
In 2012, chess master Chen Zude died of illness: Nie Weiping was present, and his ex-wife unexpectedly appeared to send him on the last ride

author:Isle Joy Read

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In 2012, chess master Chen Zude died of illness: Nie Weiping was present, and his ex-wife unexpectedly appeared to send him on the last ride

On November 1, 2012, a heartbreaking day, Chen Zude, a respected leader in the Go world in the mainland, quietly stayed away from us because he was seriously ill and finally unable to resist the cruel laws of life.

Although Mr. Chen Zude had made clear instructions on his posthumous affairs before his death, and resolutely opposed the holding of large-scale memorial services and farewell ceremonies for his remains, the China Chess Academy still carefully planned a simple and solemn memorial event on November 5, five days after Chen Zude's death, with endless admiration and remembrance.

In the center of the memorial site, there is a huge portrait of Mr. Chen Zude with a smile, and the flower baskets presented by his beloved wife Xia Caijuan, son Chen Yiqiu, Chen Tianyu, Chen Tianning and sister Chen Zufen are neatly arranged below.

Although the couplets on these flower baskets are simple and bright, they contain their deep thoughts and respect for Mr. Chen Zude.

In 2012, chess master Chen Zude died of illness: Nie Weiping was present, and his ex-wife unexpectedly appeared to send him on the last ride

During that time, Mr. Chan's health continued to deteriorate. According to Ms. Xia Caijuan, he has not eaten a drop of water for 10 consecutive days, and he is often delirious in the early morning, and only at dusk can he regain his vitality after a short rest.

Even so, the doctor still sent personnel to accompany her, but Ms. Xia Caijuan, who had been taking care of Mr. Chen Zude for a long time, still looked exhausted.

In the face of her seriously ill husband, Ms. Xia Caijuan never showed any sadness in front of Mr. Chan Cho Tak. Even with tears in her eyes, she would quickly turn around and hide the pain in her heart with her resolute back.

Even when Liu Xiaoguang, a close friend of the chess world, visited, he was moved by Ms. Xia Caijuan's actions and praised from the bottom of her heart: "Ms. Caijuan is really a great woman, who has taken care of Chen Lao for many years, no matter what hardships she encountered, she has never complained, Chen Lao is undoubtedly extremely lucky and satisfied to have such a wife." ”

In 2012, chess master Chen Zude died of illness: Nie Weiping was present, and his ex-wife unexpectedly appeared to send him on the last ride

At the end of his life, Mr. Chan Cho Tak, who was seriously ill, still maintained a positive and optimistic attitude towards life. Although he was covered with medical equipment and his mental state was up and down, he always regained his vitality when the sun set, and he continued to create and study chess with vigor.

Mr. Chen Zude's encounter with Zheng Minzhi can be traced back to a Go training camp he participated in at the Shanghai Sports Palace when he was 15 years old.

Regarding Zheng Minzhi's first impression of Chen Zude, Chen Zude described it vividly in his personal autobiography: "She is so petite and delicate that you can hardly feel that she is an athlete!" In the face of Zheng Minzhi at that time, Chen Zude could not depict it with precise words, he could only think of the heroine Dora in the classic novel "David Copperfield" by British writer Charles Dickens, that simple-minded, cute character like a "doll".

However, it turns out that Zheng Minzhi is far more "alive" than Dora, she has a affectionate nickname - "Little Swallow", and her personality is decisive and willful, and these traits have been deeply imprinted in Chen Zude's heart for 11 years.

In 2012, chess master Chen Zude died of illness: Nie Weiping was present, and his ex-wife unexpectedly appeared to send him on the last ride

11 years later, the 26-year-old Chen Zude finally mustered up the courage to hand over the first love letter in his life to Zheng Minzhi. His courage is admirable, but he doesn't think deeply about whether Jung Min Zhi is still single, or whether she is willing to accept his feelings.

Perhaps it was because of Chen Zude's sincere emotion that Zheng Minzhi, who had just come out of the haze of broken love, was finally moved by him and agreed to his pursuit.

On the eve of the date, Chen Zufen, who cared about his younger brother, suddenly found Chen Zude and told him to introduce him to a suitable partner. Chen Zude scratched his head, and then remembered that he hadn't told his sister about Zheng Minzhi yet, so he hurriedly confessed his heart to his sister, but unexpectedly incurred his sister's reproach.

The next day, before going on a date with Zheng Minzhi, the social influencer Chen Zude had a few more drinks with his friends and went to the appointment with a slightly drunken spirit. However, Zheng Minzhi's sense of smell was extremely sensitive, and he immediately sensed the smell of alcohol on his body, and asked him bluntly if he had drunk too much? Chen Zude is very honest, admitting that he does have a habit of drinking, and he often has to deal with various socials in the Chinese Go training team.

In 2012, chess master Chen Zude died of illness: Nie Weiping was present, and his ex-wife unexpectedly appeared to send him on the last ride

However, the good times did not last long, and in 1981, Zheng Minzhi's hope to return to Shanghai arose, and there was a disagreement with Chen Zude. Although Chen Zude was carefully taken care of by Zheng Minzhi during his illness, the two finally chose to divorce and embarked on a new journey in life.

In the world chess world, Chen Zude is undoubtedly the most dazzling star! He not only competed with many top masters at home and abroad, but also frequently won the championship honor of major competitions; He has also made outstanding contributions to the development and growth of Go theory, and its influence is profound and lasting for future generations of students.

Looking back on the glory days of Chen Zude's early years, he defeated two Japanese nine-dan masters in a row with his outstanding skills, and won the highest honor in the national individual Go tournament in one fell swoop, and his reputation was flooding.

