
It's past your due date, when are you going to be hospitalized?

It's past your due date, when are you going to be hospitalized?

Ms. Wang: "Miss Nurse, I have passed the due date of delivery for two days, so when will I go to the hospital?" ”

Nurse: "Ms. Wang, don't worry, next, let's see when we need to go to the hospital." ”

It's past your due date, when are you going to be hospitalized?

In the absence of special circumstances,

In the following cases, you can bring a maternity bag to wait for delivery.

I. Pregnancy with scarring uterus: 39 weeks of gestation≧ in patients with no signs of birth and no comorbidities

2. Breech pregnancy: 39 weeks gestation≧ for patients with no signs of labour (those with pre-exposure should be hospitalized early as appropriate)

3, postponed pregnancy: 40+ 6 laps of pregnancy

IV. Diabetes mellitus during pregnancy:

1. Pregnant women who do not need insulin therapy and blood glucose control standards, such as no maternal complications, can wait for the expected date of delivery under close monitoring, and those who have not yet given birth to the expected date can terminate their pregnancy in a timely manner.

2. PGDM and pregnant women who need insulin therapy, such as good blood glucose control without maternal complications, under close monitoring, pregnancy can be terminated after 39 years of pregnancy: blood glucose control is not satisfactory or there are maternal and child complications, should be admitted to the hospital for observation in time, and the timing of pregnancy is determined according to the condition.

3. Diabetes mellitus with microvascular lesions or previous adverse maternal history, close supervision is required, and the timing of termination of pregnancy should be individualized.

V. Hypertension during pregnancy: hypertension during pregnancy and mild preeclampsia can be expected to be 37 weeks later, and women with severe preeclampsia can be admitted to the hospital at any time to monitor blood pressure and terminate pregnancy at appropriate times.

Sixth, the timing of termination of pregnancy in mild ICP patients is about 38-39 weeks of pregnancy, and severe ICP patients are between 34 and 37 weeks of pregnancy, but comprehensive assessment is required based on the patient's treatment, fetal condition and whether there are other comorbidities.

If you encounter the following emergency situation, pregnant mothers must come to the doctor immediately.

It's past your due date, when are you going to be hospitalized?

1. The stomach is regular and gradually increasing contractions, especially the pregnant mothers of the mother, at this time, we must be vigilant, come to the hospital in time, and if necessary, call the emergency telephone to avoid accidents.

2. When there is repeated vaginal bleeding without a cause, or when the bleeding is greater than the amount of menstruation.

3. Pregnant mothers with scarring uterus must come to the hospital as soon as possible when there is redness, falling sensation, irregular contractions, etc.

4. Fetal movement is too little / frequent, pregnant mothers must learn to self-monitor fetal movement during pregnancy, if you feel that fetal movement is significantly increased or reduced, you should come to the hospital in time to monitor.

5. Premature rupture of membranes, if this happens, do not panic, change clean clothes and pads, reduce activities, prevent complications, and come to the doctor in time.

It's past your due date, when are you going to be hospitalized?
It's past your due date, when are you going to be hospitalized?

Ms. Wang: "Listening to you say this, I will be relieved." ”

Text: Obstetrics Hu Xiaoning

Audit: Nursing Department

EDIT: Public Information Section

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