
#Cheer for every difficulty # As a girl who never pays attention to sports, this year, because she accidentally saw the dashing video of Wang Meng's victory, she watched the entire opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics; because I watched it

author:I'm Yi's mom

#为每一次迎难而上喝彩 #

As a girl who never pays attention to sports,

This year, because I accidentally saw the dashing video of Wang Meng's victory, I watched the entire opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics;

Because I watched the opening ceremony and saw Zhang Yimou's explanation of the opening ceremony design;

Because the narrator also saw Wang Meng's commentary on the men's team speed skating victory;

Because of this commentary, it led to watching the live broadcast of the women's football final to win the championship;

Because the women's football team won the championship and saw "someone else's daughter" Gu Ailing win the championship;

There's a crushing innings here;

Here's the narrow win you're chasing after me;

There is a hard-working, never-give-up anti-killing game;

There is a shocking game of adjusting the state and exerting the limit;

But no matter which one it is, how many times it is seen, it is touching the blood of every Chinese

Sportsmanship is the stimulant that breaks through many obstacles and invigorates the human blood!

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