
Hands and feet, bad breath, farting... Do you know the newborn "distress signal"?

Newborns can't speak, and can only tell parents "I'm not comfortable" with crying, foot and foot pedaling, etc., but many people can't understand the baby's needs and ideas.

You will also be very confused: why is it so difficult to carry the baby!

In addition to the above mentioned, the baby may also have bad breath, hold his breath, fart and other situations, in fact, these are the "distress signals" issued by the baby.

First, the baby's flatulence

The baby behaves like this: crying, kicking legs and blushing.

Babies within 3 months are most prone to flatulence due to immature intestinal function.

You can do this:

1. Let the baby lie on his back, grasp the baby's two calves with both hands, and give the baby exercise in the posture of pedaling the bicycle.

Purpose: To discharge the flatulence in the abdomen by squeezing the abdomen.

2. Gently push from top to bottom with the palm of your hand on your baby's abdomen, or massage in a semicircular direction clockwise. Pay attention to the force and movement must be accurate, otherwise it will be counterproductive.

Hands and feet, bad breath, farting... Do you know the newborn "distress signal"?

Purpose: To help your baby with a massage.

In addition, after the baby finishes feeding, be sure to burp in time to avoid flatulence.

If the baby's flatulence is more serious, or there is fever, pallor, repeated vomiting, blood in the stool, etc., see a doctor in time.

2. Intestinal colic

The baby behaves like this: constantly crying, legs and feet are scrambling when crying, painful expressions appear, high-pitched crying, legs curled up, etc.

If the baby's crying or irritability lasts longer than 3 hours a day, at least 3 days a week, and lasts for more than 3 weeks, it can basically be judged as colic.

It usually occurs at 2 weeks of age, peaks at 6 to 7 weeks, and resolves spontaneously at 3 to 4 months.

At present, it is believed that intestinal colic is caused by abnormal gastrointestinal motility, intestinal dysbiosis, lactose intolerance, food allergies and other reasons, but there is no conclusive evidence.

1, If it is caused by bloating, you can follow the above massage method to relieve the symptoms.

2, if it is caused by the baby's anxiety, you can change the familiar person to comfort the baby, or hold the baby around.

Hands and feet, bad breath, farting... Do you know the newborn "distress signal"?

3, let the baby lie on the chest or body, so that the baby's stomach is subjected to a certain pressure, which will make him feel comfortable, while you can stroke the baby's back.

3. Bad breath

Baby bad breath or odor, most of the reasons may not be the cause of the mouth, but intestinal problems, such as indigestion, constipation, etc., should be paid attention to.

Caused by indigestion, the amount of milk should be reduced to reduce the burden on the stomach and intestines.

Caused by constipation, you can properly add water to the baby to avoid too dry stools.

At the same time, breastfeeding mothers avoid foods that are too greasy and eat a lighter diet.

In addition, the cause of bad breath is the baby's oral problem. Therefore, after breastfeeding or before going to bed at night, clean your baby's mouth with gauze dipped in warm water, or rinse your mouth with warm boiled water after breastfeeding.

Hands and feet, bad breath, farting... Do you know the newborn "distress signal"?

Fourth, there are many farts

Farting is something everyone has, and babies are no exception. You can understand the baby's health through the situation of the baby's fart.

1, loud fart

If the baby farts very loud, and intermittent, no taste, but also accompanied by the grunting of the stomach, it may be that the baby is hungry, timely feeding the baby on the line.

It's also possible that your baby is eating too much air while feeding, causing hiccups or farting.

In this case, burp after the baby has finished feeding.

Specific method:

Holding the child upright, letting the child lie on the shoulder, holding the hollow hand, and patting the child's back can effectively drain the air and prevent the baby from spitting up.

2, more farts

It may be that the baby inhaled air during feeding, or it may be flatulence, intestinal colic and so on.

If it is caused by flatulence, you can help relieve your baby's discomfort by massaging and stroking. If you find that your baby has other abnormalities, you must go to the hospital in time.

3, stinky fart

If your baby often farts or burps constantly and has a sour smell, it may be that the baby has indigestion.

When the child consumes too much fat and protein, the spleen and stomach can not digest and absorb in time, it will remain in the body, these substances will slowly ferment in the body, acid production, gas production.

Reduce the amount of milk appropriately so that the baby's stomach and intestines can be rested.

Give your baby some water to drink to help relieve it.

Breastfeeding moms avoid foods that are too greasy and eat a lighter diet.

4, fart with rice

Hands and feet, bad breath, farting... Do you know the newborn "distress signal"?

This condition is more common in breastfed babies and is called breast-milk diarrhea.

The high content of prostaglandins in breast milk promotes the movement of smooth muscles in the small intestine, increases the secretion of water and electrolytes and produces loose stools.

It's normal for parents not to make a fuss about this.

The older baby farts with feces, mostly because of the intake of too much starch, appropriate increase in fat and protein intake can be improved.

In addition, other gastrointestinal disease factors, such as indigestion, bacterial infections, intestinal dysbacteriosis, etc., are not excluded, and if necessary, go to the hospital.


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Hands and feet, bad breath, farting... Do you know the newborn "distress signal"?
Hands and feet, bad breath, farting... Do you know the newborn "distress signal"?
Hands and feet, bad breath, farting... Do you know the newborn "distress signal"?
Hands and feet, bad breath, farting... Do you know the newborn "distress signal"?
Hands and feet, bad breath, farting... Do you know the newborn "distress signal"?

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