
I could understand An Lingrong at the tenth level of Zhen Xue, but I couldn't grab Xue Rongrong!

I could understand An Lingrong at the tenth level of Zhen Xue, but I couldn't grab Xue Rongrong!

The two top ice piers and snow melting at the beginning of 2022, grabbing every day and waiting for the mood of slow hands every day who will understand!? I'm angry! I'm in pain! I'm uncomfortable!

I could understand An Lingrong at the tenth level of Zhen Xue, but I couldn't grab Xue Rongrong!

The first time I saw the snow melting around and jumping, this red and white colored costume came with BGM, and Sister O almost blurted out, "Ling Rong, is it you?" ”

I could understand An Lingrong at the tenth level of Zhen Xue, but I couldn't grab Xue Rongrong!

Look at this smooth gliding, elegant posture, "The Biography of Zhen Huan" Ann · Literary and Art Committee Member • Ice Frolic Master • Ling Rong to participate in a figure skating project at the Winter Olympics is not too much, right?

I could understand An Lingrong at the tenth level of Zhen Xue, but I couldn't grab Xue Rongrong!

Little Red Book Zhen Xiaoxiao

However, our snow melting rong is not the appearance of An Lingrong, and the mascot of the Winter Paralympic Games carries many beautiful meanings. Its small lantern shape represents harvest, festivity, warmth and light, and the introduction of "ice and snow" elements combines the festive atmosphere of joy and celebration with the beautiful meaning of "Ruixue Mega Year".

I could understand An Lingrong at the tenth level of Zhen Xue, but I couldn't grab Xue Rongrong!
I could understand An Lingrong at the tenth level of Zhen Xue, but I couldn't grab Xue Rongrong!

Little Red Book Yes, I am

The Winter Paralympic Games after the Beijing Winter Olympics will open on March 4, with a total of six major events in Beijing, Yanqing and Zhangjiakou: Paralympic Alpine Skiing, Paralympic Biathlon, Paralympic Cross-Country Skiing, Paralympic Ice Hockey, Paralympic Snowboarding, and Paralympic Wheelchair Curling. Remember to cheer on our players!

I could understand An Lingrong at the tenth level of Zhen Xue, but I couldn't grab Xue Rongrong!

An Lingrong's ice play has aroused the "drama addiction" of Sister O, an old "Zhen scholar", and picked up "The Biography of Zhen Huan" in the gap between watching the Winter Olympics. Can't help but sigh that the evergreen tree for more than ten years is not called in vain, in addition to the full level of skills, the girls in the play are also worthy of careful study. Sister O from the maintenance, diet, makeup three aspects to give everyone a good inventory, we are saying that while watching the Winter Olympics and the palace ladies and ladies "eat and raise together"!

01 Huafei VS Huan Huan,

Who is better at conservation?

In "The Biography of Zhen Huan", the two major beauties are Hua Fei of "Fengyi Wanqian" and Zhen Huan of "Skin Shengxue". In addition to being born beautiful, these two also have their own skills in the care of skin, come and follow them to "open their eyes".

I could understand An Lingrong at the tenth level of Zhen Xue, but I couldn't grab Xue Rongrong!

Sisters who can answer all the following questions correctly, Sister O unofficially gave you a title of "Zhen Xue Understands the King"!


Click on the blank space to see the answer

How is the hand sanitizer used by Huafei made?

Use gansong, wu baizhi, magnolia peel, white sandalwood and bamboo

The leaves are soaked in pig pancreas and dried and made by grinding the powder.

The sister who answered correctly earns 1 point!

I could understand An Lingrong at the tenth level of Zhen Xue, but I couldn't grab Xue Rongrong!

This hand sanitizer made of Chinese herbal medicine can also play a role in reducing swelling and moisturizing on the basis of mild cleaning, and this cumbersome material is also very in line with the character of Huafei Ha.

