
Is bad English because the teacher is not teaching well? Classmate, you didn't follow the teacher's method

author:Brick mover farmer

One of the biggest headaches I've had as an English teacher for so long is that no one listens to the most useful English learning methods I've told. This is a complaint from Teacher Xiaofang.

Is bad English because the teacher is not teaching well? Classmate, you didn't follow the teacher's method

Xiaofang is an English teacher from a middle school in Hangzhou. Many of my classmates complained to me that English was difficult to learn, but the reality was that English was not as difficult as they thought. Learning English is a methodological one, and this method of learning English is also very simple, that is, deliberately reading English texts, which is the conclusion that I have come to from my years of teaching and observing students who speak English well.

I used to be ecstatic about this conclusion, because I thought that as long as I told this conclusion to all the students in my class, then the English learning performance of all the poor English students in the class would improve by leaps and bounds, but in fact, everything I fantasized about did not happen, and the students with poor English learning were still poor in learning, and it seemed that there was not much change, which once made me suspect that there was something wrong with the learning method I had summarized over the years, but then I found out that I was not wrong. Because I got positive feedback from Xiaoqian in our class.

Is bad English because the teacher is not teaching well? Classmate, you didn't follow the teacher's method

Xiao Qian used to be an English middle student, and she could only score about 80 points in the English test. Xiaoqian said that she was very grateful to me, because she spent an hour reading English texts aloud every day according to the learning method I described, and persisted for three months, and she found that her own English level has improved greatly, not only reading aloud, but also more fluent, and even speaking, English is more fluent, and Xiaoqian also scored 100 points in the unit test of English.

Is bad English because the teacher is not teaching well? Classmate, you didn't follow the teacher's method

Received the affirmation of Xiaoqian, which strengthened the view that it was not the study method that I summarized was problematic. Many students do not learn English well because they do not follow the learning methods I teach. Personally, I don't think it's difficult to read English texts aloud. Why do so many students prefer to copy words over and over again rather than read English texts aloud several times?

Is bad English because the teacher is not teaching well? Classmate, you didn't follow the teacher's method

Do you know what the reason is? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss and help Teacher Xiaofang. Today we continue to learn root affixes to memorize English words, today we are going to learn the root word omni, the root omni means all, master this root, we can use it to help us understand and memorize English words.

The word omnipresent, this word is composed of two parts, the root omni means all, the word present means presence, and the combination of the two parts means that all occasions are present, so the word means omnipresent.

The word omnipotent, this word is made up of two parts, the root omni means all, the word potent means valid, and the two parts combine to mean omnipotence.

Is bad English because the teacher is not teaching well? Classmate, you didn't follow the teacher's method

The word omniscient, this word consists of two parts, the root omni means all, the word scient means knowledge, and the combination of the two parts means all knowing, so the word means omniscience.

Today we learned that the root omni means all, and the words that are made up of the root omni, have you memorized all these words? Remembering words with root affixes makes it easier for us to remember English words. Of course, in order to make it more convenient for everyone to learn, the machine farmer has also sorted out more examples of root affixes to remember words efficiently.

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