
Your baby's hair hints at its development? There is a manifestation that may indicate that the child is malnourished

I often hear the elderly say, "The child's yellow hair indicates that the body is not nourished enough."

From a scientific point of view, by looking at the baby's hair, you can know his physical development, is this really true?

Your baby's hair hints at its development? There is a manifestation that may indicate that the child is malnourished

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Scientific explanation: the connection between a child's hair and the state of physical development

In fact, there is a certain scientific basis for this.

The main component of hair is keratin, which is composed of a variety of amino acids. In addition, it also contains melanin and iron.

In addition, Chinese medicine believes that hair is "the rest of the blood, the glory of the kidneys", which can be understood simply as: its source of nutrition is blood, but the actual root of vitality comes from the kidneys. Therefore, the growth of hair is closely related to important organs such as the spleen, stomach and kidneys of the human body.

Usually, if the child's liver blood is sufficient, then the hair can be nourished and has sufficient blood supply sources; the spleen and stomach are responsible for transporting nutrients; the kidneys are the basis of "its hua is in the hair", only the kidney qi is sufficient, then the hair growth condition can be maintained better.

Your baby's hair hints at its development? There is a manifestation that may indicate that the child is malnourished

Therefore, from the negative point of view, the child's hair growth and color can indeed reflect his physical development to a certain extent.

There are several abnormalities that parents need to be wary of

1. The hair is yellowish and has no luster

It is important to note here that the hair is yellow or thin, and some of it may be related to the genetic genes of the parents.

In addition, if your baby has just been born not long ago, or is still in the development period (1 to 2 years old), the body's metabolism is more vigorous, the oil on the scalp is exuberant, if you do not wash your hair in time, oil and sweat block the hair roots, it is also easy to have slow hair growth, thinning hair, and even hair loss.

Your baby's hair hints at its development? There is a manifestation that may indicate that the child is malnourished

If you exclude these two influencing factors, and the hair of the family is relatively strong, but the child's hair is yellow and thin, it is often necessary to consider that your child may be malnourished.

Under normal circumstances, if the baby's body is iron deficient and there is anemia, the hair will often appear dry and look dull; if zinc is deficient, it will lead to thinning hair and slow growth.

Recommendation: The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that the first six months of a child's life be exclusively breastfed, with enough nutrients to meet the developmental needs of young children.

After that, you need to add complementary foods, at least breastfeeding until the child is about 1 year old, according to the study, in the second year of breastfeeding, 448ML of breast milk, about 36% of the baby's calcium needs, 75% of vitamin A needs, 60% of vitamin C needs, 76% of folic acid requirements and 29% of energy needs.

Your baby's hair hints at its development? There is a manifestation that may indicate that the child is malnourished

After this, the baby's nutritional staple food is no longer breast milk, but complementary food, it is recommended to match the child with more abundant food, "meat, eggs, milk, fruit and vegetable valley" in the most at least 4 kinds, for children with thinning hair, you can focus on supplementing iron or zinc-containing foods, but pay attention to step by step, first determine whether the baby has allergic foods.

2. Thinning hair on the back of the head

There is a special term called "pillow baldness", which refers to the back of the baby's head, the part that is often in contact with the pillow, and the hair is thinner or even not long.

Experts believe that the reason why the baby has this situation, on the one hand, may be that the pillow is too hard, the back of the baby's head is often rubbed with it when sleeping, on the other hand, it may indicate that it lacks calcium in the body, which is generally accompanied by unstable sleep, like sweating, late teething, etc. If your child has this situation behind, parents can be vigilant.

Your baby's hair hints at its development? There is a manifestation that may indicate that the child is malnourished

Recommendation: According to the development of the baby's spine, it is more scientific and reasonable to use a pillow for him after the age of 1, and the appropriate height of the pillow at the beginning is 3 to 4 cm, and after the age of 3, the appropriate height is 5 to 6 cm.

In the choice of material, it is best to be soft and breathable, which is more conducive to the development of children.

In addition, remind parents, if the baby's normal diet, there is basically no lack of calcium, so parents do not have to rush to give them another calcium supplement, may wish to adjust the diet structure first, to ensure balanced nutrition, if you are really worried, you can give the baby to eat some soy products and dairy products.

How do parents care for their baby's hair?

1. Usually freshen up

Your baby's hair hints at its development? There is a manifestation that may indicate that the child is malnourished

Especially in the summer, the baby's body metabolism is fast, easy to sweat, need to be groomed frequently, to prevent sweat from clogging the roots, it is recommended that the water temperature be maintained at 37 to 40 degrees, choose a neutral shampoo that does not contain fragrance and soap, and avoid causing too much irritation to their delicate hair.

2. Nutritional balance

Cultivate children's good nutrition habits from an early age, not partial to food, not picky eating, and ensure balanced intake of nutrition.

Diet should pay attention to the reasonable combination of milk, fruits, vegetables, eggs, fish and other substances, fully intake of various vitamins and minerals, so as to ensure that the body has sufficient nutrients through blood circulation to the hair root, so that the hair is nourished.

Extended reading: The child with the most hair volume in the world, are you envious after reading it?

There is a baby girl born in Japan in 2017, her name is Chanco, because of too much hair, it became popular on the Internet not long after birth, and she was called "the king of hair volume".

Your baby's hair hints at its development? There is a manifestation that may indicate that the child is malnourished

(Pictured above) This is a photo taken shortly after Chanco was born, and it feels like an explosion of hair, like a lion's hair, and the hair is dark, very shiny, really enviable, and I want to borrow some hair from her.

It is understood that this internet celebrity baby has gained a lot of fans with his strength, and has become the world's youngest hair mask and received shampoo endorsement advertisements.

Some people are young, there is a hair loss crisis, but some people have just been born to be the "king of hair volume", inexplicably sad what happened!

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