
What is the success rate of quitting smoking by your own perseverance? You can't imagine an answer!

Anyone with a little common sense knows that smoking often harms others and harms themselves.

Anyone who is addicted to smoking also knows that it is impossible to quit smoking, it is impossible to quit smoking in this life!

After all, quitting smoking is really too painful.

When smoking: Calm and calm, both are emotionally stable adults.

When quitting smoking: irritable and irritable, every day on the verge of running out of control crazy temptation.

(Source: soogif)

Regarding smoking cessation, I don't know if you have heard such a statement:

Long-term smokers have adapted to the poisoning of tobacco, and suddenly quit smoking, but will destroy the balance of the body, more likely to get sick.

(Source: soogif)

Is this statement true?

Why do people who have been smoking for a long time suddenly quit smoking, and their bodies will have various discomfort symptoms?

Is quitting smoking good or bad?

Today's article will be clear at one time.

Many people think that smoking addiction is a trivial matter, after all, there are thousands of smokers, as long as they can afford to smoke casually, some uncles who smoke and drink all year round, do not still live to ninety-nine.

But this idea is not right, in fact, smoking addiction is also called "tobacco dependence", it is not a bad habit, but a chronic disease, has long been included in the international list of diseases [1].

(Source: giphy)

As we all know, the essence of smoking addiction is "nicotine addiction" in tobacco.

Nicotine is listed on the List of Highly Toxic Chemicals on the mainland, and excessive intake can be life-threatening.

Foreign experts have done dependent studies on 19 addictive substances, including drugs, and found that the addiction of nicotine is higher than that of marijuana, methamphetamine and other substances, second only to cocaine and heroin [2].

So it's normal to be miserable to quit smoking.

When quitting smoking, the level of nicotine in the body declines, dopamine secretion decreases sharply, and without a source of happiness, there will be symptoms such as anxiety and depression, headaches, inability to concentrate and even irritability and insomnia.

The above process is medically known as the "withdrawal reaction".

So is the "withdrawal reaction" harmful to the body?

First of all, the answer: in general, the withdrawal symptoms brought about by smoking cessation will not do any harm to the body, and the symptoms of various discomforts are more like a self-regulation of the body, which is a process of trying to adapt to no nicotine stimulation.

Conversely, all types of tobacco are harmful and unprofitable.

Moreover, tobacco has no safe exposure levels[3], meaning that just one sip of a cigarette can harm the body.

Withdrawal reactions are only temporary, and in general, it begins to appear a few hours after stopping smoking, most intensely during the first 14 days of quitting smoking, and then gradually lessens until it disappears.

Most withdrawal symptoms disappear within 4 weeks of quitting smoking, and a small number last for a year [1].

(Source: China Clinical Smoking Cessation Guidelines (2015 Edition))

Overall, the benefits of quitting smoking are definitely greater than smoking.

As we all know, the dangers of smoking can lead to many forms of cancer, including lung, esophageal, laryngeal, oral, throat, kidney, bladder, pancreatic, stomach, and cervical [4].

What about the benefits of quitting smoking?

(1) After quitting smoking, the probability of illness is greatly reduced

There are clear benefits to quitting smoking for all smokers, and the benefits increase with the length of time [5]:

Quit smoking for 20 minutes, and your heart rate and blood pressure will drop.

After 2-12 weeks of smoking cessation, the circulatory system will be improved and lung function will be improved.

Quit smoking for 1-9 months, cough and shortness of breath are reduced.

After quitting smoking for 1 year, the risk of coronary heart disease is reduced to half of smokers.

After 5-15 years of smoking cessation, the risk of stroke will decrease to the level of non-smokers, the risk of lung cancer will drop to about half of smokers, and the risk of developing cancer of the mouth, larynx, esophagus, bladder, cervix and pancreas will decrease.

Therefore, even if it is an old "smoking gun", as long as you quit smoking from now on, you will benefit a lot.