I could understand An Lingrong at the tenth level of Zhen Xue, but I couldn't grab Xue Rongrong!

In addition to hand sanitizers, ancient people also invented soap to clean and decontaminate. The Song Dynasty Yang Shiying's Renzhai Zhizhi retains a more specific "soap recipe". Including baizhi, gansong, light powder, honey monk, camphor and other materials, the medicine is the end, together with pig fat, egg white and for the pill to use, it can be said that it pays great attention to maintenance and hygiene.


What is the name of the beauty powder that Zhen Huan used to return to the palace from Ganlu Temple?

Fairy Jade Girl Powder

At that time, when watching this paragraph, Sister O had a deep obsession with the "Immortal Jade Female Powder", which had to be a lot of immortals to make Huan Huan choose it every time she needed to become beautiful!

I could understand An Lingrong at the tenth level of Zhen Xue, but I couldn't grab Xue Rongrong!

The Fairy Jade Powder is not fictional, its raw materials include motherwort, talc and rouge. Empress Wu Zetian of the Tang Dynasty also relied on it to stay in the face, and the New Book of Tang said that she was "high in spring and autumn, good at self-painting, although she did not understand its decline left and right.".

I could understand An Lingrong at the tenth level of Zhen Xue, but I couldn't grab Xue Rongrong!

The "New Cultivation of Materia Medica" records that the preparation of this party should harvest the whole motherwort during the Dragon Boat Festival, and cannot be slightly soiled, otherwise it is invalid; when calcining, do not fire too fiercely, otherwise the medicine will turn yellow and black, and it will be ineffective. Motherwort not only has the effect of invigorating blood, dispelling stasis, regulating menstruation and reducing swelling, but also contains selenium, manganese and other trace elements, which can beautify and resist aging, and has many benefits for women.


I could understand An Lingrong at the tenth level of Zhen Xue, but I couldn't grab Xue Rongrong!

What is Huanbi doing?

Grate head

Remember what Huanbi said?

I could understand An Lingrong at the tenth level of Zhen Xue, but I couldn't grab Xue Rongrong!

Hear what she said? "You can relax your spirits and sleep better!" Grates are combs made of bamboo, with beams in the middle and teeth on both sides that are denser than ordinary combs.

I could understand An Lingrong at the tenth level of Zhen Xue, but I couldn't grab Xue Rongrong!

Grate head is to dredge the meridians of the scalp, solve the problem of head meridian qi and blood imbalance, qi stagnation and blood stasis, headache and insomnia patients see this really fiercely moved.

I could understand An Lingrong at the tenth level of Zhen Xue, but I couldn't grab Xue Rongrong!

We don't necessarily have to comb our hair with grates now, but massaging the acupuncture points of the head with a horn comb can also play a role in relieving muscles and activating blood. Sisters who want to improve facial puffiness can also reduce swelling by massaging the acupuncture points on the top of their heads to promote lymphatic circulation, so try picking up a comb!

02 Harem eat MVP

As a classic, the dishes in "The Biography of Zhen Huan" are not only extremely nutritious, but also have acting skills. For example, this "sad eggplant" that was discarded by the emperor shows the sad mood of the empress dowager after the departure of the emperor.

I could understand An Lingrong at the tenth level of Zhen Xue, but I couldn't grab Xue Rongrong!

The next food question is a test for everyone, let me see who only stares at the food, not the plot!

I could understand An Lingrong at the tenth level of Zhen Xue, but I couldn't grab Xue Rongrong!


What is Sister Mei's favorite sweets?

Jujube mud yam cake

When seeing the scenes of the players feeling sorry for each other or cheering each other up at the Winter Olympics, Sister O will also think of the fairy friendship between Zhen Huan and Sister Mei, which is really good to cry!

I could understand An Lingrong at the tenth level of Zhen Xue, but I couldn't grab Xue Rongrong!

