hand to find the left knee. Finally, stand up your baby's legs upright and squeeze them in the direction of your stomach. In this way, the effect of exhaust can be achieved.

For the baby's posture is also exquisite, during the day let the baby lie on the bed, which can not only reduce the baby's flatulence, but also effectively prevent the baby's head from lying flat or uneven left and right.

The pacifier is another reason that is easy to overlook, pay attention to whether the baby's nipple size is appropriate, if the nipple is too large, the baby will suck air into the abdomen when sucking.

Babies always sleep "full bed rolling", don't think the baby is restless, they are sending a signal to you

The second is the discomfort caused by the baby's constipation.

As mentioned above, your baby's digestive system is not yet mature, and constipation is a common phenomenon. If the baby is three months old, then parents can properly train the baby to defecate regularly every day, as far as possible after twenty minutes after the meal, which can help the baby establish a stool reflex.

Also pay attention to the baby's diet, breastfeeding response is small, mostly because of insufficient amount of breast milk. Milk-fed babies are prone to constipation due to the large amount of casein in the formula. In fact, the four-month-old baby can appropriately add complementary foods to supplement nutrition, give the baby a little more porridge, and supplement vitamins.

Again, it may be that the baby misses the mother.

Most babies before the age of one will have separation anxiety, especially when they are seven to nine months old. There are a few ways parents can help their baby get through this period as quickly as possible.

First, it is to ensure the safety and quiet of the surrounding environment, and then you can accompany the baby to sleep, gently pat when the baby is tossing and turning, let the baby know that his mother has been with her, even if it is sleeping, it will not leave, giving the baby a sense of security.

Second, you can also let your child have a toy that comforts themselves, the furry one is the best, or it can be a furry blanket. The furry touch can well calm the baby's uneasiness, so that the baby also has an emotional sustenance when the parents are not there, and there is an object that can be relied on and trusted.

Babies always sleep "full bed rolling", don't think the baby is restless, they are sending a signal to you

Third, every time you leave or leave the baby's sight, say "goodbye" to the baby or tell the baby's mother to leave a little, do not suddenly disappear, so that the baby is unprepared. Leave more time to say goodbye to your baby and stop forcibly separating when your baby is still crying.

Finally, make a commitment to your child and do your best to keep it. Let the baby know how long you will be away, let the baby have an accurate waiting period, then the baby's fear of separation will be much smaller.

There is also a situation that the baby itself is very active, so after learning to turn over, sleep will crawl and roll, such a situation is only caused by the child's natural personality.

Babies always sleep "full bed rolling", don't think the baby is restless, they are sending a signal to you

In short, the child's every move has his reasons and meanings, parents must carefully observe and understand their babies, after all, for them, there is really no other way to express their discomfort and mood, enjoy the baby's dependence on themselves, grow up with the baby, and work together.

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