
The determinant of a child's IQ is not just genetics!

The determining factor of IQ is not only genetic, intelligence in addition to genetic influence, but also by the environment, nutrition, education and other acquired factors. This part is a plus that parents can help their baby grow in their daily lives!

First, love to laugh

Medical experts at the University of Washington in the United States have studied the relationship between age and intelligence and concluded that children who love to laugh tend to have higher IQs than other children.

√ Parents do this: when the baby laughs, parents should respond positively, increase parent-child interaction with the baby, and help the development of brain nerves.

Second, fake crying

The drama girls have one skill: fake crying. In fact, it is to tell adults "I am here, come and care about me", indicating that the baby begins to intentionally gain the attention of others through his own behavior.

The determinant of a child's IQ is not just genetics!

√ Parents do this: For the baby of the drama, parents should distinguish the real needs behind the baby's crying and respond in time. But don't be "blackmailed" by the baby's fake crying, so as not to develop bad habits for the baby.

Third, strong concentration

Don't think that children should be lively and active. Some introverted children have a more consistent and stable attention span and a stronger ability to learn and research things. If your baby is focused and is particularly prone to "indulging" in one thing, congratulations on getting a genius baby!

√ parents do this: The famous Educator Montessori famously said, "Never disturb your child unless you are invited by your child." As a parent, you must learn to protect your baby's concentration.

The determinant of a child's IQ is not just genetics!

IV. "Sabotage"

If your baby loves to tear paper and throw toys, don't be too upset ~ this is the performance of the child's IQ development! The baby experiences the "magical" feeling brought by the small hand in the process of tearing, grasping, rubbing, etc., and can exercise the ability to grasp, find, and coordinate hands and eyes.

√ Parents do this: don't rush to label the baby as a "trickster", create a safe environment for the child, and provide a variety of items (such as colored mud, clean sand, unused paper, etc.) for the baby to experience.

Fifth, repeat one thing

Some babies always like to do the same thing over and over again: read the same book and play a game over and over again. These "repetitions" are insignificant and even childish manifestations in the eyes of adults. But "repetition is a child's intellectual gymnastics" is its unique way of learning, which can strengthen the brain's memory of things and cultivate concentration.

√ Parents do this: Help children make "repetitive behavior" more fun.

A little bit at a time: Each game or storytelling changes a little bit, introduces new vocabulary, etc.

Increasing interactions: When playing the same game, ask your child: What's next? What else can we do?

Expand the range of interests: You can extend the things that the child is interested in, such as the child is interested in the tiger, you can find the story of the tiger, or pinch the tiger's color mud together.

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