
What are the complications of IVF in the third generation?

In the process of three generations of IVF, certain complications will also occur. One of the most obvious is ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. and ectopic pregnancy and other complications. Regarding these specific situations, let AA69 Fertility talk to you.

Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome is the most common complication of the IVF process, occurring in 3% to 14% and severe disease in 0.5% to 3%. Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome is due to the use of ovulation induction drugs, resulting in the development of multiple follicles in the ovaries, increased capillary permeability, causing a large amount of fluid in the blood to penetrate out of the blood vessels, resulting in hemoconcentration, blood volume reduction, oliguria, ascites, pleural fluid, etc., and even the risk of death in severe cases.

What are the complications of IVF in the third generation?

In the event of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, patients may have abdominal distention, abdominal pain, some nausea, vomiting and other gastrointestinal symptoms, and in more severe cases, there will be obvious bloating, decreased urine output, inability to lie flat, breathing difficulties and other discomforts. There are some people who are more likely to develop ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome during IVF fertility: such as too many follicles (greater than 20), sensitive to stimulation of ovulation-stimulating drugs, young, thin and short women, high estrogen levels (estradiol levels greater than 3000 picograms per milliliter on the day of night injections), pregnancy, etc. Countermeasures: During the treatment process, if there is a tendency to overstimulate, the doctor will generally recommend canceling the transfer, freezing the embryos, and waiting for the body to recover before performing the transplant.

Once ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome occurs, do not be afraid, you can treat it in time. Mild and moderate ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome can mostly recover spontaneously and can be improved by eating fewer meals, supplementing with more high protein, and urinating more. Severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome often requires hospitalization because of severe symptoms.

What are the complications of IVF in the third generation?

Ectopic pregnancy refers to the implantation of the embryo in a place other than the uterine cavity, most commonly seen in the fallopian tubes, and a few can also be seen in the ovaries, cervix, uterine horns, abdominal cavity, spleen, etc. Its incidence is about 3% to 5%, ectopic pregnancy in the early stage of the performance is the same as normal early pregnancy, but because the implantation site is not suitable for embryonic development, as the embryo grows, placental tissue grows into the implantation site, patients can have vaginal bleeding, one side of the lower abdomen pain and other uncomfortable symptoms, but when the pregnancy site ruptures, it may bleed heavily, and even endanger life.

Some people question that the embryos are not placed in the womb at the time of transfer? Why do ectopic pregnancies still occur? This is because the embryo is viable, and although it is placed in the uterine cavity, it will wander before implantation, choosing a comfortable and suitable area for implantation. When there is adhesions in the pelvis, poor uterine environment, and abnormal oviposition, the probability of ectopic pregnancy increases.

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