
Super healing children's quotes, every sentence is soft and poking the heart, which sentence are you touched by?

This article is original by Xuan Pa Parenting, all rights reserved, infringement must be investigated

When talking about the language expression of children, many people will think of a word, called fairy tales.

When the child's mind is not yet mature, cognitive ability and expression ability are very limited, their language will often make jokes, but because of this, children also retain a rare innocence when they speak, and even some words will be very healing for adults.

Not long ago, I chatted with a mother, and my mother shared an interesting conversation between parents and children.

Bao Mom's daughter is 6 years old this year, in kindergarten class, one day after school home, the daughter said to the puppy that is eating: Hey, don't eat anymore, you are so fat, you should lose weight, eat you again I will drive you out!

Turning around, she handed her mother a small bag of snacks from her bag: This is from kindergarten, I left you a bag, eat it quickly.

Mom deliberately teased her: No, I'm a lot fatter now and I want to lose weight.

The daughter's small mouth skimmed: Mother don't be afraid, no matter how much you eat, I will not kick you out!

Bao Mom said that her daughter's words were both interesting and touching, and it turned out that Meng Wa's words could be so healing.

Super healing children's quotes, every sentence is soft and poking the heart, which sentence are you touched by?

On the Internet, some parents have also posted many soft and prickly cute baby quotes, and many netizens have called out that it is too healing after reading it.

Super healing children's quotes, which sentence were you touched by?

The sister was asked after picking up her sister from school: I am not at home, do you miss me?

The sister nodded yes, and at this time the sister immediately found a psychological balance: Well, I thought that only I was secretly thinking about you in kindergarten.

Have you been poked by this warm sisterhood?

Super healing children's quotes, every sentence is soft and poking the heart, which sentence are you touched by?

When the old man sees the familiar children, many will smile and greet: Little beauty, hello!

In this regard, the following child replied directly: Big beauty, hello!

For the elderly, this big beauty is extremely healing.

Super healing children's quotes, every sentence is soft and poking the heart, which sentence are you touched by?

Many people say that children's brain holes are very large, and their logic is often laughable due to limited cognition.

The following child said directly to his mother: You gave birth to a boy, and your offspring are extinct.

The reason for this conclusion is that he has discovered the "law" that only girls can continue their lives.

Super healing children's quotes, every sentence is soft and poking the heart, which sentence are you touched by?

Many times, you will find that children are often better able to say something rich in truth.

Faced with the question of "who does the teacher like?", the 5-year-old below gave his mother a name.

As for why this person is, he said very old-fashionedly: This is the choice of the teacher, the adult has the choice of the adult, and the child has the choice of the child.

Super healing children's quotes, every sentence is soft and poking the heart, which sentence are you touched by?

It is undeniable that the feelings between children and mothers are very deep.

A mother shared a scene that happened when she was having dinner with her son, and when her son peeled the quail eggs for himself, the mother sighed that she was so happy.

As soon as the words stopped, my 5-year-old son continued: I also feel very happy, because I can peel quail eggs for my mother!

You see, the happiness between parents and children is so easy to be transmitted...

Super healing children's quotes, every sentence is soft and poking the heart, which sentence are you touched by?

A preschool teacher also shared healing quotes from the children.

After hearing the sound of the wind, a three-year-old boy thought that the wind wanted to enter the room, so he heard the movement outside the window.

With this thought in mind, the boy opened the window, and when he saw the wind crackling the curtains, he happily told the teacher: Look, they are saying thank you!

The teacher said that he was healed by the child's sensibility, and this innocence is worth learning from every adult.

Super healing children's quotes, every sentence is soft and poking the heart, which sentence are you touched by?

As parents, how do we protect our children's innocence?

Many times, although the child's language is childish and ridiculous, the innocence in the language is enough to poke the softest place in the parent's heart, and the child's innocence will also close the distance between parents and children.

As a parent, if you want to protect your child's innocence, the first thing to do is to respect the child's curiosity, when the child shows a more "childish" side to the parents, parents should give a positive response, rather than perfunctory ridicule, not to destroy the child's beautiful imagination.

Super healing children's quotes, every sentence is soft and poking the heart, which sentence are you touched by?

Second, parents should not prematurely transmit family pressure to their children.

In order to make their children become sensible, some parents instilled negative information such as poverty at home and hard work of parents from an early age, although these words will play a certain motivating role for children, but at the same time, they will become precocious in their thinking and lose the innocence of their peers.

Finally, if parents are willing to lower their posture and take the initiative to become their children's "peers", then the relationship between parents and children will be as close as friends, and adults and children will retain a rare innocence.

Super healing children's quotes, every sentence is soft and poking the heart, which sentence are you touched by?

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I am Xiaoxuan's father, actively learning to take a baby "daughter slave", sharing the thoughts and feelings of the parenting process every day, if you like my articles, please pay attention to, forward, comment, your like is the biggest motivation for my writing!

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