
What to do about your baby's stomach bloat

What to do about your baby's flatulence

1. If it is flatulence caused by swallowing too much gas, you can massage the abdomen by patting your back to help the baby do exhaust exercises, promote intestinal peristalsis, and help the gas in the intestine to be discharged.

2. Drug treatment: In accordance with the doctor's instructions for oral probiotic drugs to regulate, can effectively promote intestinal peristalsis, reduce the production of gas in the intestine.

3. Diet regulation: Diet should ingest foods that are easy to digest and produce less gas, such as rice paste, egg soup, rice porridge, and green vegetable porridge, eat less legume foods, and reduce gas production.

In the process of growing up, every baby will have more or less various problems, of which flatulence is the most common problem. Although flatulence is not a disease, for infants and young children who cannot open their mouths, it is not only extremely painful, but also panicked as a parent, such as a great enemy.

Cry for a long time in the middle of the night every day, I don't know what's wrong?

What to do about your baby's stomach bloat

Obviously, I have been very careful and careful to take care of it, why do I still have flatulence? Parents who have just become fathers and mothers have been confused for a while and have become helpless, so what is the cause of the baby's flatulence?

1. The feeding position is wrong

When the mother feeds the baby breast milk, if the baby fails to contain a large area of the areola, it is likely to inhale a large amount of gas during the pumping process, resulting in flatulence. Breastfeeding should be given to allow your baby to hold a large area of the areola so that the baby does not absorb a lot of air.

In addition, for the milk-fed baby, when using the bottle to feed and drink water, the bottle should be tilted forty-five degrees so that the baby can hold the position under the nipple to avoid a large amount of gas entering.

What to do about your baby's stomach bloat

2. No hiccups after feeding

When the baby is small, the correct procedure after the baby's feeding should be to burp and vent, if you fail to burp in time, it is easy to produce flatulence.

3. Crying

Baby in the crying when a large amount of air will "take advantage of the void in", the baby crying has a certain reason, parents can not worry about the fear of spoiling the baby and let the crying, should be timely picked up the baby to stop its crying.

What to do about your baby's stomach bloat

4. The gastrointestinal function is not perfect

In infancy, the gastrointestinal function of children is not fully developed, and once the cold will slow down the rate of gastrointestinal peristalsis, it is difficult for the air in the body to be naturally discharged, which will also lead to flatulence. Usually try to protect the baby's stomach to avoid catching a cold.

What to do about your baby's stomach bloat

The pain of flatulence in the stomach will make the baby cry non-stop, and most of the parents have no experience, so they have to helplessly hold the baby around, so how should the flatulence be alleviated?

1. Massage

When the baby has a problem with flatulence, the most direct and effective way is to help the baby massage, and the massage method is not difficult.

Parents need to carry out in a moderate temperature room, mainly to prevent the baby from catching a cold, and when the room temperature conditions are adjusted, the mother's hands are repeatedly rubbed, and then quickly placed in the baby's navel after rubbing the heat, and then repeatedly massaged clockwise and counterclockwise around.

What to do about your baby's stomach bloat

During the massage process, be sure to strictly control the force so as not to damage the baby's delicate skin. After feeling some soft changes in the baby's belly, you can end the massage and the flatulence will be relieved to a certain extent.

2. Help your child hiccup

After the end of feeding, the baby should help the baby burp to expel the gas from the body. Let the baby lie on the shoulder of the mother or sit on the leg of the mother with the back straight, gently pat the baby's back, about ten minutes to fifteen minutes or so, hearing the baby hit the partition indicates that the gas in the body is discharged, and the flatulence will also get a significant improvement.

What to do about your baby's stomach bloat

3. Exercise

After the baby has flatulence, it is imperative to promote rapid peristalsis of the stomach and intestines, because flatulence is caused by the development of gastrointestinal dysfunction, so you can use exercise to make the stomach motility stronger, thereby helping the baby to discharge excess gas in the body.

For babies, the most effective exercise is to crawl more and walk more, but if it is a young baby, you can use swimming to exercise and exhaust.

What to do about your baby's stomach bloat

Babies don't cry for no reason, and there is a certain reason behind every kind of crying. Parents should not think that crying is the nature of the child and put the baby in pain, if the baby's stomach is flatulent, parents can try the above three methods to relieve flatulence. If you cry for a long time and the method does not work, you should go to the hospital in time to check the cause.

Baby flatulence is a common phenomenon, the baby's flatulence stomach will bulge, some babies because of stomach flatulence is uncomfortable, uncomfortable will cry more and more, what is the cause of the baby's stomach flatulence? The main reasons:

1. Swallowing too much air.

When the baby feeds the bottle, if the sucking is too urgent, it is easy to inhale too much air, and when the nipple hole of the bottle is not the right size or the bottle is tilted, the air will also be inhaled into the stomach through the nipple gap, and the baby's excessive crying can also easily lead to flatulence.

2. Indigestion.

Due to the accumulation of feces in the intestine, the bad bacteria producing gas are proliferating, or milk protein allergy, lactose intolerance, enteritis, etc. cause digestion and malabsorption, which is easy to produce a large amount of gas.

