
How to use hypnosis effectively in psychological counseling?| A new course on clinical hypnosis application was launched

author:Simple psychology
How to use hypnosis effectively in psychological counseling?| A new course on clinical hypnosis application was launched

Clinical application of hypnosis techniques

Dr. Michael Japuk, the authoritative author of hypnosis textbooks, taught it personally

The four modules are step-by-step, and the system introduces clinical hypnosis

Professional review team to ensure that the content is presented accurately enough

Six learning guarantees, so that you can buy with peace of mind and learn with confidence

When it comes to hypnosis, many people will think of magical scenes in film and television dramas, such as:

In "Amazing Demon Thieves", the magician uses a simple gesture to instantly hypnotize others and guide the hypnotized subject to perform specific behaviors; In "Master of Hypnosis", the psychiatrist hypnotizes the patient by shaking the pocket watch, pendulum, and water, so that the patient enters a special state, making him shuttle back and forth between the real world and the inner world; In "Get Out", the hypnotist imprisons the soul of the young body through mysterious hypnotism, depriving him of control over his body; ……
How to use hypnosis effectively in psychological counseling?| A new course on clinical hypnosis application was launched

On the one hand, these film and television works have paved hypnosis with a layer of mystery and magic, and on the other hand, they have also stigmatized hypnosis, making the public misunderstand it, thinking that it will make the hypnotized person lose control of himself, which is a very terrible thing.

The consequence of this is that in psychological counseling, many clients have both fear and expectation of hypnosis technology, they are afraid that hypnosis can force them to do something while "controlling" their consciousness, and they expect hypnosis to achieve immediate results and cure the disease.

Even many clinicians who are unfamiliar with hypnosis mistakenly think that it is a flashy "trick".

How to use hypnosis effectively in psychological counseling?| A new course on clinical hypnosis application was launched

But in fact, hypnosis has established a solid scientific foundation in neuroscience, cognition, suggestive language and information processing, placebo and trigger response, counseling alliances, etc., and has been recognized as an effective means of consultation in modern clinical medicine.

If you are a clinician looking for an effective tool to enhance the effectiveness of your consultation, hypnosis is definitely one of the important options!

Dr. Michael D. Yapko, winner of the Lifetime Achievement Award issued by the APA Hypnosis Society & International Hypnosis Society & Erickson Foundation, and author of the authoritative hypnosis textbook "Practical Course of Clinical Hypnosis", jointly developed the course "Clinical Application of Hypnosis Technology", which focuses on the clinical application of hypnosis technology, and gradually deepens from the four modules to help students who want to learn hypnosis bring formal, systematic and professional hypnosis courses.

The early bird price of the new class is 1399 yuan

👇 Scan the QR code now to learn more 👇 about the course


What is Hypnosis?

There is currently no single accepted definition of hypnosis, which is defined by the APA Society for Hypnosis as a state of consciousness that involves a decrease in attention and peripheral awareness, characterized by an increased ability to respond to suggestion.

Dr. Michael Japke defines hypnosis as follows:

Hypnosis is a focused experience that invites people to respond at multiple levels of the experience in order to purposefully amplify and utilize their personal resources.

Hypnosis is not so magical, from the following three aspects to help everyone to hypnosis "disenchantment":

Hypnosis is inseparable from the subconscious

More often than not, we have a clear awareness of our thought processes. We consciously think about problems, make decisions consciously, and consciously deal with various things around us.

However, the factors that influence our thoughts and actions are not only conscious, but also our subconscious. The subconscious mind is a huge reserve of information hidden beneath the conscious mind, which helps us to push some thoughts to the level of consciousness. When some thoughts arise out of thin air, it is because subconsciously we have completed the thought process. At the same time, the subconscious mind is also a reservoir of our memories.

During hypnosis, the hypnotist's suggestion goes beyond our consciousness and thus communicates directly with our subconscious. When the external information brought by consciousness is blocked, these hints trigger our original and truest thoughts and feelings.

Hypnosis is different from sleep

Studies have pointed out that hypnosis is a unique phenomenon of being asleep and awake, a state that alternates with other forms of consciousness. Hypnosis differs from sleep in many ways, such as changes in blood flow to blood vessels in the brain, basal metabolism, and rapid eye movement (REM), one of the two important stages of sleep. People who are hypnotized are not asleep.

Interestingly, the hypnotic state may be more similar to the natural wakefulness state because the participants are comfortable communicating with the hypnotist and maintaining a certain degree of awareness of their surroundings during the hypnotic process.

We also have a state of "hypnotization" in our daily lives

Hypnosis can also be simply understood as a state in which the body remains relaxed and the mind enters a state of intense concentration. In our daily lives, we often get into this kind of hypnosis-like situation for various reasons.

When we get bored or can't fully devote ourselves to what we're doing, our minds may shift elsewhere. For example, when we have suffered physical or psychological trauma, we often try to relieve the pain by diverting our attention. This is a natural phenomenon caused by a self-protection mechanism.

Either way, we can change our situation by briefly disconnecting from our surroundings, shifting our minds, and relaxing our minds. Hypnosis, to a large extent, is nothing more than amplification of this natural ability.

The early bird price of the new class is 1399 yuan

👇 Scan the QR code now to learn more 👇 about the course


How does hypnosis work in clinical practice?

Almost all counseling begins with hypnosis, whether it is difficult to deal with the resistance and bottlenecks encountered many times during the consultation, or if you want to continue to enhance and consolidate the counseling effect, hypnosis can help the counselor and the client work more smoothly and effectively.

In recent years, a large number of studies have begun to focus on the effect of clinical hypnosis on the effectiveness of counseling. There is growing objective evidence that hypnosis often increases the effectiveness of counseling when it is used as part of counseling. (Rosendahl et al., 2024; Milling, 2023; Ramondo, 2021)

So how exactly does hypnosis work and apply in clinical practice? It is mainly reflected in the following three aspects:

1. Lift the internal defense and go straight to the core crux

Regarding hypnosis, Milton Erickson, the father of modern hypnosis, had this to say:

All the problems that are bogging you down, the negative habits that are struggling you, your anxieties, or physical pain, are the entry points that will lead you to your soul's journey.

Hypnosis can effectively relieve the other person's suspicion, defensiveness, and shame, so when the patient enters a state of deep hypnosis, many unconscious or subconscious memories will surface.

The counselor can draw out the distress of the depressed patient in the mind, find out the symbolic meaning of the psychological crux, analyze the wrong thinking, analyze the cause of the disease, and teach the correct adaptation method.

How to use hypnosis effectively in psychological counseling?| A new course on clinical hypnosis application was launched


Second, through the hypnotic state of the special