
Educating kids 36 counts is fantastic! 36 gauges, count useful!

There are no bad children to teach, only bad methods of education. Parents and teachers are often anxious because of their children's slow progress, so they either rudely put on hats such as "stupid brains" and "difficult to change personalities", or think that their knowledge is shallow and low, and they will not educate their children.

In fact, as long as the method is appropriate, any child is excellent; as long as the heart is careful, the right education method can always be found. Today, sorting out the 2022 edition of educating children 36 counts is fantastic! Counting works!


Sample gauge

Set an example to learn from. Lin Hong, director of the office of the Clinical Psychology Center of Peking University and an expert on parent-child issues, stressed that children are the mirrors of parents, and in front of children, even the slightest words and deeds should be paid attention to and set a good example.


Encourage the meter

Encourage him to challenge difficulties. Children are easy to give up efforts because of some setbacks, at this time, the encouragement of parents is their courage and motivation to move forward, which can help children find problems, correct shortcomings, and continue to improve.


Listen meter

Grasp your child's feelings. Even the youngest child will have his own ideas, parents must take time, patiently listen to him, understand his thoughts and feelings, in order to deal with the child's physical and mental changes, problems and so on in time.


Reward for good

Rewards are more effective than punishments. Appreciation education expert Zhou Hong believes that rewards are much more effective than punishments for educating children. Replacing punishment for mistakes by rewarding correctness can both avoid hurting the child and urge him to carry forward his strengths.


Play the weak meter

Occasionally "ask for help" from your child. The lack of responsibility is often due to the fact that parents take care of them too well. Occasionally "ask for help" from the child, and you will find that he has become a sensible "little adult".


Reinforcement meter

Good habits praise more. James Dopplin, a philosopher at the University of California, proposed the "reinforcement rule", that is, when a person's positive behavior is recognized, they can gradually get rid of inferiority and constantly stimulate self-confidence.


Cold gauge

Don't look at him when you're wayward. Willfulness is almost a common problem for only children. At this time, parents must be determined to "isolate" him, so that he can automatically restrain his bad temper because he cannot get attention.


Let go of the meter

Let your child try it for themselves. Arranged parents can only raise canaries that can't fly out of their cages. Create some opportunities for children to try and explore, so that they can cope with life independently.


Connivance meter

Don't stifle naughty instincts. "Naughty bags" and "troublemakers" are often brainy and curious. Appropriately condoning these behaviors to the extent permissible is a good time to tap into your child's potential and creativity.


Penalty meter

Let children know how to take responsibility for mistakes. Doing something wrong can be comforting, but it must not be tolerated, and moderate punishment can make him understand the survival law of "reward and punishment".


Refrigeration meter

Splash cold water on your complacency. Once it is found that the child has signs of pride and complacency and no one in sight, parents should pour cold water on him at the right time to let the child know himself correctly and objectively.


Dial gauge

Replace preaching with guidance. Nagging preaching is one of the most disliked forms of education for children. It is best to be guided by a little hint, this kind of inspiration will make the child full of gratitude.


Penitential meter

Impress your child with true feelings. Education is not only about indoctrination, persuasion, and supervision, but also sometimes about emotion. For example, telling a true story to a child will impress him.



Don't give your child privileges. To overcome "self-centeredness," you must first start at home, don't give your child a special status or privilege, and share good things with the whole family.



Appropriate frustration education. American educator Carle Sandberg once said that children who have grown up after setbacks and trials are more competitive for survival. In order to cultivate psychological resilience, proper frustration education is essential.


Inclusion meter

Accept your child's shortcomings. Your child may not be smart enough and has many shortcomings, but parents cannot ridicule or dislike him because of this, and tolerate weaknesses in order to overcome inferiority and cover up flaws with advantages.


Virtual meter

He was often praised as "great". Japanese educator Jinichi Suzuki said that if he finds the feeling of a good child, he will become a good child. Telling your child, "You're great," this positive psychological cues will make him feel positive about self-evaluation.


Edification meter

More exposure to good interests. If you want your child to have good interests and hobbies, you may wish to consciously let him have more contact with this aspect of things, and cultivate his sentiments through edification and infection.


Induction meter

Don't force your child to learn. Almost every child will experience boredom, coercion can not solve the problem, but by increasing the fun of learning, appropriate rewards and other methods, to induce his interest in learning.



Do not pursue when you take the initiative to admit your mistake. If the child is already aware of his mistake, parents may wish to look at it coldly and let the child solve the problem on his own.



Repeated mistakes cannot be tolerated. If the same mistakes occur repeatedly, parents cannot tolerate them. Effective criticism must be made so that he does not dare to have speculative psychology such as "not being discovered".


Diversion meter

Give your child a chance to explain. Educating children, "sparse" is always better than "blocking". Create an open family environment that allows the child to have his own ideas and explanations, and he will be more willing to work with you happily.


Respect the meter

Respect your child's ideas. The contradiction between parents and children is often due to the lack of respect for their children by parents. Respect the child's ideas first, in order to harvest the child's trust and respect.


Peer count

Be a friend of the child. The premise of good communication is mutual equality. Treat yourself as a child's "yearless friend" and good friend, and he will be willing to speak his heart to you.


Prevention meter

Tell him what he can't do. The best defense is also offense, rather than having a problem and then managing, it is better to give the child a "preventive shot" in advance, telling him what can be done and what must not be touched.


Discipline and thrift

Stop wasteful behavior. Waste is one of the common problems of modern children, in this regard, parents should be justified to stop and criticize, to help children develop a good habit of thrift and thrift, hard-working and hard-working from an early age.



Correct minor glitches in a timely manner. For seemingly small problems such as domineering and lazy, parents must correct them in time to prevent micro-gradual changes, so as not to develop small problems into big problems.


Companion planning

Spend more time with your children. Parents take more time with their children and participate in his life, entertainment, etc., which can not only enhance parent-child feelings, but also help to discover the potential and characteristics of children.


Establish rules

Set up a code of conduct. Children's self-control ability is poor, parents can establish a set of behavior rules in advance, let children try to judge and choose on their own, learn to restrain behavior, and cultivate self-control.


Load-off meter

Don't force your child. Parents should not impose their own expectations on their children, let alone set the goal of "how to be" for their children, and grow up freely and happily, so that children can better play their potential.


Persuasion and planning

Help your child resolve conflicts. When children have conflicts and frictions with teachers and partners, parents should take the initiative to act as "peacemakers" to help both parties eliminate contradictions and misunderstandings, so that children can learn to understand others.


Radical meter

Inspire morale with competitiveness. When persuasion and preaching do not work, parents may wish to take advantage of their children's competitiveness, rebelliousness, and even jealousy to properly "stimulate" and stimulate their fighting spirit.


Appreciation meter

Help your child discover the benefits. Not seeing their own strengths, it is easy to cause bad mentalities such as inferiority and jealousy. Parents should help their children see their own strengths so that they like and appreciate themselves.


Leveling fire meter

In the event of a conflict, suppress the fire first. After the conflict, if the parents are angry, the child's emotions will become more and more motivated. Therefore, parents should first suppress the anger and let the children gradually realize that impulse cannot solve the problem.



Encourage your child to explore. People who are bold and fearless often achieve outstanding results. Give your child more opportunities to exercise and encourage them to be brave enough to try and observe new things.


Grinding meter

Experience life more. Consciously let the child go through some trials, such as participating in military training, going to the countryside to experience, etc., his will will be stronger, in order to win in the future competition.


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