3. Gastrointestinal peristalsis disorder.

It is divided into simple functional "pseudo-intestinal obstruction" and "polygonomy" with a truly lack of ganglia in the gastrointestinal tract. The severity of these problems varies and can range from chronic constipation and bloating to severe vomiting observations, which can be temporary or lifelong.

Baby stomach flatulence is uncomfortable, sometimes crying and making trouble, then what about the baby's stomach flatulence? Baby flatulence needs a nutritionally balanced diet, cultivate good eating habits, do not let the baby be hungry for too long before feeding, you can moderately do abdominal massage to promote intestinal peristalsis and exhaust, improve digestion and absorption function.

1. Nutritionally balanced diet

If the milk contains too much sugar, sugar in the baby's stomach excessive fermentation, but also easy to make the baby flatulence, then the mother should pay attention to limit their sugar intake. In addition, breastfeeding mothers should try to avoid foods that are easy to cause flatulence in their babies, such as beans, corn, sweet potatoes, cauliflower and spicy foods.

2. Cultivate eating habits

Don't let your baby be hungry for too long before feeding. Babies are hungry for too long, and they will suck too quickly and swallow a lot of air. So feed the baby on time, and after feeding, help the baby burp so that the gas in the stomach and intestines is discharged from the esophagus.

3. Abdominal massage

Moderate massage can promote bowel movement and exhaustion, thereby relieving your baby's stomach bloat. By doing this, wash your hands and gently massage your baby's tummy clockwise with your palms centered on your baby's navel. Each massage is about 5 minutes away. Your hands should be warm and moderately vigorous, otherwise it may make your baby feel uncomfortable.

4. Abnormal flatulence should be treated as soon as possible

If the baby's stomach is very large and hard, plus the baby looks uncomfortable, the spirit is not good, generally plus there is vomiting or wheezing is even more unfortunate, parents should pay special attention and take the baby to the doctor as soon as possible for examination and treatment.

5. Home care

It is also helpful to use air repellent oil on the abdomen and to apply a warm towel to cover it, which helps with gastrointestinal motility and gas excretion to improve digestion and absorption.

What should I do if my baby has a flatulence and farts? Baby's stomach flatulence fart is to discharge the gas in the stomach out of the body, the baby will feel more comfortable, generally do not need special care. Parents can also try to burp in between the baby's feeding, when the baby is uncomfortable crying due to flatulence, massage the baby's abdomen, you can also give the baby some "mommy love" or "lactase raw" according to the doctor's instructions to regulate the baby's stomach and intestines and help him digest. The specific measures are as follows:

1. Help your baby burp. Try to get your baby to pause between feedings, such as stopping and burping him halfway through. Have your baby sit upright on your lap and gently pat him on the back until he burps.

2. Massage the baby's abdomen. When the baby is crying because of flatulence, the mother can try to lay the baby flat, put her hand into his clothes, and gently massage his small belly in a clockwise direction. On the one hand, it can relieve bloating, on the other hand, the baby will also be distracted by comfort.

3. Simple drugs. Baby bloating, abdominal pain, but also because they are too small, gastrointestinal digestion capacity is too weak, according to the doctor's instructions to the baby to eat some "mommy love" or "breast enzyme raw", in order to regulate the baby's gastrointestinal tract, help him digest.

When parents feed improperly, breastfeeding mothers eat some foods that are easy to make the baby flatulent, resulting in the baby accidentally appearing flatulence phenomenon, then how to massage the baby's stomach flatulence, so that the baby feels more comfortable?

Often give the baby's abdomen massage, specific method: 1 hour after the meal, massage the baby's navel as the center, along the navel periphery with the palm of the hand for clockwise massage, massage several times a day, at the same time, pay attention to the technique to be gentle. Helps baby's gastrointestinal peristalsis and gas discharge, improve digestion and absorption. Pay attention to keeping your baby's navel warm during massage. However, if the baby's bloating is severe, he should seek medical attention as soon as possible to rule out bloating caused by other diseases.

Baby's stomach flatulence, so that the baby is uncomfortable, feel uncomfortable, so what are the ways to prevent the baby's stomach bloating? Here's how:

1. Feed on time

Do not wait for the baby to cry for a long time before feeding, as long as the baby has a hungry expression, breastfeed, otherwise it will inhale a lot of air and cause flatulence due to crying for a long time; It will also be too hungry, when it comes to milk, it will be very urgent, very hard, and will also suck in too much air.

In addition, parents should not blindly give him milk as soon as they see the baby crying, or give the baby a pacifier, which may cause the baby's stomach to be more bloated. Sometimes the baby's crying is just hoping that his parents will hug him more and accompany him.

2. Pat the baby's back after feeding

After feeding, gently pat his back to promote hiccups and venting, reducing the likelihood of flatulence in your baby.

3. Pay attention to the moderate size of the bottle mouth

It should be noted that the nipple hole is not too large, the inclination of the bottle body is not too large, and the baby is not too fast to drink milk, so as to reduce the air entering the nipple and entering the body with the baby when drinking milk.

4, eat less food that is not digestible

Breastfeeding mothers should avoid foods that can easily make their baby flatulent, such as beans, corn, sweet potatoes, cauliflower and spicy foods. Babies who have already started to eat complementary foods should eat less foods that are not easy to digest and are prone to flatulence.

Transferred from Blue Spirit Parenting Network

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