
Actor Shi Jingming, drama is the lifeblood, marries an ordinary wife and has a son, and he learns English for his grandson in middle age

author:Jia Jia Literature Hall

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Actor Shi Jingming, drama is the lifeblood, marries an ordinary wife and has a son, and he learns English for his grandson in middle age

When hearing the name Shi Jingming, many people may have a trace of doubt in their hearts, who is this distinguished artist? But when it comes to the many memorable roles he has played on the screen or on stage, I believe everyone will suddenly realize and exclaim: "It's him!" "It is true that Mr. Shi Jingming is a well-known cross-border film and television drama giant in the mainland.

He has starred or played key roles in many world-renowned drama masterpieces, such as "Beauty Snake", "Road, Between You and Me", "Romance for Duets" and "The Futility of Love", etc., each time winning warm applause from the audience for his outstanding acting skills.

As a film and television actor, Mr. Shi Jingming has participated in nearly 80 TV series and movies, including "Contemporary Love", "Beautiful Mother", "Agent Team Five" and "The Legend of Miyue" and many other popular screen masterpieces.

Whether it is the protagonist or the supporting role, he is always able to use restrained and tense performance techniques to create a vivid and deeply rooted character.

Actor Shi Jingming, drama is the lifeblood, marries an ordinary wife and has a son, and he learns English for his grandson in middle age

However, in the long journey to today's status as an actor, Mr. Shi Jingming was once just an ordinary person who had nothing to do with art. Born in 1956 into an ordinary family in Beijing, he was born into a poor family, and he had a keen yearning for art since he was a child, but he was never able to get professional training.

After giving up the opportunity to further his studies, he had to work in a shipyard in Jiangsu Province in order to make ends meet, living a life that was gradually distancing himself from art.

Just as he was about to give up his dream, a turning point in his fate crept in. With his firm belief in art and unremitting efforts, he was finally admitted to the Jiangsu People's Art Theater and became a professional drama actor.

Although he has entered the age of no doubt, Mr. Shi Jingming resolutely decided to seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to show his talent on the drama stage.

Actor Shi Jingming, drama is the lifeblood, marries an ordinary wife and has a son, and he learns English for his grandson in middle age

With his tall and straight figure, handsome and chic appearance and diligent and studious quality, after years of tempering and accumulation, Mr. Shi Jingming finally made his mark in the drama industry.

In 1987, he set foot in the field of film and television for the first time, playing an underground party member in the TV series "Secret Agent", which laid a solid foundation for his future brilliant achievements on the screen.

Since then, he has gradually expanded his footsteps from the stage to the screen, on the one hand, showing his talent in the theater, and on the other hand, challenging new roles in film and television works, constantly breaking through himself.

With such a firm march towards the pinnacle of art, with that persistent pursuit and unremitting struggle, an ordinary person has successfully stepped into the highest hall in the field of art, and has become an internationally renowned senior actor, attracting countless people to be amazed! What makes us feel very emotional is that this man is Shi Jingming, who was born in 1956 in the ancient and vibrant city of Beijing.

Actor Shi Jingming, drama is the lifeblood, marries an ordinary wife and has a son, and he learns English for his grandson in middle age

Since he was a child, he had an endless yearning and deep love for art, but due to his family's poverty and the restrictions of the social environment at that time, he was unable to receive professional art training, so he could only bury this dream deep in his heart.

Faced with the opportunity to further his studies, he resolutely chose to give up, and in order to survive, he came to work in a shipyard in Jiangsu. In that place, he worked with cold steel and machinery on a daily basis, and it seemed that he was getting farther and farther away from the art that he was fascinated by.

The noise of the factory and the roar of the machines seemed to constantly tell him that dreams are just dreams after all, and reality is always cruel.

However, his deep dedication to art has never wavered, and under his perseverance, his life has ushered in a new chapter. When Shi Jingming was almost giving up his artistic dream, a turning point of fate crept in.

Actor Shi Jingming, drama is the lifeblood, marries an ordinary wife and has a son, and he learns English for his grandson in middle age

With his incomparable love for art and unremitting efforts, he finally succeeded in being admitted to the Jiangsu People's Art Theater and became a professional drama actor, which is undoubtedly an important turning point in his life.

Although he has entered middle age, Shi Jingming decided to seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to show his talent on the drama stage. He is burly, dignified, coupled with the excellent qualities of diligence and perseverance, after years of tempering and accumulation, he finally emerged on the drama stage and achieved remarkable results.

This major turning point not only made his dream concrete and gradually realized, but also laid a solid foundation for his future development in the film and television industry. Since then, his life trajectory has expanded from the factory floor to the stage and screen, embarking on a new journey to climb the peak of art.

His inner dedication to art finally bore fruit.

Actor Shi Jingming, drama is the lifeblood, marries an ordinary wife and has a son, and he learns English for his grandson in middle age

Although Shi Jingming's achievements in his acting career are incomparable, what he cherishes most in his heart is the warm and happy time of his family.