Of course, it is worth mentioning that the jujube mud yam cake, a "big household of drama", with its easy digestion, sweet taste, and can replenish qi and blood, strengthen the spleen and stomach, has appeared in works and plays such as "Dream of the Red Chamber". However, the place where Sister O most hopes it appears is in my stomach, and the sticky sticky one is really delicious.

I could understand An Lingrong at the tenth level of Zhen Xue, but I couldn't grab Xue Rongrong!

Little Red Book A Chen orange

The reason why this dish puts red dates and yams together is because they have the effect of tonifying qi and blood, especially for people with weaker physiques. In addition, yam is a good ingredient for nourishing the spleen in spring, and it is better to eat it with osmanthus flowers, lotus seeds, lilies, etc.


The emperor wanted to drink another bowl but was stopped by the queen, and took the opportunity to instill the soup of "no preference, understanding moderation" what is the name of the soup?

Duck soup

The old duck is a good tonic, it is not only rich in nutrition, but also has the effect of nourishing the sun of the five internal organs, clearing the heat of the weak labor, replenishing the blood and water, and nourishing the stomach.

I could understand An Lingrong at the tenth level of Zhen Xue, but I couldn't grab Xue Rongrong!

Duck meat is called a "magic medicine" and a tonic in the "Famous Doctors", and more importantly, the duck soup is delicious and the skin is sticky. No wonder the emperor was angry, such a delicious and nourishing soup does not let people drink, in other words, everyone must be angry!


In this bowl pictured below, what kind of soup did Zhen Huan give to Qi Concubine to "cure the nightmare"?

I could understand An Lingrong at the tenth level of Zhen Xue, but I couldn't grab Xue Rongrong!

Brown rice coix soup

If nothing else, this brown rice coix soup looks like black sesame paste, and it feels delicious.

I could understand An Lingrong at the tenth level of Zhen Xue, but I couldn't grab Xue Rongrong!

Although in the play, Zhen Huan rewarded her with brown rice and coix soup in order to punish Concubine Qi, in fact, this soup is really a good soup! Brown rice coix seed soup has the effect of reducing water and swelling, strengthening the spleen and removing dampness, preventing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and promoting digestion.

I could understand An Lingrong at the tenth level of Zhen Xue, but I couldn't grab Xue Rongrong!

A middle-aged girl obsessed with health care

Sisters can try the improved and upgraded version of brown rice coix soup, Si shen soup, which is especially suitable for women and can also play a role in alleviating acne and acne. If you like to eat meat, you can also cook it with cavity bones and winter melon, and the taste is not too good!

03 Have it,

Instantly transformed into a harem beauty big V

The last round of answers, see if you people who shout "Ladies are too beautiful" these days have mastered the good items that keep them beautiful!


What kind of cosmetics is the following picture that The concubine resigned?

I could understand An Lingrong at the tenth level of Zhen Xue, but I couldn't grab Xue Rongrong!

Screw Dai

At that time, Luo Zidai could be said to be a "high-end limited" product, and there was no "doorway" to get it.

I could understand An Lingrong at the tenth level of Zhen Xue, but I couldn't grab Xue Rongrong!

Ancient female thrushes mainly used "Dai", generally known as Shi Dai, which is a black mineral. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, it was mainly used to burn wicker eyebrows; during the Southern and Northern Dynasties period, a dark gray daishi was introduced to the Central Plains from the Western Regions, called "Green Sparrow Head Dai"; during the Sui and Tang Dynasties, there was a snail Dai.

I could understand An Lingrong at the tenth level of Zhen Xue, but I couldn't grab Xue Rongrong!

In the play, Princess Hua is still angry that There are too few luo zi dai, so what is special about luo zi dai that makes the ladies and ladies love it so much?

I could understand An Lingrong at the tenth level of Zhen Xue, but I couldn't grab Xue Rongrong!

