
Qian Zhongshu and Yang Dai's one-word love letter

Qian Zhongshu and Yang Dai's one-word love letter
Qian Zhongshu and Yang Dai's one-word love letter
Qian Zhongshu and Yang Dai's one-word love letter

One day, Yang Dai wrote a letter to Qian Zhong, and only one word was written on the huge letter paper: "Instigation."

She originally thought that Qian Zhongshu would be embarrassed for a few days, but she did not expect to receive a reply from Qian Zhongshu the next day. There is also only one word in the letter: "You".

When Yang Dai saw this word, her heart moved and she shed sweet tears.

Relatives and friends learned that they were confused: what kind of puzzles were these two playing? Yang Dai's interpretation was complete, and his relatives and friends suddenly realized. It turned out that the word "instigated" written by Yang Dai was actually asking Qian Zhongshu: "How many people do you have in your heart?" And Qian Zhongshu's reply also gave her a satisfactory answer: "I only have you in my heart!" ”

This special one-word love letter, only the two of them can understand, it can also be seen that the two people have a sharp mind, but also enough to show the cultural wisdom of the two.

One point no. Chinese poetry

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