
Truly far-sighted women, who will do these things well in advance, are really smart

Truly far-sighted women, who will do these things well in advance, are really smart


Figure / Originated from the network, the infringement contact is deleted

Life is moving forward, each of us is burying our heads and moving forward, everything in front of us is unknown, you never know what will happen in the future, all we can do is grasp the present and cherish the present.

The so-called good present never means that blindfolded people do not listen or see, and do not know anything about external affairs, nor does it mean that they just eat and wait for death, do not think about the future at all, and do not plan for the future.

A person who just thinks about living every inch and a centimeter of today, only cares about the acre and three points of land in front of him, and never plans for the future, once there is any change in his life, he will be powerless to resist, and only a sigh is left.

Truly far-sighted women, who will do these things well in advance, are really smart

The so-called people have no far-reaching worries, but they will have near-term worries. We often say that we want to live in the present, which teaches us to have an optimistic attitude towards life, not that it is enough to live well now, but also to make some plans for our future.

There are some people who simply live in front of their eyes and never think about the future, and such people will have a low ability to fight against life, and it is difficult to endure a little change in life.

And really far-sighted people, they will focus on the future, will make plans for the second half of their lives in advance.

Those women with vision, they start early on to do three things in a planned way to cope with the changes in their lives.

Truly far-sighted women, who will do these things well in advance, are really smart

Quit dependence on others

Giving a person all dependence and trust is equivalent to giving the other person the opportunity to hurt you, and once one day he chooses to leave you, you will lose the courage to walk alone.

There is a classic line in "The First Half of My Life": You abandon me, which is equivalent to throwing a fish into the desert. This home is my arena.

Once Luo Zijun regarded Chen Junsheng as a fish pond, she was a small fish who was completely supported by him, and when Chen Junsheng betrayed her family, she lost her pillar, and a person had no courage and ability to survive.

Marriage is something that everyone can happen, no one can be an exception, rather than trying to tie the other person to their side, it is better for a person to be independent and powerful, to make himself a big tree, and to grow freely without relying on anyone.

Later, Luo Zijun finally understood that "instead of letting others give you an umbrella, it is better to give yourself an umbrella", a person is completely independent, and life becomes complete.

In life, women like Luo Zijun abound, both financially and spiritually dependent on men, and regard men as their own, such women are undoubtedly very sad, when they lose a person, the whole world collapses.

Those who are truly far-sighted have long since given up their dependence on others. It is good to have you, and I can be very good without you and me, such a woman can live a wonderful life at any time.

Truly far-sighted women, who will do these things well in advance, are really smart

Start saving money in advance

Now most girls can achieve financial independence, because everyone is under increasing pressure, and women also need to take on the responsibility of earning money and supporting their families.

But don't forget that saving money is just as important as making money, and don't overlook the importance of saving money.

There are some girls who are financially independent, but spend money like water, every month is a moonlight family, and they can't keep money in their hands.

Nowadays, advanced consumption is becoming more and more fashionable, and more and more people spend today's money to realize tomorrow's dreams and live a luxurious life.

Some people spend half a year's salary to buy a new mobile phone, some people spend a year's salary to buy a brand-name bag, just to satisfy their momentary vanity, they put themselves in a state of constraints. It seems that life is very elegant, but in fact, this way of life is very hidden.

Because you never know when tomorrow and accidents will come, the older you get, the more places you spend money in your life, don't wait until one day your life is in trouble, only to find yourself empty-handed.

Whether you are single or married, no matter how rich your significant other is and how much money you make, you must have the habit of saving money, so that you can cope with the accidents of life, even if one day he leaves you, your life has changed, money will give you a certain confidence and courage to continue to move forward.

Truly far-sighted women, who will do these things well in advance, are really smart

Improve your abilities

I remembered that there was a news that the road and bridge toll station in Tangshan City, Hebei Province, was canceled, and the staff of the toll station was about to be laid off, so they went to the relevant leaders to discuss the explanation.

Among the laid-offs, a 36-year-old elder sister said: "I am 36 years old this year, my youth has been handed over to the fee, now nothing, no one likes me, I can't learn anything." ”

A sentence caused a hot discussion on the Internet, once thought that this job is an iron rice bowl, you can support yourself for a lifetime, but in the end it is banned, in this era, there is no iron rice bowl at all, you do not progress, at any time may be eliminated.

When society eliminates you, it will not bargain with you at all, never expect someone to pity you, rather than ask for mercy, let yourself have an irreplaceable skill is the most important.

Those who are truly visionaries never wait for an opportunity to come, but take the initiative to look for it themselves. Never be complacent, but will maintain a skill, in their leisure time, will continue to expand their boundaries, step out of the comfort zone to continuously improve themselves, so that they can cope with the tests of life.

A person who is self-styled is the most likely to be eliminated, a person who constantly polishes himself and always maintains a growth posture, and is never afraid of being left behind by the times.

Truly far-sighted women, who will do these things well in advance, are really smart

Some people limit their eyes to the present and have no plans for the future, and some people focus on the future and have already begun to secretly prepare for the future.

The former moves forward passively, the latter takes the initiative to attack, the former has no power to deal with the slightest accident in life, and the latter can deal with it calmly whenever and no matter what changes in life.

A person's vision directly determines the future direction of development, and if you want the rest of your life to be smooth, you need to plan in advance.

Truly far-sighted women, they have already done the above three things, such a woman at any time, can live a very dashing and comfortable life.

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