First of all, its color is rare and special. Because it contains a special material of Mediterranean conch ground into powder, it has a special purple color (Taiya purple), which is more noble than the cyan color of traditional stone daisy. Secondly, it is more convenient to use. When using the screw dai, you don't have to grind and blend as before, just dip in water. Such a big baby can not make women especially favored!


What is the name of the material zhen huan uses to dye nails in the following picture?

I could understand An Lingrong at the tenth level of Zhen Xue, but I couldn't grab Xue Rongrong!

Drunken Rouge (Hydrangea)

When watching "The Biography of Zhen Huan", Sister O has always lamented that drunken rouge is really good at white!

I could understand An Lingrong at the tenth level of Zhen Xue, but I couldn't grab Xue Rongrong!

Nail dyeing is equivalent to the ancient people's nail art, which was popular in the Tang and Song dynasties. According to the "Yanjing Chronicle", "the hyacinth is the bone-penetrating grass, also known as the nail grass. When the flowers bloom in May, the children of the boudoir take them and pound them, so that they can dye their nails, bright red through the bones, and disappear over the years", which tells the story of how the children of the boudoir will use the hydrangea flowers to mash the nails.

I could understand An Lingrong at the tenth level of Zhen Xue, but I couldn't grab Xue Rongrong!

Manicure originated in ancient Egypt, where the ancient Egyptians rubbed the fur of antelope to make their nails shiny and coated with henna flower juice to make them red. Arabs also began growing Henna early on and dyeing nails with its juices. Sure enough, girls make articles on their nails regardless of region!


In the picture below, what is the name of the green oil spice that Zhen Huan gave to Cao Qinmo?

I could understand An Lingrong at the tenth level of Zhen Xue, but I couldn't grab Xue Rongrong!

Honey incense

Zhen Huan is really literate and reasonable, not only proficient in poetry, but also knows how to use honey incense as an isotope notation to "catch spies". The sisters who answered all 9 questions correctly came out! Sister O gave you a medal, "Zhen Xue understands the king" is none other than you!

I could understand An Lingrong at the tenth level of Zhen Xue, but I couldn't grab Xue Rongrong!

Also known as "butterfly incense", honey incense is an incense originating in Persia, developed from grape nectar plus a local specialty petal powder. It is precisely because it is precious and the smell will last a long time when it is stained on the clothes, that Zhen Huan gave it to Cao Qinmo to test Huanbi.

I could understand An Lingrong at the tenth level of Zhen Xue, but I couldn't grab Xue Rongrong!

In addition to honey incense, the goose pear tent zhongxiang contributed by "figure skater" An Lingrong is also one of the "starring" in "The Biography of Zhen Huan". Its inventor is the Southern Tang Dynasty lord Li Yu, its production method has been passed down to this day: take one or two pieces of agarwood, one dollar at the end of sandalwood, ten pieces of goose pears, carve the goose pears out of the core like an urn, into the incense, still put the pear top to sign the lid, steam three slips, remove the pear peel, research and ling even, long-term can be burned.

I could understand An Lingrong at the tenth level of Zhen Xue, but I couldn't grab Xue Rongrong!

Little Red Book Yaxin (Huaxia Xiangxue)

The Beijing Winter Olympics and the Winter Paralympic Games will make the world look at China, and it is precisely because of the cultural self-confidence and national pride of "the sacred flame of civilization, the one who has not been extinguished through the ages, and the only one who is incomparable", that we have the courage to show China's style in front of the world.

The elaborate costumes, classic lines and poems in "The Biography of Zhen Huan" are also the epitome of our excellent culture, so don't let it go, and then turn it out to see! Maybe you can get more health to become beautiful little tricks, remember to share, let O sister also copy homework!

I could understand An Lingrong at the tenth level of Zhen Xue, but I couldn't grab Xue Rongrong!

The image is partly from the Internet

Responsible editor / Fang Quezi

Design/Lei Sun

Written by Typography / Zhang Hanxin

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