
Not healthy in spring? Acne will get on the body!

Not healthy in spring? Acne will get on the body!

Before: No matter how many elders sent "After eating, these things must not be touched", "only a bowl of soup is needed to pass through the blood vessels!" 99% of people don't know" the health secrets, O sister is "I don't look at me I don't look at I don't look!" ”

Now: every day, I turn over the chat records to sneak up on some notes, and from time to time urge my parents to send a few more articles to me to make up.

Not healthy in spring? Acne will get on the body!

Before: Seeing colleagues soaking goji berries in a thermos cup, I was like: "Isn't it, so soon to start entering middle-aged and elderly?" ”

Now: "Quick! Whoever has goji berries, my newly purchased long-lasting thermos cup arrived, give me half a can! ”

Not healthy in spring? Acne will get on the body!

I don't know when it began, the topic of discussion began to turn to health, who slept earlier, more than who wentji berries. Spring is a good time for health, and the body should be fully nourished, after all, one of our dreams is to live a long life!

Health, what to raise

The word health is not far away from us, and proper exercise, nourishment, and physiotherapy are all part of health. Different genders and ages also differ in terms of health care in different seasons.

Not healthy in spring? Acne will get on the body!

Sleep and organ care is a very important two steps in health care, Sister O takes everyone step by step, so that the road to health care is called a solid.


Four seasons of sleep care

Like small saplings, physiological activities change with the four seasons, and the optimal sleep time is also different, only when it is time to water, and to sleep when it is time to sleep can grow tall.

● The best time to sleep in spring and summer

Evening: 23:00~7:00

In spring and summer, it is advisable to go to bed late and get up early, and you need to sleep 5-8 hours a day

● The best time to sleep in autumn and winter

Evening: 22:30~7:00

In autumn and winter, it is advisable to go to bed early, and you need to sleep 7-9 hours a day

If you have slept well, please raise your hand!

Not healthy in spring? Acne will get on the body!

Although everyone knows the importance of going to bed early, but busy work, frequent insomnia and the development of late sleep biological clock lead to many people can not go to bed early, lying in bed to turn over and over the circle of eyes, really bad!

Not healthy in spring? Acne will get on the body!

After constantly trying, sister O found that soothing aromatherapy and stretching meditation before bed really help to fall asleep quickly. Lavender is generally found in the aromatherapy ingredients, and the agarwood acetate and agarwood in lavender help to comprehensively soothe the nervous system, reduce stress, stabilize mood and thus promote sleep. Stretching meditation can also be effective in relieving anxiety and relaxing the body, and it is simple and easy to learn, which can be done in bed. Those lost sleep, those lost hairs are finally saved!


It's time to nourish the liver in the spring

Spring liver, summer heart, autumn lungs, winter kidney, spring is the time when the liver drainage function is the strongest, liver nourishment can play a multiplier effect with half the effort. If your fingernails are ridged, you have a big breath in the morning or you always feel weak, you need to spend more time on liver nourishment!

Not healthy in spring? Acne will get on the body!

01 Do not nourish the liver, are you sure?

Liver and liver are our little treasures, with blood hiding and drainage effect, sufficient blood allows us to have a rosy and healthy face, comfortable qi and blood to bring us a happy and full mood. And liver nourishment is especially important for girls, we say that girls have good qi and blood, rosy face, are good liver nourishment, if you do not raise liver, the body will produce these intuitive changes!

● Liver fire: irritability, dry mouth, dreams, acne on the face and back

● Insufficient liver blood: dull skin, enlarged pores, shallow sleep and dreams

● Liver qi depression: dark circles, indigestion, dull yellow face, long spots, hair loss

Not healthy in spring? Acne will get on the body!

When dark circles, hair loss, and acne occur, not once is it innocent to stay up late and get angry. In order to restore beauty, the golden liver nourishment period from Spring to Summer must be paid attention to!

02 Liver food come to the bowl!

Eat, important! What to eat, quite important! In order for us to have a good liver, eggs, lean meat, milk, oats, carrots and other foods rich in vitamin C and protein should go to the stomach. In addition, for the three kinds of problems that occur when the liver is not nourished, it can also be adjusted by drinking tea. In many areas, spring is rainy, external moisture is easy to invade the body, drink more flower tea to help rationalize, remove impurities, and open up depression.

