
With 3.0T V6+9AT powertrain, more than 300,000 buy tanks 500, is it worth it?

Recently, everyone's discussion about the rise in oil prices has been boiling, in the situation of high oil prices, it seems that large-displacement models are gradually losing their advantages, but not necessarily all models, such as tank 500, the car released pre-sale 1 hour later, the order volume has exceeded 20,000.

On March 19, the Tank 500 was officially launched, and its positioning is a medium and large business luxury SUV, and the audience is a user group that both likes off-road and has high requirements for comfort.

With 3.0T V6+9AT powertrain, more than 300,000 buy tanks 500, is it worth it?

When it comes to off-road SUVs, the past and luxury, comfort is not related, like the Prado and other models that have been in the market for many years, the price is not low, but the interior is very ordinary.

Tank brand CEO Liu Yanzhao mentioned that tank 500 is taking the "anti-consensus but correct path." "To put it bluntly, it is to hope to please users at both ends of the country and the city."

With 3.0T V6+9AT powertrain, more than 300,000 buy tanks 500, is it worth it?

We all know that the tank 500 is priced at 335,000-395,000 yuan, and the price of the entry-level model has exceeded the ceiling of 300,000, obviously, the problem in front of the tank 500, in addition to doing off-road and urban users to eat all, but also to allow consumers to accept the higher price of the tank 500.

Today we aim at the product positioning and product performance of the Tank 500, talk about the market competitiveness of this car, and which users are suitable for buying.

Large-displacement SUVs, is there still a market?

As we all know, with the gradual strictness of domestic emission standards, manufacturers follow the trend, in recent years, greatly reduced the development and production of large-displacement vehicles, at the same time, small-displacement turbocharged models are more popular with the public.

With 3.0T V6+9AT powertrain, more than 300,000 buy tanks 500, is it worth it?

The arrival of the Tank 500 is clearly "anti-trend".

But I personally believe that under the gradual refinement of market demand, non-mainstream models may not sell well, as some netizens said, buy this car will not be considered fuel consumption, and fuel consumption may not be selected for fuel consumption.

The tank 500 audience is destined to be different from the pursuit of energy saving and emission reduction users, consumers who can choose the tank 500, they will have higher demands for off-road and luxury experience.

Specifically, the tank 500 is equipped with the 3.0T V6 + 9AT powertrain independently developed by the Great Wall, and the maximum power of this engine reaches 260kW and the maximum torque is 500Nm. Compared to the previous hit on the market, the Tank 500's account data is beautiful.

With 3.0T V6+9AT powertrain, more than 300,000 buy tanks 500, is it worth it?

In addition, since it is necessary to meet the user's demands for off-road, the ability to cope with multi-road conditions should also be taken into account. Tank 500 is equipped with a new generation of intelligent all-terrain system, which can realize the automatic switching of snow, mud, sand, standard, sport and economy modes in AUTO mode, which greatly reduces the driving difficulty of complex roads.

At the same time, the tank 500 is equipped with the L2 intelligent driving assistance system, as well as terrain automatic recognition technology that can automatically switch the optimal driving mode, radar probe to measure the depth of the water surface, off-road creeping, etc., in the actual driving process, can also make users more relaxed.

With 3.0T V6+9AT powertrain, more than 300,000 buy tanks 500, is it worth it?

From the perspective of the brand, for Great Wall Motors, which itself started with pickup trucks and hardcore SUVs, the professionalism in the off-road field is worth affirming, leaving aside the product itself, the large-displacement model also represents a feeling.

Can business and off-road gameplay be recognized?

From the perspective of positioning, the tank 500 is not only a single identity of the off-road SUV, the task it undertakes is to integrate the hardcore off-road and comfortable luxury, so in creating comfort and luxury, the tank 500 has made a lot of effort.

In order to improve the sense of technology and luxury of the whole vehicle, the tank 500 is equipped with a large size of the central control screen and uses a large area of leather wrapping.

With 3.0T V6+9AT powertrain, more than 300,000 buy tanks 500, is it worth it?

In my opinion, the advantage of this approach is that the audience of the Tank 500 is further expanded, and even if there is more daily driving on the city road, it can make users feel that it is worth the money.

Of course, if you want to achieve a better balance between off-road and business, you will not end up being unflattering, which requires the brand to have a good prejudgment of the user's real demands, Great Wall Motors is good at creating new categories of models, the success of the Euler brand and tank 300, can support the Great Wall Motor's accurate control of the market segment, which has a more positive side for the future direction of the tank 500.

Will high prices reduce competitiveness?

After solving the problem of the product, the second problem facing the tank 500 is "high price". This requires consumers to see more of the product itself than the brand premium.

With 3.0T V6+9AT powertrain, more than 300,000 buy tanks 500, is it worth it?

Tank 500 and Tank 300, their own products have a high degree of differentiation, in the same price range, there are few models that can compete directly with it; and subject to the double point limit, the possibility of other brands entering the large-displacement hardcore off-road vehicle in the future is small, which provides an excellent market environment for the Tank 500.

Returning to the discussion of products, domestic high-end models also have very obvious configuration advantages. The tank 500 series comes standard with intelligent four-wheel drive TOD, rear axle differential lock, COO creep mode, tank U-turn, low-speed all-wheel drive and transparent chassis. Even if it is a buy-low match, the function is already rich enough. The longer body size can also provide users with a more comfortable riding experience.

With 3.0T V6+9AT powertrain, more than 300,000 buy tanks 500, is it worth it?
With 3.0T V6+9AT powertrain, more than 300,000 buy tanks 500, is it worth it?

But in terms of price, there is still a gap between the tank 500 and the tank 300.

Tank 300 was once in a state of selling out after the listing, in addition to the unique appearance and good product performance, its main sales model price of more than 200,000 yuan, is still within the range of consumers for the price of domestic cars can be accepted.

However, the starting price of tank 500 has exceeded the price mark of 300,000, and it is bound to come up with the product power to match it, its own powerful power performance, rich configuration and leading intelligent technology, are all selling points, and the follow-up depends on how the tank brand creates momentum in marketing.

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