
Have you ever had a crush on someone? Then make yourself better

Have you ever had a crush on someone? Then make yourself better

Although I have experienced the baptism of years, my sincere feelings have not been erased. Life is short, while love is eternal. There is one person who can be missed, and that is happiness. ------- "Love Letter"

Have you ever had a crush on someone, have you ever missed someone? Afraid that he knows, and afraid that he does not know, if love is two people's two-way rush, then the crush is a person's heaven and earth. Even if years later, you've taken another person's hand, remembering a boy in a white shirt or a girl with a ponytail will still make you happy.

Crush is a gentle approach, a careful temptation, a secret liking,

Because liking someone makes boring days more throbbing, having someone to miss is actually a kind of happiness.

Have you ever had a crush on someone? Then make yourself better

Because I miss a person, I will be inexplicably happy, inexplicably sad, and occasionally look at the sky and smirk.

Because I miss a person, I will deliberately pass by the basketball court and the library, expecting a chance encounter.

Because I miss a person, I will pretend not to care about anything when talking to him, but in fact, my heart has already jumped wildly.

No matter what kind of person you like, but you must be excellent and dazzling, in order to be able to stand with him, you will work harder to make yourself excellent. This should be the most correct way to open a crush, and eventually whether you confess or not, whether you hold hands or not, you have become excellent.

Have you ever had a crush on someone? Then make yourself better

Everyone said that they had lost love after graduation, and some people confessed loudly before graduation, didn't care about the result, and wanted to give themselves an explanation. Some people, choose to wait silently, wait quietly, hoping that one day he/she will see themselves and love will blossom and bear fruit.

Anyone who comes through life, as long as he has ever made himself better, you have not liked the wrong person. Life is inherently lonely, and anyone who has walked with them for a period of time should be grateful with their hearts.

Thank you to the guy who once, he liked. The crowds are crowded, so thank you.

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