Not healthy in spring? Acne will get on the body!

● Liver fire: 6 roses, 3 grams of tangerine peel, 5 grams of mulberry leaves, 4 grams of goji berries, 6 chrysanthemums to relieve liver diarrhea. If the spleen and stomach are cold, you can add red dates and ginger slices to make tea together, but this party should not drink on an empty stomach.

● Insufficient liver blood: The "mulberry tea" recommended by "Niangniang" requires 6 grams of mulberry, 3 grams of roses, 3 grams of poria, 5 grams of lilies, and 1 red date to cook tea soup. It can nourish the liver and blood and quench thirst, and is very effective in alleviating the problems of shallow sleep and easy to wake up from dreams.

● Liver qi depression: 6 roses, 5 grams of bergamot, 5 grams of orange peel, 3 red dates, 4 grams of goji berries in water substitute tea, you can comb the liver qi and blood and dissolve stasis.

Not healthy in spring? Acne will get on the body!

To sum up, the ingredients suitable for spring tea health are chrysanthemums, goji berries, lilies, poria, red dates, peonies, etc., which can be added to the body when brewing flower tea. In the nourishment of nutritious ingredients, the first step of the liver and liver maintenance plan is initially completed!

03 Liver protection techniques will be learned as soon as you learn!

Love your liver and let it enjoy by massaging it! In comparison and practice, Sister O found that "kneading the tendons" and "pushing the liver meridian" are good methods that can play a role in dredging qi and blood and helping sleep and digestion.

Not healthy in spring? Acne will get on the body!

● Kneading tendons: the main tendons of the liver, and the adjustment of tendons is to nourish the liver. Turn your foot over, and there will be a hard tendon that can be touched, that is, the "ground tendon". After finding it, repeatedly massage this hard tendon with your index finger and rub it to soften it, and the liver and liver will be soft. You can also use a massage roller or rolling pin (serious) to roll up and down 20-30 times, more than 11 o'clock at night let's not rub it!

Not healthy in spring? Acne will get on the body!

@Little Red Book is Tatsu not Morning II

● Push the liver meridian: First of all, O sister should emphasize that the liver meridian should not be pushed after 11 o'clock in the evening! Because stimulating the liver meridian helps the yang qi rise, if the liver meridian is pushed after 11 o'clock at night, it is easy to cause liver fire and lead to insomnia.

So where is the liver meridian? After we sit down, bend our knees, the inner thighs facing upwards, the center is the liver meridian, and the middle is the pushing liver meridian. Use the palm root to push from the base of the thigh to the knee, or after shaking a fist, push down with the second joint of the four fingers. First the left leg and then the right leg, each leg push 50 times, you can also match it with essential oils.

Not healthy in spring? Acne will get on the body!

Learned, right? Read it twice before you learn it! Without further ado, give the liver and liver a big massage this evening and complete the second step of the maintenance plan!

How to maintain health in spring

Now, while the body is just getting used to spring, raise it by surprise!

Not healthy in spring? Acne will get on the body!

Exercise, diet and physiotherapy are the three giants of the health care industry, and small saplings can start from one or more aspects according to their own situation, find a suitable way to grow on their own.


Let's exercise!

It is no secret that Sister O has always been a difficult person to exercise, until she discovered that yoga, which can not only detoxify and nourish the face, but also shape the body, but also has less restrictions on time and place, began to insist on exercising.

Not healthy in spring? Acne will get on the body!

The yoga asanas of the Spring Stretching Sutra are more beneficial to women's sleep and soothe their emotions, are you impressed? Get started!

01 Under the dog type

● Prepare with your hands and feet pushed on the ground

● Shoulders and necks are relaxed, the core is tightened, and the legs can be slightly flexed

● Push the sciatic bone to the highest point, holding 8-10 breaths

Not healthy in spring? Acne will get on the body!

02 Triangular

● Mountain standing with legs apart one leg long

● Right foot abduction 90°, left foot micro-inward buckle

● The navel of the chest cavity is facing directly forward, and the hip is centered

● Bend your body to the right and your right hand on the inside of your foot

● Extend your left arm upwards and look at your hand

● Hold 8-10 breaths and switch to the other side

Not healthy in spring? Acne will get on the body!

