
British post-70s couples gave birth to 22 babies in 31 years, all of which are singletons, and they are not worried in their old age

"If you are alone in the grass and trees, your descendants have become a forest." At all times, people want to have children and grandchildren under their knees, and it seems that the more children and grandchildren in the family, the more blessings they can bring. This is the best wish of an ordinary person, and the idea of having many children and many blessings has always existed in the minds of Chinese. Liu Sheng, the King of Zhongshan Jing, has the highest number of children in history, he has more than 120 children, and it takes a lot of energy to raise these children alone.

British post-70s couples gave birth to 22 babies in 31 years, all of which are singletons, and they are not worried in their old age

With the progress of the times, people's thinking has gradually changed, more and more families have chosen to have only one child, and a small number of families have two children, and children with more than three poles are almost difficult to meet except for multi-child families. Nowadays, raising a child causes a lot of pressure on young people, and their desire to have children is naturally reduced.

The same young people, the British post-70s couple gave birth to 22 babies in 31 years, all of which are singletons, and they are not worried in their old age.

When Young People in China face the dual economic pressures of housing and education, they can't imagine what it would be like to raise two children. However, in the Uk, a couple of post-70s has surprised young people.

They have a total of 22 children, and because of the large number of children in the local area, they are called the largest family in the UK by netizens, and this family is the "Redford family".

British post-70s couples gave birth to 22 babies in 31 years, all of which are singletons, and they are not worried in their old age

The man of this family is called

Noel. Radford

He was born in 1971, the mistress was called

sue. Radford

, born in 1975. Coincidentally, both husband and wife were adopted separately by their families and did not know who their biological parents were. Perhaps because they have the same life, the two were very good playmates in childhood.

Knoll and Sue have known each other for a long time, known each other, fallen in love, and they cherish each other very much.

In 1988, at the age of 13, Sue became pregnant with her boyfriend Noel's child

。 She wasn't ready to be a mother yet, and she couldn't help but have some worries in her heart. When she told Noel the news, Noel assured her that he would take care of them. With Noel's promise, Sue also believes that Noel will be a good father, so they prepare to bring their children into this world.

In May 1989, Sue gave birth to a boy in the hospital, named "Christopher".

British post-70s couples gave birth to 22 babies in 31 years, all of which are singletons, and they are not worried in their old age

Since Sue has not yet reached the legal age of marriage in the United Kingdom, Sue and Noel did not receive a marriage license when they gave birth to their first child, but they lived together like the licensed couple.

In 1992, after Sue's 16th birthday, Noel married Su into the house and also went to apply for a marriage license.

Since then, they have become a real couple and form a family of three. On the day of their marriage, they said they were going to have three children.

Sue gave birth to her second child, Sophie, and her third child, Chloe, in 1993 and 1995, respectively

At this time, they had three children, and the family of five with both children and daughters was living a happy life. Soon after, Knoll and Sue bought a large house with ten rooms in it. When the five of them moved into their new home, they found the room empty.

Sue suddenly had the idea of continuing to have children, which coincided with her husband Noel's idea.

British post-70s couples gave birth to 22 babies in 31 years, all of which are singletons, and they are not worried in their old age

Knoll and Sue are very fond of children, and the three children have allowed them to fully experience the joys of parenthood. So in 1997, they gave birth to their fourth child, Jack. This is just the beginning of having a child, and their desire is to fill the house with the child.

From 1999 to 2020, the couple had 18 children in succession, except for the tenth child, Affel, who died prematurely.

Sue gave birth to many times, and her body was also damaged to some extent. Su was 45 years old when she conceived her youngest daughter, was an elderly woman, and also had her placenta previa checked, and this pregnancy made Su risk giving birth to her young daughter.

From the age of 14 to 45, Sue was constantly pregnant and gave birth, and she experienced more than ten times more pain than the average pregnant woman. With too many children in the family, Sue and Joel are busy every day.

British post-70s couples gave birth to 22 babies in 31 years, all of which are singletons, and they are not worried in their old age

They consume more food per day than the average family consumes in a week.

Every time I go to the supermarket to shop, I buy five or six truckloads of things, which can only last for a week. Sue is a thrifty mother, and she always thinks of ways to get the most affordable price on shopping, so that the family's expenses can also be saved a little.

The family's food consumption reached 17,000 yuan, and if other basic expenses were added, it was at least 30,000 yuan a month.

Some people think that Sue's family relies on subsidies from the relevant departments, so the monthly expenses will not put pressure on them. It is true that there are many maternity subsidies and other preferential policies, but the Noel family does not rely on subsidies.

Knoll runs a bakery on the street, and the income from the bakery can support the family's living expenses. Knoll wants to use his own practical actions to tell the children that they must live on their own efforts.

British post-70s couples gave birth to 22 babies in 31 years, all of which are singletons, and they are not worried in their old age

Sue's biggest headache was washing the children's clothes, and although there was a washing machine in the house, it took several hours every day to wash the clothes. As a father, Noel also has painful times and has to help his children with homework every day.

When all the children sat together, the scene was chaotic.

Today, Sue's family members are also increasing, and the first few children born are also getting married one after another and have their own children. Sue's grandchildren are even older than her sons and daughters. After giving birth to her young daughter, Sue decided not to get pregnant or have children anymore.

Sue and Noel, who have 22 children, also broke the British record as the couple with the most children, and they still have to continue to raise underage children.


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