After that, he played an outstanding leadership role in the coaching position and led the Guangxi Hualan team to achieve excellent results repeatedly; This team is regarded by him as his "second home", which shows his deep attachment to it.

In 2012, chess master Chen Zude died of illness: Nie Weiping was present, and his ex-wife unexpectedly appeared to send him on the last ride

What is even more admirable is that Chen Zude has always devoted himself wholeheartedly to the cause of Go. He firmly believes that playing chess is "chess in it, fun in it", and is full of endless love for this career.

Even in the last moments of his life, when he was terminally ill, he still resolutely overcame all difficulties and wrote to write, hoping to perfectly present his unique insights and innovative theories on chess to the world, and never give up easily.

Even Chen Zude's wife, Xia Caijuan, has deep respect for her husband's inheritance and has reverence in her heart. In the autumn of 2014, she did not hesitate to trek to Jingdezhen, thousands of miles away, just to see the wonderful matches played here by the Hualan team once coached by Chen Zude.

For the whole team, there is a lot of respect for this great artist.

In 2012, chess master Chen Zude died of illness: Nie Weiping was present, and his ex-wife unexpectedly appeared to send him on the last ride

It is no exaggeration to say that Chen Zude's great contribution and far-reaching influence on the chess world and the art of Go have gone far beyond his personal scope and have become a precious treasure in the global chess world.

His legacy will live on forever.

Chen Zude's encounter with Xia Caijuan stemmed from the kindness of his sister Chen Zufen. At that time, in order to solve the problem of his younger brother's life in his later years, Chen Zufen specially arranged a young and virtuous nanny at home to go on a blind date with Chen Zude.

Although Xia Caijuan's cultural level is not profound, she consistently serves Chen Zude's daily life and healthy diet wholeheartedly, takes care of his daily life and rest, and shows the spiritual quality of selfless dedication.

In 2012, chess master Chen Zude died of illness: Nie Weiping was present, and his ex-wife unexpectedly appeared to send him on the last ride

It is a matter of pride that Chen Zude has never held any prejudices because of his origin, but is full of love for this humble and gentle woman, and is willing to discuss the trivial things in life with him and share life insights with him, so the two have established a deep emotional bond and finally tied the knot.

After marriage, Xia Caijuan's love for Chen Zude was even more meticulous. In 1995, she gave birth to a pair of lively and lovely twin boys for Chen Zude - Chen Tianyu and Chen Tianning. In the years that followed, no matter how much Chen Zude's physical condition deteriorated, Xia Caijuan always stayed by his side, nourishing the elderly elder with affectionate care, and becoming a spiritual pillar in the depths of his soul.

For Chen Zude, Xia Caijuan is undoubtedly the last reliance and shelter in his life. When he entered the end of his life, Xia Caijuan warmed his last days with endless love, and accompanied him through the last journey of his life with no regrets and unreserved dedication.

On November 1, 2012, a day of grief-wrenching people, Chen Zude, a distinguished Go figure in the mainland, died quietly due to illness and failed to resist the ruthless law of fate.

In 2012, chess master Chen Zude died of illness: Nie Weiping was present, and his ex-wife unexpectedly appeared to send him on the last ride

Although Chen Zude made it clear that he did not want to hold a large-scale memorial service and farewell ceremony before his death, the China Chess Academy still had endless admiration and remembrance, and carefully prepared a simple and solemn memorial event on November 5, five days after Chen Zude's death.

Directly in front of the memorial site, there is a huge portrait of Chen Zude with a smile, and below it is neatly arranged the flower baskets presented by his wife Xia Caijuan, sons Chen Yiqiu, Chen Tianyu, Chen Tianning and sister Chen Zufen.

Although the couplets on these flower baskets are concise and clear, they contain their deep thoughts and respect for Chen Zude.

Chen Zude's friend, Lin Haifeng, a Go master living in Japan, was unable to attend the memorial service in person due to many reasons, but he entrusted the staff of the chess academy to present a flower basket on his behalf by phone, and repeatedly stressed that when he had the opportunity to set foot in Beijing again in the future, he would personally pay the relevant expenses to express his sincere heart.

In 2012, chess master Chen Zude died of illness: Nie Weiping was present, and his ex-wife unexpectedly appeared to send him on the last ride

As a close friend of Chen Zude, Narita Katsu was unable to buy a ticket for the day in time due to the hectic schedule, and unfortunately missed this deep memorial service, however, he still resolutely decided to leave for Beijing to conduct a final farewell ceremony for his respected old friend.

At 10 o'clock in the morning on this day, the solemn memorial service officially began. Xia Caijuan and Chen Zufen, the two heavy bodies waited silently in the family seats, the indescribable sadness in their hearts poured like a tide, tears fell like rain, and they couldn't help themselves.

Nie Weiping, Liu Xiaoguang and other chess giants also attended, and they conveyed their most sincere condolences to Xia Caijuan and others. When Hua Xueming stepped onto the stage, Xia Caijuan suddenly caught a glimpse of the familiar figure, choked up and said: "Old Chen is still thinking about why Xiaohua didn't appear when he was dying" Before her words were finished, Hua Xueming, who was far away in Guizhou to participate in the competition, instantly burst into tears, hugged Xia Caijuan tightly, and was overwhelmed with grief.

In addition, there is also a woman who has attracted much attention at the memorial meeting, she is Zheng Minzhi, Chen Zude's ex-wife and Chen Yiqiu's biological mother. Although time flies, the years have exhausted the past grievances and hatreds, and even made the former husband and wife strangers, but at the moment of life and death, Zheng Minzhi finally chose to let go of the past troubles, went to the scene in person, and sent Chen Zude on his last journey.