
American College of Cardiology: Do these seven things, the risk of cardiovascular disease can be minimized (recommended collection, forwarding) Many people who seem to be in great health, blood vessels are actually very dangerous. American Heart Association

author:Dr. Zhang Zhenpeng of Cardiovascular Disease

American College of Cardiology: Do these seven things to minimize the risk of cardiovascular disease (recommended collection, forwarding)

Many people who seem to have great health, the blood vessels are actually very dangerous. The American Heart Association believes that the following 7 platinum standards can be truly healthy for cardiovascular diseases for a long time.

1. Do not smoke or quit smoking for at least 12 months.

2. Body mass index BMI below 25. Stay away from obesity.

3. 5 times a week for a total of 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise. (This is difficult for most Chinese, and many Chinese can do 30-minute aerobic exercise three times a week.) )

4. Maintain a healthy diet. Includes fiber-rich whole grains, vegetables and fruits, fish, dried fruits, legumes and seeds, as well as lean meats, peeled chicken, and milk.

5. Fasting cholesterol is below 5.2 mmol/L.

6. Do not take antihypertensive drugs, blood pressure is maintained within 120/80 mm Hg.

7. Fasting blood glucose does not exceed 5.18 mmol /L. People with diabetes are at greatly increased risk of heart disease or stroke if they are found. #Heart Disease##Healthy Too Old Year##Fat##关注糖尿病 #

American College of Cardiology: Do these seven things, the risk of cardiovascular disease can be minimized (recommended collection, forwarding) Many people who seem to be in great health, blood vessels are actually very dangerous. American Heart Association

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