
A person is not selfish, look at the way he "speaks"

A person is not selfish, look at the way he "speaks"


01. Preface

Ben Johnson said: "Language can most expose a person, as long as you speak, I can understand you." ”

The interaction between people and people is valuable in communication. If you are friends with a selfish person, no matter what you give, you will not get the other party's sincerity.

No one writes the word "selfish" on his face, but it comes out of his words and deeds.

Getting along with people and being deceived is because others wear a mask of hypocrisy. The human heart is always hidden in the darkest place, not easy to see clearly.

In fact, from the way a person speaks, you can see whether he is selfish or not.

If a person always likes to grab words and be strong in everything, then this person will definitely come before himself. I am afraid that if I say it is too late, I will not get the resources I want and will not be able to take advantage.

Selfish people, the words spoken will be completely from themselves.

If it involves the interests of others, he will have a tough attitude of not giving in and resolutely defending his own interests. Speaking out, you can hear a lot of hostility.

Speaking is a science, selfish person, three words can reveal the nature. He is afraid of being wronged, and if he does not take advantage, he will suffer losses, and such a person will always be despised.

A person is not selfish, look at the way he "speaks"

02, there is a kind of selfishness, called talking and grabbing words

Selfish people, people who like to steal words, love to prove themselves, and have a low degree of acceptance of others.

Selfish people in their bones, when getting along with others, talk a lot and closely, speak quickly, and people who are not forgiving on their lips are actually afraid of falling behind and being unfavorable to themselves.

Selfish people like to grab words when it comes to getting along with people. I feel that I can say it first in order to seize the opportunity, no matter what the benefits are, I can get it first-come, first-served.

If you make a small incident, you will first talk about how much you have been hurt, and you will not care about the feelings of others. He has a big temper, does not have a little tolerance, and does not produce compassion even when dealing with the weak.

Selfish people only care about their own interests when they speak, and often do not care about the consequences.

Not afraid to hurt others, words do not go through the brain, they speak impulsively. No matter who is right and who is wrong, they are never willing to consider problems from a fair standpoint.

I can't manage my emotions well, and I always feel that I have a reason. Speaking first, just try to be happy, often causing great trouble to others, he is like a person who has nothing to do, he feels that there is a lively to see.

People who like to grab words have a very poor character, the popularity is not good, it seems to be straightforward, but in fact, it is unobstructed, lack of education, and few people dare to be truly friends with him.

A person is not selfish, look at the way he "speaks"

03, selfish people, talk very "hard"

Selfish people who speak only for their own interests.

Concubine Hua in "The Biography of Zhen Huan", in order to compete for favors, always bullied the Cao Gui people who were attached to her.

She took a gun and a stick at her words, and forced Cao Guiren to give her daughter Princess Wenyi indigestible cassava flour to frame Zhen Huan in this way.

Cao Gui's heart was unbearable, but Concubine Hua said strongly that children could not eat badly, and even if they were so squeamish, they did not change their plans because of Cao Qinmo's worries.

In her eyes, only her own honor and favor is the most important thing, and since the people around her want to be attached to her, they must be used by her.

It is precisely because of Princess Hua's selfishness that she finally made countless enemies, resulting in the final loss of favor and being framed.

When people get along with each other, everyone has a mirror in their hearts. No one loves to associate with selfish people, and no one will communicate with selfish people.

Selfish people are often unpopular.

Selfish people, when he is in a good situation, there will be people who will meet him, and in times of adversity, there will also be people who will fall into the well for him.

In life, from the attitude and way a person speaks, you know what kind of person he is.

If a person only cares about his own interests, then he is often a selfish person. Selfish people are bound to offend many people. Everything is done too much, and in the end, it will often end up at the expense of others.

A person is not selfish, look at the way he "speaks"

04, in words, there is a person's character

Get along with people, talk well, be a good person, and don't live too selfishly.

Lü Kun said: "Selfishness is an obstacle to making people talented. ”

There is a kind of selfish person who loves to complain, loves to cry poor, loves to talk, and hides her calculations in her words.

For example, people who always cry poor and say that they have no money are actually a manifestation of selfishness. Because they were afraid that others would ask him for help, they interrupted the idea of borrowing money from others at the beginning.

Selfish people, dependent on psychology, love to calculate, always hope that others always think for him, but he never considers the situation of others. Love to take advantage of small profits, can not eat a little loss.

Life is alive and cannot live too selfishly.

When you want others to help you, have you ever reflected on your own treatment of others?

A person with a selfish nature may be able to take advantage of a little advantage in life, but more often than not, he slowly cut off his love with others and end up alone.

Don't live too selfishly, because you will also need help one day. In the interaction between people, only by treating others sincerely, others are willing to treat you sincerely.

A person is not selfish, look at the way he "speaks"

05. Summary

Get along with people, judge whether a person is selfish, and look at the way he "talks".

Oniguzi said, "The mouth, the portal of the heart, and the wisdom all come out of it." ”

What kind of mind a person has, it will be clear to see what kind of words he says.

If you want to know what kind of person the other party is, you may wish to talk to the other party more, in the words of the other party, you can feel his state of mind, as well as his most authentic character.

Selfish people, when speaking, like to rush to shirk responsibility; selfish people, like to cry poor, like to grab words, when speaking, do not care about the feelings of others.

Selfish people, in order to get more benefits for themselves, do not hesitate to hurt others. It is always the habit of using tough words and means to make others submit.

On the road of life, don't live too selfishly. Selfish people, the road of life will become narrower and narrower.

Get along with people, be generous, treat people sincerely, often the opportunities will be better, and the career will develop better. How you treat people, what kind of life will you live. To be kind to others is to be kind to oneself.


Author: Xia Mo, a cutting-edge emotional tutor, a psychologist, a popular emotional writer with more than 1 billion people on the Internet, a happy woman manager, who has focused on emotions, gender, and mother-in-law and daughter-in-law for more than ten years.

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