His wife is not an insider in the entertainment industry, but a blooming flower from the outside world, the two met by fate, fell in love with each other, experienced all kinds of hardships in life together, and gave birth to two lively and lovely children.

It is precisely because of his wife's selfless understanding and firm support for him that Shi Jingming can devote himself to the career he loves without concern and bravely chase his dreams.

As the children grow into independent adults, the loving couple cherishes each other more and shares the joy of family. When a lovely little angel was added to the family, the granddaughter, this old actor who was once indifferent to fame and fortune also showed his deep love for his granddaughter.

Actor Shi Jingming, drama is the lifeblood, marries an ordinary wife and has a son, and he learns English for his grandson in middle age

In order to be able to communicate with his granddaughter overseas without barriers in the future, he took the initiative to start learning English, and although he has entered the age of sixties, he still maintains his thirst for knowledge and works tirelessly to study.

In 1987, Shi Jingming set foot in the field of film and television for the first time, and successfully created the image of an underground party member in the TV series "Secret Agent", which laid a solid foundation for his future emergence in the film and television industry.

Since then, he has broadened his artistic path, moving from the stage to the screen, showcasing his talents in the theatre and challenging different roles on the big screen.

In 1998, he played the role of the male protagonist Mr. Zhao in the film "Mr. Zhao" directed by Lu Le, this character looks gentle and elegant on the surface, but in fact has intricate emotional entanglements with three women, which makes the audience have a strong disgust for him.

Actor Shi Jingming, drama is the lifeblood, marries an ordinary wife and has a son, and he learns English for his grandson in middle age

However, Shi Jingming's superb acting skills are breathtaking, and he has won wide acclaim from the audience through his precise control of lines, expressions, and details of life, which brings the negative character of Mr. Zhao to life.

This film caused a sensation after being released in many countries and regions around the world, and was hailed as a classic in Chinese film history, which undoubtedly injected new vitality into Shi Jingming's acting career.

Just two years later, in 2000, Shi Jingming once again ushered in the peak moment of his life. This year, he not only played the actor He Yumin in the well-known TV series "Contemporary Romance", co-starred with the well-known actor Shi Yanhua, but also co-starred with international superstar Gong Li in the movie "Beautiful Mother", which can be described as famous and in the limelight.

2001 was undoubtedly the peak of Shi Jingming's acting career. He appeared in the TV series "Forward, Forward! played the role of General Xu Xiangqian, the founding father of the mainland, and his presentation of this iron-blooded hero of the Republic was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and won the unanimous praise of Xu Shuai's relatives and friends.

Actor Shi Jingming, drama is the lifeblood, marries an ordinary wife and has a son, and he learns English for his grandson in middle age

In order to be able to create a more realistic image of the character, he not only invested a lot of time in studying Xu Shuai's photos and related materials, but even ingested nicotine for a long time during the filming process, in order to get close to the character's smoking habits, fully demonstrating his extreme dedication and dedication to his work, which is admirable.

Although the years are unforgiving, Shi Jingming's love and pursuit of the profession of actor has always been the same. He is often known as an "evergreen", no matter what type of drama or what kind of role, he can use his excellent acting skills to bring the characters to life, which amazes the audience.

Take the 2006 high-profile TV series "Island Without Winter" as an example, Shi Jingming played the role of Deputy Mayor Duan Wenxuan. This character was originally unremarkable, but after his careful interpretation, it became unique and unforgettable.

In order to be able to create this character more perfectly, he used to completely close himself in his room, engrossed in studying the script, dissecting the character, and integrating himself into the character as best and without reservation.

Actor Shi Jingming, drama is the lifeblood, marries an ordinary wife and has a son, and he learns English for his grandson in middle age

It is worth mentioning that at that time, his beloved son was facing the critical moment of the college entrance examination, and he should be by his side and go all out. However, after careful consideration, Shi Jingming resolutely decided to close himself off and devote himself to studying this role, which shows his dedication and dedication to his work.

It is with this tireless and dedicated dedication that he was able to vividly interpret an ordinary deputy mayor and won warm praise from the audience.

Perhaps due to his increasingly prominent status, Shi Jingming has played more of a "small but fine" supporting role in his works in recent years, but he treats every role with the same care.

For example, in the 2020 hit drama "Ideal City", he only played a cameo role, playing the father of the heroine played by Sun Li.

Actor Shi Jingming, drama is the lifeblood, marries an ordinary wife and has a son, and he learns English for his grandson in middle age

In the final analysis, one of the important factors that Shi Jingming has been able to achieve countless fame and achievements in the art world is due to his in-depth analysis of each role and the outstanding dedication and dedication he has shown in his artistic career.

From the moment he immerses himself in a character, he has already transcended himself, and with his unique expression he has made that character vivid and unforgettable, thus leaving a deep imprint on the audience.

That's why he's called "Evergreen"!

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