
What should I do about IVF, flatulence after egg retrieval? Teach you two tricks to easily get back to the best!

Nowadays, as the pace of life becomes faster and faster, people's lives become complex, and more and more people are beginning to face reproductive challenges.

According to statistics, about 1 million couples worldwide are seeking assisted reproductive treatment every year.

What should I do about IVF, flatulence after egg retrieval? Teach you two tricks to easily get back to the best!

For these people, IVF technology undoubtedly exists like a savior, not only can they conceive a baby as they wish, but also enable them to regain their confidence in life and look forward to a better life in the future.

Having said that, ivy tube pregnancy preparation is not a one-time thing, but also a matter that requires the attention of expectant parents. Especially in the two links of ovulation promotion and transplantation, these two stages are directly related to the success or failure of test tubes, and it is also easier to cause physical discomfort to expectant mothers in these two stages.

Last week, A few people in question asked mothers-to-be about small olives: "What should I do if my stomach rises after egg retrieval?" Is ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome already present? ”

What should I do about IVF, flatulence after egg retrieval? Teach you two tricks to easily get back to the best!

In fact, it is normal for expectant mothers to experience symptoms of flatulence after egg retrieval.

In the IVF treatment cycle, the doctor will use ovulation induction drugs to make multiple follicles grow, so as to get as many eggs as possible at once, and when multiple follicles mature and grow, the patient will feel bloated, and egg retrieval will make the bloating more obvious, especially in patients with a large number of follicles, high estrogen will produce ascites, so they will feel more bloated.

But this feeling of flatulence is also related to the patient's threshold for pain.

Patients with high thresholds may not feel anything, while patients with low thresholds may feel uncomfortable, even painful.

What should I do about IVF, flatulence after egg retrieval? Teach you two tricks to easily get back to the best!

However, the situation of flatulence will naturally subside, and generally lasts from half a day to two days after egg retrieval, during which we need to pay attention to the following points:

First, diet

1. Supplement protein

Appropriate amount of protein supplementation can alleviate the situation of abdominal pain, protein supplementation can promote the effective excretion of ascites, and protein components provide energy to the body, which can promote the recovery of the ovaries and prevent ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.

2. Take in enough water

Similarly, supplementing enough water to promote urine formation, reduce the production of ascites, reduce the feeling of bloating, is also conducive to the recovery of the ovaries, especially for patients with many eggs, can effectively prevent ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.

What should I do about IVF, flatulence after egg retrieval? Teach you two tricks to easily get back to the best!

Second, the aspect of life

1, pay attention to rest, to avoid sudden changes in position, daily activities should be light, slow, stable, to avoid fatigue.

2. Strenuous activities, baths, intercourse, and vaginal irrigation are prohibited.

3, maintain a happy mood, a good mental state is also conducive to alleviating the problem of stomach distension after egg retrieval, maintaining their own mood, restlessness will increase the burden of the body, but will aggravate the symptoms of stomach distension.

If through the above relief methods, the expectant mother still feels other discomforts, such as finding symptoms such as slowly enlarging the stomach, then it is necessary to contact the attending doctor of reproduction in time and go to the hospital for medical treatment. After the reproductive attending physician's professional judgment determines that ascites is not produced, then the expectant mother can go home and rest more and continue to adjust according to the above relief method.

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