
How much will it cost to go to Thailand for IVF in 2022

To do IVF, the most concerned issues of patient friends are usually inseparable from these two, success rate and cost. Today, we will talk about the cost of IVF, because the cost of IVF is not cheap, it can be said that whether the cost of the IVF period can be afforded will be an important factor that directly determines whether it is an IVF. So, what is the total cost of IVF at one time?

How much will it cost to go to Thailand for IVF in 2022

Hengjian Overseas pointed out that I believe that most people understand the comparison of IVF treatment costs, living expenses, and other costs. In fact, for IVF, these are all big items, for specific small items, in addition to the ovulation induction, laboratory projects, egg retrieval, examination, living costs that everyone knows, there are actually some others. So, what does the IVF cost include?

First, the inspection fee. In order to ensure the quality of sperm and eggs, a physical examination is required before IVF is done. For specific examinations, you can consult an IVF doctor and a medical consultant in charge of your own. Follow the requirements to complete the various inspections.

Second, the cost of ovulation induction. The cost of ovulation-inducing drugs can vary greatly due to the use of imported and domestic drugs. After the use of ovulation-stimulating drugs, the doctor must monitor the development of the follicle by ultrasound and adjust the dose of the drug or the drug as appropriate.

How much will it cost to go to Thailand for IVF in 2022

Third, the cost of surgery. During IVF treatment, there are 2 surgeries, one is egg retrieval and the other is transplantation.

Fourth, the cost of freezing embryos. In China, IVF can be done without freezing, and domestic IVF treatment is generally fresh embryo transfer. However, in foreign countries, after the embryo culture is successful, it is also necessary to undergo PGD/PGS genetic testing, which can effectively detect whether the embryo is normal. This process takes 14 working days, so fresh embryos can't get through this long time, so the embryos need to be frozen.

Fifth, the cost of living. This cost, including your eating, drinking and playing, is also not fixed, because everyone's lifestyle is different and the conditions of choice are different, for example, your villa and hotel are of course different, and the specially configured nutritious meals you eat are different from the prices and costs you sell on the street! So this fee is not fixed, basically similar to what you eat and live in the country. There are also other expenses, the consumption is probably the same as in the first-tier cities in China, and the hotels around the hospital are also more expensive, and the cost in this regard is also quite large.

How much will it cost to go to Thailand for IVF in 2022

Hengjian overseas tips, for IVF medical expenses, under normal circumstances, IVF is basically around 8-11W, basically within this range, there will not be much difference, unless you have other patients; Otherwise it won't be too high. This cost is basically unstoppable and cannot be saved. The cost of living can be determined according to their own economic situation, generally speaking, if it is a test tube to be done by the service agency, then friends can choose the different packages provided by the service agency.

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