
Remembering this health focus after Xiaoman can lay a good foundation for health throughout the summer!

author:Bright Net

May 20 ushered in the small man in the 24 solar terms. Xiaoman is the second solar term of summer, marking the gradual and maturity of summer. Many places are also entering the rainy season one after another, and the climate is hot and humid.

After Xiaoman, remember a health point

Xiaoman is the turning point of solar terms and health preservation, marking the beginning of the hot and humid summer day.

Yu Liping, the attending physician of the emergency department of Wuhan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Hubei Province, said in an article published on the hospital's official account that at this time, the temperature is gradually rising, the rain is increasing, the damp and hot air is combined, and the climate is hot and humid, which can easily lead to insufficient spleen and stomach qi, and the damp and hot qi traps the spleen, such as heavy limbs, easy fatigue, insomnia, decreased appetite, nausea, dizziness, loose stools, abdominal distention, and lack of food and drink.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "all dampness and swelling belong to the spleen", and the spleen is mainly transported, and the spleen and stomach function are good, so that the excess dampness in the body can be transported. Therefore, Xiaoman should pay attention to clearing heat, strengthening the spleen and dispelling dampness, so as to "prevent the disease from changing, and prevent the disease before it happens". ①

After Xiaoman, it is the active period of various bacteria and viruses, and it is easy to catch a cold and get sick if you are not careful. Therefore, we remind everyone to pay attention to daily diet and daily health, conform to the time of day to maintain health, and spend the summer in a healthy and safe manner. ②

Damp heat can easily cause a variety of diseases

Mao Wei, chief physician of the Nephrology Research Office of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, once introduced in a Guangdong Satellite TV program that dampness and heat are formed by the combination of dampness and heat in the human body, which is most likely to lead to the following common diseases:

1. Skin problems

For example, seborrheic dermatitis, rosacea, pustular acne, folliculitis, boils, swelling and poison, etc. or fungal infections, such as tinea corporis, jock itch, athlete's foot, etc.

2. Hepatobiliary diseases

For example, carrying hepatitis virus, acute jaundice hepatitis, gallstones, etc.

3. Urological diseases

When you are overtired, you are more likely to get cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, etc.

4. Muscle exhaustion

It is easy to have backache and body aches.

5. Common chronic diseases

Including diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, etc., because high blood sugar and blood lipids can be attributed to dampness and turbidity. ③

Try these practical dampness removal tips

Xu Yi, chief physician of the Department of Gastroenterology of Jiangsu Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, once said in an article in the Health Times that he would try these practical tricks to dispel dampness. ④

"One Bubble"

The heavier the dampness, the more necessary it is to soak the feet in hot water, which can stimulate the stomach meridian, bladder meridian and other 6 meridians of the feet, so as to strengthen the spleen, dehumidify, and improve water.

"Two no's"

1. Don't be greedy for cold: In the hot summer, cold drinks and drinks are the choice to relieve the heat, but because the temperature of the drink is too low, it is easy to affect the stomach qi and drop, and symptoms such as belching and bloating appear.

2. Do not get wet: Try to avoid humid environments and avoid external dampness, which can avoid the occurrence of beriberi, eczema and other diseases.

"Three holes"

There are three acupuncture points that are commonly used to dispel dampness:

1. Feng Long Acupoint: Massaging this acupoint can expel the turbidity and dampness of the spleen and stomach. This acupoint is located on the outside of the calf, eight inches above the tip of the outer malleolus, two horizontal fingers from the front edge of the tibia, rubbed with the tip of the thumb or middle finger, twice a day, 3 minutes each time.

Remembering this health focus after Xiaoman can lay a good foundation for health throughout the summer!

According to "Acupuncture Meridian Meridian Diagram"

2. Zusanli acupoint: It is a good acupuncture point for regulating the spleen and stomach and driving away internal dampness. In the depression below the outside of the kneecap, about 4 finger widths downward, one finger across the anterior edge of the tibia, twice a day, for 3 minutes each time.

Remembering this health focus after Xiaoman can lay a good foundation for health throughout the summer!

According to "Acupuncture Meridian Meridian Diagram"

3. Zhongguan acupoint: It can strengthen the spleen with the stomach and spleen, and is suitable for people with phlegm, dampness and spleen. Located in the upper abdomen, on the anterior midline, at the midpoint of the lower sternum and the umbilical cord (4 inches above the umbilicus), rub on the acupoint with your fingers or palm root for 2-5 minutes.

Remembering this health focus after Xiaoman can lay a good foundation for health throughout the summer!

According to "Acupuncture Meridian Meridian Diagram"

"Four porridge soup"

Healthy porridge soup can strengthen the spleen and stomach and dispel dampness. It is recommended to drink more red bean and barley porridge, lotus seed porridge, yam winter melon soup, and crucian carp soup in daily diet, which have a good effect of clearing heat and water, nourishing yin and dispelling dampness.

This article is synthesized from:

(1)2022-05-19Wuhan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine "24 Solar Terms Health Preservation | Xiaoman: It is advisable to clear away heat, strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness, so as to achieve "prevention of existing diseases, prevention of diseases before they occur"

(2)2024-05-20Shanxi Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine "Xiaoman meets 520, keep in mind "3 don't eat and 5 don't" for health preservation"

(3)2023-04-12Guangdong Satellite TV Health Youdao "Disease is coming, smell prophet, how harmful is dampness and heat?" 》

(4)2019-07-12Health Times

Source: Health Times

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