
Four times ready to get married, today it finally became!

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Remember postponing the wedding four times

Henan anti-epidemic nurse Zhou Yadan?

On February 22, 2022

Tuesday, the twenty-second day of the first month

This "most loving" day

She and her boyfriend of five years are finally married

△ Video source: Henan Tv Minsheng Channel "Big Reference" column

Get married on the "most loving" day

"Fantastic fate, very special and very happy"

Zhou Yadan is the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Henan Province

Nurse in charge of the emergency department

She and her boyfriend had planned to get married during the Spring Festival in 2020

But Zhou Yadan because of work reasons

Weddings were postponed several times over the course of two years

Four times ready to get married, today it finally became!

Tuesday, February 22, 2022, the twenty-second day of the first month

Because "2" consonant "love"

This day was also called "the most loving" day by netizens

Zhou Yadan said that choosing to have a wedding today is a coincidence

"This is our 5th wedding date

At that time, I thought it was a very auspicious day

I didn't expect to meet such a loving day

Fantastic fate, very special and very happy"

Four times ready to get married, today it finally became!

After several previous marriage delays

Zhou Yadan was once again sure

The boyfriend is the one she's looking for

Today at the wedding site in Gongyi, Henan

Zhou Yadan's boyfriend confessed affectionately

"Honey, marry me!"

A sentence of "I do"

Let the air be filled with romance and happiness

In the blessings of friends and family

The two entered the palace of marriage and walked to a new stop in life

Four times ready to get married, today it finally became!

"Good things grind more

This marriage must be married."

Zhou Yadan told the main station reporter

Since the wedding date was set last year

Both she and her boyfriend took the matter seriously

"Good things are good, this marriage must be married!"

We make any decision these months

Consider the wedding date

After all, it has been postponed several times

We all want to be able to get married."

The day before the wedding, Zhou Yadan left his job

Prepare ceremonial supplies with your family

Four times ready to get married, today it finally became!

Successfully married today

The mood of the two was also very excited

"I remember what my husband said to me

'I'll be good to you for the rest of my life'

Very touched and grateful for his support for my work"

After marriage, the two intend to take advantage of marriage leave

Go out and relax and enjoy a rare time for two

Zhou Yadan said

I didn't expect so many friends to pay attention

Thank you for your concern

"I have notified everyone several times before to come to the wedding

Family and friends were relieved this time."

Four times ready to get married, today it finally became!

Netizen: Blessings!

A day of love, there is a loving person

On this "most loving" day

Netizens also sent blessings to the couple

"Belated wedding, unchanging love"

"Happy and happy"

This is a day with a super high concentration of love

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▌Source of this article: CCTV News WeChat public account (ID: cctvnewscenter)

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