
Today is the late night of February 7th, about to fall asleep, the screen suddenly jumped out of 4 important messages, all closely related to our China! 1. The first important news: the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other three departments issued a document:

author:From the stock theory base

Today is the late night of February 7th, about to fall asleep, the screen suddenly jumped out of 4 important messages, all closely related to our China!

1. The first important news: the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other three departments issued a document: to build a number of world-class super large steel enterprise groups

Interpretation of the point of view: Our steel manufacturing is very developed and has been at the world-class level, but the raw materials used to produce steel still have to be imported from abroad. Therefore, don't look at the profits that can be made in the middle of us, in fact, they are all hard money, and they still can't grasp the pricing of raw materials. Once the price of international commodities soars, our enterprises can only survive by raising prices, so it is very necessary to build a world-class large-scale steel company. In this way, we can grasp the important nodes of all aspects of steel production and sales, which is also good for the development of the steel industry.

2, the second important news: women's football team won the championship! Chinese women's football bonus or nearly 40 million! Investors are also hi: the last time they won the championship, A shares rose to 6,000 points

Interpretation of the point of view: This Spring Festival, two diametrically opposed events occurred, one is that the Chinese men's football team actually lost to Vietnam, which really made everyone angry. Also in the Spring Festival, the Chinese women's football team won the reverse victory and won the Asian Cup, which made the Chinese people excited. The same people, the same national team, how can the gap be so large?

In 2006, the women's team defeated the host Australia to win the championship, initially falling behind 0:2, and finally winning the championship through penalties in a big reversal. Subsequently, the Shanghai Composite Index rose nearly 4 times, from 1600 points to 6124 points, is the history always strikingly similar? We know that history will not be simply repeated, but A shares will not continue to be depressed, and continuous development is the way out.

3, the third important news: the most expensive Spring Festival file in history The family of three needs more than 500 to watch a movie

Opinion interpretation: Every year during the Spring Festival holiday, the eleventh Golden Week, the cinema blockbuster will be released as scheduled, and the price is quite high. Although Kigo does not often watch movies, but when encountering good domestic blockbusters, it will also support it, and it can see the ticket price and consider it. However, this also shows from the side that the domestic cultural industry is rising, and China is giving birth to a number of high-quality film and television cultural teams. This is a great promotion for the cultural media industry. As long as we are careful, we can also shoot a blockbuster that amazes the whole audience, and we may wish to pay more attention to this aspect.

4, the fourth important news: the guidance officially landed The carbon peak target of the steel industry has been delayed

Interpretation of views: On February 7, the Development and Reform Commission of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment jointly issued the Guiding Opinions on Promoting the High-quality Development of the Steel Industry, which made many changes compared with the Draft for Comments. The timing of the carbon peaking target in the steel industry has eased. This message is not much to say, the meaning of the expression is obvious, that is, we must develop first, in order to set goals. The sharp rise in the steel sector today is related to this news.

Based on the above information, the news is still warm, you can capture some useful information from it, and then according to their actual situation, step in batches. Today's large-scale market contraction rose, proving that the market has not yet fully opened, and the market's sentiment has not been mobilized. According to the volume-price relationship theory, this is a very safe trend, so you don't have to worry. However, due to the excessive gains in the market today, there should be some convergence tomorrow. Therefore, Kigo predicts that tomorrow's market will move towards a small rise.

Personal opinion, for reference only, I wish you all a Happy New Year!

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