(2) Quitting smoking makes people live longer[5]

Starting to quit smoking at about 30 years of age can increase life expectancy by about 10 years.

Starting to quit smoking at about 40 years of age can increase life expectancy by about 9 years.

Starting to quit smoking at about 50 years old can increase life expectancy by about 6 years.

(3) Quit smoking for 10 years≈ deposit of 100,000 yuan

According to a pack of cigarettes (20) 25 yuan to calculate, saving a pack of cigarettes a day can save nearly 100,000 yuan in 10 years. And the more fiercely smoked, the more expensive the cigarettes bought, the more you save to quit smoking, and the return on investment can be much more reliable than P2P!

(Unit: Yuan, Table: Homemade)

Quitting smoking not only saves money to buy cigarettes, but more importantly, saves money on medical treatment.

If you really get cancer because of tobacco, how much money do you have to burn to see a doctor? It may take as little as 1 month to get a family from the middle class to bankruptcy.

So quitting smoking is really healthy and saving money.

There must be such a person around you, shouting the slogan of quitting smoking every day, but the number of smoking has only increased, and every time you force yourself to quit smoking, but the return has ended in failure.

Here, I sincerely advise you to quit smoking and also talk about science, be prepared, and don't be too blind and hasty.

Of course, it is not that we do not support you to quit smoking, nor is it because quitting smoking is not good for the body, but the probability of blindly quitting smoking is very small.

Statistics show that in the absence of support for quitting smoking, the success rate of quitting smoking by perseverance alone is only 4% [4].

(Source: soogif)

Quitting smoking requires self-control, but it can't be done solely.

Tobacco dependence is not only manifested in the body, but also in the psychological dependence, commonly known as "heart addiction" [1], even if there is no physiological dependence on nicotine after a month, but the wonderful experience of smoking still stays in the memory, it will continue to make people itchy, and one day will find an opportunity to break the quit and take a sip.

(Source: soogif)

Smoking cessation is a technical task, and methods and self-discipline are indispensable.

First, the heart should be fierce, once you decide to quit smoking, you must be prepared to quit smoking, no matter how uncomfortable it is, you will not smoke a mouthful.

(Source: soogif)

Second, be good at summarizing the experience of failure: it does not matter if you fail once, it is important to summarize experience.

Third, make a smoking cessation plan: set a quit day, such as starting to quit within 2 weeks, and then tell everyone that you want to quit smoking, preferably with their support and understanding. Before quitting smoking, anticipate and understand the problems that may be encountered in quitting smoking, and think about countermeasures. For example, after quitting smoking, you can be irritable, you can breathe deeply or walk fast, to relieve nervousness; worried about quitting smoking after always want to eat, then buy more cucumbers, tomatoes, etc., or stockpile some sugar-free healthy snacks, if the mouth is really lonely, you can chew sugar-free gum.

Fourth, change the habit of smoking: if you are used to a cigarette after a meal, you can change it to brushing your teeth, chewing gum, and taking a nap after a meal [1].

If you have tried all the above methods, you still can't quit, and don't give up on yourself.

In addition to quitting smoking on your own, you can also turn to doctors, and some hospitals have special smoking cessation clinics.

Of course, there are still drugs that can help quit smoking, and the first-line smoking cessation drugs recommended by the World Health Organization are nicotine alternative drugs, varenicline tartrate and bupropion hydrochloride, which can be taken according to medical advice.

No way!

In a study of 505,500 Americans, the risk of death was indeed reduced from smoking every day to smoking occasionally, but it was only reduced very little, and the effect was too far worse than quitting smoking completely.

Occasional smokers still have a higher risk of death than those who don't smoke at all, even if they smoke only a few cigarettes a month [6].

Therefore, if you can quit, you can quit, after all, the pain of quitting smoking is only temporary.

Life in the world, not only smoking two words, I hope that everyone can cherish their own and the health of those around them.


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