Sister O suggests that sisters who have just started practicing yoga, it is best not to try very difficult movements, it looks very cool, in case of twisting it should cry!


Watch out for the spring diet!

If exercise is externalized in the line, diet is internalized in the body, and it is also a very good way to maintain health by adjusting the diet in spring. Sister O found a lot of delicious and nourishing ingredients and soups, and just looking at the saliva has begun to flow.

Not healthy in spring? Acne will get on the body!

Sister O's kitchen cheats big open:

● Spinach shrimp tofu soup: need spinach, fresh shrimp, inner fat tofu, eggs, water starch, this soup is light and delicious, and low fat low calorie, very suitable for spring stew at home a stew, it tons tons to drink can supplement protein and vitamins.

Not healthy in spring? Acne will get on the body!

@ Little Red Book Xin Mo Mo's little food light

● Coconut fig rib soup: Indian coconut, carrot, corn, Turkish fig, tangerine peel, southern apricot, northern apricot, ribs are required. This soup is especially suitable for sisters who are relatively weak in physique, often use their eyes and are prone to colds and coughs in the spring, it can nourish the yin and moisten the lungs, enhance immunity, protect the liver and eyesight, and every time O sister drinks, the throat will be much more comfortable.

Not healthy in spring? Acne will get on the body!

@Little Red Book Little Zhenzhen

Hungry? Anyway, Sister O's little sapling waiting to be fed drooled again. After eating, let's take a look at the more enjoyable - physiotherapy, we mean that the one-stop service arrangement is in place.


Let's have another treatment!

The most popular physiotherapy link, this treatment is not limited to going to the hospital for professional body conditioning, but also includes foot soaking at home, self-massage, etc., we take it as a synonym for relaxation and enjoyment.

Not healthy in spring? Acne will get on the body!

01 Soak your feet

A bucket, a basin of hot water, high-end ingredients often only need the most simple way of cooking (not), O sister the most relaxed time of the day is to soak her feet while watching the drama, soaking feet to relieve fatigue can also improve local blood circulation, is conducive to sleep.

Not healthy in spring? Acne will get on the body!

It should be noted that the water temperature of soaking feet is best at about 40 degrees, and the body can be slightly heated for 15-30 minutes. The water must be over the ankle, preferably through the calves to avoid the cold. After soaking your feet, drink a glass of water to replenish your water. (Pregnant women, people with excessive menstrual blood or diabetes and internal bleeding are not suitable for foot soaking, be sure to follow the doctor's advice!) )

02 Moxibustion

Moxibustion can warm the cold, promote the operation of the body's qi and blood, and perform qi communication, which has many benefits. Moxibustion works best at 10-11 a.m., 2-4 p.m., and it is best not to stop moxibustion after 11 p.m.!

Not healthy in spring? Acne will get on the body!

Some of the main acupuncture points of moxibustion:

●Guanyuan acupuncture: located 3 inches below the navel, in this acupuncture point moxibustion can dispel cold and dehumidify, regulate qi and blood, and enhance the spleen and stomach.

Not healthy in spring? Acne will get on the body!

● Middle acupuncture point: located in the front midline of the abdomen, 4 inches above the navel, where moxibustion can regulate gastrointestinal digestion, improve human immunity, and promote metabolism.

Not healthy in spring? Acne will get on the body!

●Foot three mile: located on the outside of the calf, 3 inches below the knee next to the tibia 1 inch out, moxibustion this point can regulate yang qi, remove moisture.

Not healthy in spring? Acne will get on the body!

Exercise, diet, and physiotherapy are certainly the best to use together after reasonable arrangements, but after all, there are too many classes to go to, and it is good to choose your favorite items how to be convenient and comfortable. Cultivate yourself into a health care expert, you can also "go to class" with your parents and teach them scientific health.

Million! No! Don't raise it at all! Take all the free time that is not rich to lie down, this big spring, get up quickly!

Not healthy in spring? Acne will get on the body!

The image is partly from the Internet

Responsible editor / Fang Quezi

Written by Typography / Zhang Hanxin

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