
Translated names of these players and teams: translations of those kidnapped by the English language

In the quarter-finals of the 1994 Fifa World Cup in the United States, Italy vs Spain played thrillingly. In the end, italy used the goal of the melancholy prince Baggio to cross the border 2-1 to beat the Spanish team. Baggio's name is familiar to everyone. The one who gave Baggio an assist was very satisfied with his "Chinese". His Chinese name was Called Signori.

Translated names of these players and teams: translations of those kidnapped by the English language

More than 20 years ago, when the Italian sharpshooter came to China, the late Italian football expert Zhang Huide was the accompanying interpreter. At that time, he asked Teacher Zhang, "Chinese how to call my name." When Teacher Zhang Dehui answered truthfully, it caused the Italian striker to protest.

Translated names of these players and teams: translations of those kidnapped by the English language

He said: "I'm not British, Italian, my name is Signoli. "Because in Signori, gn is a pronunciation peculiar to Italian, pronounced ni, so it is more consistent to translate it as Signori as Signi. However, because people were exposed to English early on, the Italian striker was translated as Signori, according to a pronunciation custom.

However, Signori is not alone. Because like his name, there are many people who have been kidnapped by English. For example, Uruguayan giants Penarol. The club's foreign language name is Pe arol, and like Italy, Uruguay is not an English-speaking country, but a solid Spanish-speaking country.

Translated names of these players and teams: translations of those kidnapped by the English language

Spanish, like Italian, comes from the Roman-Speaking family of Indo-European languages, which is completely different from English from the Indo-European Germanic language family. In the word Pearol, this letter is unique to Spanish. The pronunciation is ni, so the real translation should be Peñarol, not Penarol.

Translated names of these players and teams: translations of those kidnapped by the English language

This letter is more common in Spanish. For example, the physical geography peculiarities we are familiar with, El Niño and La Niña, are both related to this letter. El Niño's Spanish name is El ni o, which means little boy. La Niña's original Spanish name was La ni a, or little girl. If pronounced in Spanish, those abnormal geoclimatic phenomena should be translated as Erniniho and Laninia.

Translated names of these players and teams: translations of those kidnapped by the English language

Not only the Italian and Spanish of the Roman language tribe have been tragically "poisoned by English", but also some languages of the Germanic language family have also escaped the "poison" of English. For example, Manchester United star, former manager Solskjaer.

Translated names of these players and teams: translations of those kidnapped by the English language

The United hero is from the Nordic country of Norway. The ancestors of the Norwegians, the Vikings, and the Ancestors of the English, the Anglo-Saxons, were both a Germanic branch, and both Norwegian and English were derived from the Germanic language family of the Indo-European language family, but the differences between them were very obvious. If pronounced in Norwegian, the former Manchester United manager's name should not be Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, but Ole Gunnar Solschal.

Another player we know as the English kidnapper is from Denmark, an Indo-European Germanic-speaking country. The star is Gronkjaer. Although he was born in Greenland, an overseas territory of Denmark, he is still Danish.

Translated names of these players and teams: translations of those kidnapped by the English language

The ancestors of the Danes were also the Vikings, a branch of the Germanics. Danish and English also come from the same language family. But the pronunciation is also different. If pronounced in Danish, the Danish star's name should be Glunkjar.

Why were the names of this series "kidnapped" by the English language? Because since the 18th century, after britain established colonial hegemony, it has brought its own culture to the world. Especially English culture. After World War II, although Britain declined, it was replaced by the United States. As the most influential country in the world, the United States is also an English-speaking country. It can be said that as the third most spoken language, English has become an important communication tool.

Translated names of these players and teams: translations of those kidnapped by the English language

In the early days of reform and opening up, the first-hand information of the mainland when it first came into contact with the West was also English. For the names of many players and clubs in the Western world, the use of English transliteration has become a consensus. In this way, the names of Such as Signori, Solskjaer, and Glenshire have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. If you change it to Signoli, many people may not know who you are talking about, and may think that you are deliberately being different.

As the level of modern translation continues to improve, there are many examples of some lesser-known things being corrected. For example, the team joined by Gaitan has been changed to Peñarol on many platforms.

Some of the big names have been corrected in time according to the translation, such as the Belgian star, which has changed from Hazzard to what we know as Hazard. This is because Hazard himself was born in the Walloon region of southern Belgium, which is the French-speaking part of Belgium (Dutch is spoken in the Flemish region of the north). According to the Romance languages such as French, Spanish, and Italian, H is the least existential letter and is therefore not pronounced.

Translated names of these players and teams: translations of those kidnapped by the English language

In this way, Hazard's name gradually replaced the previously erroneous translation of "Hazad" and became a familiar name. For example, the Serie A team Bologna, its club and the name of the city Bologna, gn is translated as ni according to the Italian pronunciation, the city is also Bologna.

Translated names of these players and teams: translations of those kidnapped by the English language

Of course, there are also countless Italian cities that have been kidnapped by the English. For example, turin, the city where Juventus is located, we transliterated it by its English name Turin instead of its Italian name Turino. For example, the city of Naples, where Maradona plays, also comes from its English name Naples, while its Italian name should be Napoli, that is, Napoli.

Translated names of these players and teams: translations of those kidnapped by the English language

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