
Elderly women please note that this "IVF Strategy" is waiting for you to "flop the card"!

Concubine Hua: I heard that last night the emperor turned over the sign of the Guangui people...

Slave: Yes...

Concubine Hua: Hmmm... The untouchable is a pretentious person, and the palace is not a baby, what is great!

Jia Yuanjun: No child is not terrible, Niangniang is about to flop this "IVF Fertility Strategy", you will definitely be satisfied...

In addition to the problem of inhaled musk, it also has a lot to do with age, not only is the skin lax, the energy is reduced, even the ovaries will age, but with the following strategy, it may help you!

Elderly women please note that this "IVF Strategy" is waiting for you to "flop the card"!

《IVF Fertility Tips》

Page 1: No Unprovoked Infertility, Check!

Princess Huafei is infertile due to inhalation of musk, why are you not pregnant? When the real physical condition of an elderly woman has gone downhill, the success depends on the condition of the ovaries, uterus and other aspects, so if you want to choose IVF technology to help conceive, you must conduct a comprehensive examination of your body.

Elderly women please note that this "IVF Strategy" is waiting for you to "flop the card"!

In order to prepare for IVF, patients need to carry out a series of examinations according to the doctor's arrangement, formulate a treatment plan in advance and assess the success rate, so as to detect problems in the body early.

Woman: Check the six items of estrogen and the number of basal follicles, check the vaginal ultrasound, AMH examination, etc

Man: Semen analysis, etc

Page 2: Choose more than the effort, the test tube of the new era to understand!

When infertility occurs, it is not to sit still, but to find out the cause in time, choose the right way to solve the problem, the problem of Huafei is that she believes too much in tradition and dare not break through herself, which is also a common disease of many infertile women, the new era chooses the right test tube technology, arranges the appropriate test tube program, can improve the probability of success of the test tube in time to hold the baby.

Elderly women please note that this "IVF Strategy" is waiting for you to "flop the card"!

Page Three: Self-knowledge should be profound, and how much success rate is known!

As we age, the number and quality of the eggs decreases, which may reduce the success rate of the test tube! That is to say, the success rate of IVF in elderly women may be lower than that of young women, but it is not absolute, and it depends on the physical condition of women themselves, so elderly women should make psychological adjustments.

Elderly women please note that this "IVF Strategy" is waiting for you to "flop the card"!

In addition, the elderly women with heavy psychological pressure, their blood vessels are in a constricted state for a long time, affecting the blood flow of the uterus and ovaries locally, and the tension of the nervous system will cause some nerve mediators to release abnormalities, resulting in uterine and fallopian tube muscle contraction disorders, and the embryo cannot implant and lead to pregnancy failure. Therefore, elderly women should maintain a positive and optimistic attitude in the ivine and fertility process.

In general, if an elderly woman misses the golden age of childbearing, don't panic, if you want to ask when is the test tube appropriate? All I can say is today! Because the speed of natural aging of the human body is uncontrollable, the success rate is guaranteed by testing tubes as soon as possible.

Elderly women please note that this "IVF Strategy" is waiting for you to "flop the card"!

Princess Hua was very satisfied after reading the raiders, ready to leave the palace, travel through the millennium, to do test tubes, in the 21st century, she is not lonely, but full of children and grandchildren

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