
Death in danger! Women play mahjong all night to win cards too excited suddenly brain hemorrhage

Proper entertainment can be pleasant to the body and mind, but everything must be done according to one's ability, otherwise the force is too strong, and leisure becomes tragic. Just this past New Year's Day holiday, a woman in Huai'an, Jiangsu Province, was sent to the ICU because she played mahjong all night, Hu Pai was excited, and suddenly had acute cerebral hemorrhage.

Death in danger! Women play mahjong all night to win cards too excited suddenly brain hemorrhage

On January 1, in Huai'an, Jiangsu Province, when Ms. Chen, 52, played mahjong all night, she was too excited to win the card and was urgently sent to the hospital for acute cerebral hemorrhage.

The doctor introduced: "Because I was going to win the card at that time, I was very happy and excited, so I suddenly fainted when I wanted to play the card, and I was incontinent, and I vomited a lot. ”

Death in danger! Women play mahjong all night to win cards too excited suddenly brain hemorrhage

Cerebral hemorrhage, also known as cerebral hemorrhage, refers to the rupture and bleeding of microvessels in the brain, which is more likely to occur in the cold winter. The etiology is mostly related to hypertension and arteriosclerosis, which is urgent and rapidly progressing, and is one of the fatal diseases in the middle-aged and elderly. This Ms. Chen, who is sick with mahjong, usually has high blood pressure, but has not been systematically treated. Therefore, the doctor reminds that there should be a limit to entertainment, and patients with hypertension must control their emotions and pay attention to observing their own condition. The data showed that 50% of patients who developed cerebral hemorrhage had aura symptoms.

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