
Learn about child neglect, what are the signs of neglect and how to help

What is neglect?

This is called neglect when a child's basic needs are not met by the people who should care for them.

Children's needs may be similar in different cultures, but the way in which those needs are met may vary from family to family. Parenting behaviors can range from "good enough" parenting to not being able to meet a child's basic needs, and some parents may have difficulty providing food for their children due to poverty, addiction or mental illness, while others are unable to provide other necessities of life, such as learning conditions.

Learn about child neglect, what are the signs of neglect and how to help

What are your child's basic needs?

There are several needs that affect a child's development and require the care of their parents or caregivers.

If these needs are not met, they can have a lifelong impact on the body, cognition, and emotions.

Body – shelter, food, clothing, hygiene, sleep

Feelings – hugs, kisses, hugs, tenderness, patience

Safety – continuous care, proper boundaries

Mentoring – Imparting life skills and instilling values

Independence – balancing conservation and exploration

Responsibility – proper housekeeping, participation in decision-making

Stimulation – encouragement, praise, play

Approval – understanding and acceptance

Negligence is often more than just a one-time event. It can increase over time, and parental and child behavior may become normalized.

Ignored types

Child neglect can occur in many different areas of a child's life. Neglect may include only one type, several different types, or all.

Regulatory negligence: Absence or inattention leads to injury

Abandonment: The child leaves for a long time

Medical neglect: Inadequate medical care is not provided

Emotional neglect: Lack of warmth and emotional support

Educational neglect: The need to study is not met

Physical neglect: lack of food and clothing, insecurity at home

Learn about child neglect, what are the signs of neglect and how to help

Signs of neglect

If your child shows any of the following signs, it may indicate neglect:

Frequent absenteeism

Inadequate, worn or dirty clothes

Living in an unhygienic or unsafe environment

May steal or beg for food, clothing, money

Very dirty, unwashed or has a body odor

Frequent hunger, lack of food or malnutrition

Left alone at home for long periods of time, unattended

Untreated injury, illness or physical condition

Abuse of alcohol or other substances by parents or caregivers

Parents or caregivers may be indifferent to their children

If you see a similar phenomenon and children, please be brave enough to stand up or provide information about the child to the relevant authorities, and each of us can play a role in protecting children from abuse and harm.

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