
In the eyes of men, women with money and women without money are 2 different existences

In the eyes of men, women with money and women without money are 2 different existences

We all say that money is a worldly thing, and in real life, we have to admit the importance of money to us.

Eating requires money, buying things needs money, going to work needs money, doing anything needs money, it can be said that money is not omnipotent, and no money is impossible.

Money is important to everyone, and men and women are the same.

When we choose men, we all hope to choose rich people, after all, everyone wants their quality of life to be better, and they don't need to run around for those livelihoods.

Of course, the same way of thinking is also applicable to men, and men's way of thinking is rational, and men's views on money are more profound than women's, but they just can't express it.

Having money and not having money are two very different things, and in the eyes of men, women with and without money are 2 different kinds of existence.

In the eyes of men, women with money and women without money are 2 different existences

It is the difference between independence and subsidiary dependence

When the reader and the boyfriend are together, the boyfriend is already working, the reader is still a student, and there is a gap in the economic strength of the two people.

Although the boyfriend is also willing to spend money on her, in the reader's own heart, he always feels a little uncomfortable.

Later, readers also began to work, and they also had their own money in their hands, and they could also buy some things that their boyfriend liked.

At this time, she found that when her boyfriend communicated with herself, she also began to adopt an attitude of equal communication, and she was very comfortable when she got along.

A person is an independent individual, one is a person who can only be attached to himself, and the attitudes adopted by the two different states are naturally different, and this is the difference between women's money and no money in men's eyes.

Having money means that we have more confidence when dealing with feelings, which means that we have more say when dealing with feelings.

As Bo Bonnie once said in the variety show "Strange Story": "No doctrine is greater than your life, no value can kidnap your freedom, you are a woman, you love how to come, how you are comfortable to live." 」 ”

In the eyes of men, women with money and women without money are 2 different existences

It is the difference between not daring to act rashly and manipulating at will

There's a saying in The Selfish Gene that goes something like this: "Selfishness is the innate gene of everyone." All relations are essentially exchanges of value; without exchange of values, there is no relationship. ”

The relationship between the two sexes is very intimate, but also based on sensibility, and what runs through it is still based on the exchange of values.

Stella in the TV series "Perfect Relationship", when her husband betrayed her feelings, did not hesitate to choose divorce and let Cui Yingjun get out of the house.

Choi Young-joon can only cry bitterly and humbly beg for Stella's forgiveness, because he himself knows how much he will lose by leaving Stella.

If Stella had no money, it would be her who was helpless.

This is the difference between a woman who has money and no money.

People have a nature of loss and hatred, men are also good at weighing the pros and cons, women have money for them means gain, loss means loss.

Men are afraid of loss, so when dealing with feelings, even if they encounter some contradictions, they will think carefully, rather than feeling indifferent and then do whatever they want.

In the eyes of men, women with money and women without money are 2 different existences

It is the difference between equal respect and carelessness

Luo Zijun in the TV series "The First Half of My Life" has become a full-time wife when she got married, and all her financial resources depend on her husband Chen Junsheng.

That time can be described as smooth sailing, other women need to support their families and run around, Luo Zijun only needs to take the money earned by Chen Junsheng to buy whatever he wants.

Later, Chen Junsheng encountered some troubles in the workplace, and there should have been someone who could pour out his inner unhappiness, and Luo Zijun should also fulfill this obligation.

However, being separated from the society for too long made Luo Zijun ignorant of things in the workplace, even if he wanted to comfort Chen Junsheng, he didn't know what to say.

When Ling Ling, who had the same experience as Chen Junsheng, appeared, she and Chen Junsheng had more common topics, and Chen Junsheng's inner emotional balance naturally tilted to Ling Ling, and Luo Zijun became the one who was abandoned.

In the eyes of men, women with money and women without money are 2 different existences

Just think, one person is a person who can help himself in the workplace and can solve his inner unhappiness, and the other is a person who does not understand anything and only knows how to spend money.

Who to choose between such two people, perhaps Chen Junsheng already had the answer at the beginning.

Chen Junsheng is irresponsible and non-exclusive, but we should also see what the problems with their marriage are.

It is Luo Zijun who does not know how to grow himself, it is Luo Zijun who lacks any economic resources, it is Luo Zijun who does not have a share of his own money in his hands, and it is Luo Zijun whose personality and economy are not independent.

A rich woman, a woman who is financially independent, no matter what kind of relationship, will not be in an unequal position because she does not have money.

They are equal to men, no matter how inferior, such women are always worthy of respect in men's hearts.

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