
Which of the planets in the solar system rotates the fastest? The rotation speed of the eight planets is ranked, and the Earth ranks fifth



In the solar system, the planets have their own rotation speed, and different planets have different rotation speeds, so the length of each day is different, and how big is the difference between the speed of the planets' rotation speed?

Which of the planets in the solar system rotates the fastest and who is the fastest?

What is the rotation speed of the eight planets in the solar system?

And what is the ranking?

Let's find out!

1. Why do planets rotate?

The rotation of the planets is distributed according to a certain law at the time of birth.

After the nebula accretes the nucleus atoms in the star, the moon and other objects begin to have the possibility of formation, and this distribution law still has a certain scientific basis.

This brings us to the law of conservation of angular momentum.

When an object is not acted upon by an external force, its angular momentum is constant and conserved.

How does the rotation of the planets come about?

What is the law of conservation of angular momentum?

Gas-filled primordial nebulae had molecules that moved irregularly, rotated at different speeds, and rotated in different directions, some clockwise and some counterclockwise.

And the total angular momentum of these molecules is also different.

Which of the planets in the solar system rotates the fastest? The rotation speed of the eight planets is ranked, and the Earth ranks fifth

When the original nebula molecules collide with each other and attract each other, and this attraction is still an acceleration process, so the velocity of the nebula molecules will gradually increase at this time, that is, to reach a sufficient velocity, the nebula molecules will form a nebula gas circle

And the speed of this formation will continue to accelerate.

At the same time, when a fast molecule collides with a slow molecule, the slow molecule becomes faster due to the conversion of kinetic energy into other energies, and the velocity slowly tends to the same state, that is, the velocity of the molecule after the collision also slowly tends to the same.

Then, according to the law of conservation of angular momentum, gases with greater angular momentum will be distributed in the outer layer of the gas circle, while gases with smaller angular momentum will be concentrated in the inner layer of the gas circle.

In this way, gases with different rotational radii are distributed inside and outside the gas ring, which is called gas differentiation.

This state of distribution of angular momentum, which formed the primordial nebula, is called the principle of conservation of angular momentum.

After the formation of the primordial nebula, the gas was gravitationally pulled closer to the center.

And these gases that move closer to the center will follow the principle of conservation of angular momentum, and while moving closer to the center, they will also rotate towards the center.

And this rotation towards the center will produce angular momentum, and the more these angular momentum reaches the center, the larger the volume of the planet.

Which of the planets in the solar system rotates the fastest? The rotation speed of the eight planets is ranked, and the Earth ranks fifth

2. The rotation speed of the eight planets in the solar system.

Next, let's learn about the rotation speed of the eight planets in the solar system, and which one has the fastest rotation speed.

So, let's take a look at the rotation speed of the eight planets of the solar system!

The closest planets to the Sun in the Solar System are the three planets of water, gold, fire, and earth: Mercury, Venus, and Earth.

So, who of the three planets has the fastest rotation?

The planet with the fastest rotation speed in first place is Earth, and in second place is Mars.

In addition, Venus is also a planet with a slow rotation.

And in the solar system, Mars is the only planet that can rotate faster than 24 hours.

So, who of the planets other than Earth and Mars has the fastest rotation?

That's Saturn and Jupiter.

Among the planets in the solar system, the planet with the fastest rotation speed is Jupiter.

So, how fast does Jupiter, the planet with the fastest rotation, rotate?

Jupiter's rotation takes place in a day of 9 hours, 55 minutes, and 29 seconds.

That is, Jupiter only needs about 9 hours to complete a day's rotation.

Jupiter's rotation speed is more than twice that of the Earth's.

Then, at the time of completing one rotation, Jupiter also orbits the Sun, which undergoes about 120,000 rotations in a year.

Then Jupiter's air currents contrast to the speed, and the temperature in the morning and afternoon will be very different.

Therefore, Jupiter, which rotates very fast, naturally forms the fastest rotating planet in the solar system.

And Saturn, a planet farther away from the Sun, also rotates very fast.

Saturn's rotation period in one day is 10 hours and 14 minutes.

On the one hand, this reflects the earlier it is formed in the principle of conservation of angular momentum, the faster it will naturally rotate.

Which of the planets in the solar system rotates the fastest? The rotation speed of the eight planets is ranked, and the Earth ranks fifth

But there are also some planets that don't follow this pattern.

Because of the special reason for existence and the special impact mode, there is a contradiction between the principle of conservation of rotation speed and angular momentum, and it does not completely follow this principle.

Therefore, Venus is a planet with a slow rotation.

In the solar system, Venus is the closest planet to the Sun and the second planet in the solar system.

In some observational observations, scientists believe that Venus is a planet very similar to Earth, and even has the name of a twin star.

Which of the planets in the solar system rotates the fastest? The rotation speed of the eight planets is ranked, and the Earth ranks fifth

But Venus, unlike Mars, rotates very slowly when Venus rotates.

Venus has a rotation period of about 243 days.

In other words, it takes about 2.6 revolutions around the Sun for Venus to rotate once.

As a result, the duration of the night is very long, and the duration of the night is almost the same as that of the day, which is very short.

And this short night, because Venus rotates very slowly, there is also a huge temperature difference.

Which of the planets in the solar system rotates the fastest? The rotation speed of the eight planets is ranked, and the Earth ranks fifth

3. One day a year.

In the solar system, the light emitted from the sun can envelop all the planetary bodies and planetary combinations in the solar system, including everything else.

In this way, the formation of what everyone knows, the planet will be in a state of daylight.

Once night falls, the place where the planets are located is night.

The planet's surface temperature will drop.

So, what is the form and law of the sun's irradiation?

This leads to a form of light source of the sun, which is the stellar sun, and the sun has the characteristics of a star, that is, the light emitted.

This kind of light is a kind of smooth light.

In other words, the light of this light source is emitted from the light source itself, and then it travels in a straight line, and cannot circulate around the planet and then spread out.

Therefore, the light emitted by the stellar sun can only follow a straight line towards the planet it can directly reach.

That's why in the solar system, planets can feel the sun's light.

Rotation is a phenomenon that rotates around one's own center, while revolution is the phenomenon of rotating around the center of other objects.

The time it takes for the planets to revolve around the sun is 365 days.

These 365 days indicate the time of year.

Which of the planets in the solar system rotates the fastest? The rotation speed of the eight planets is ranked, and the Earth ranks fifth

How did the time of year come about?

The planets revolve around the sun, and the sun is at the center of the planet, so where the sun is located, it is the pole of the planet's orbit.

This means that the time of the year is in the orbit of the planet, and it is in this orbit that a circle is completed.

And during the year, the orbit of the planets around the sun is constant.

Therefore, the alternation of night and day is determined by the rotation of the planetary body.

In rotation, the sun's light changes relative to its position precisely because the planet is in its pivotal position, which forms the year in which the planet revolves around the sun.

Which of the planets in the solar system rotates the fastest? The rotation speed of the eight planets is ranked, and the Earth ranks fifth

Different planets, depending on the speed of rotation, so the length of each day is different, some will be very long, some will be very short.

As a result, on the Moon, the days are very long and the temperature varies extremely.

Which of the planets in the solar system rotates the fastest? The rotation speed of the eight planets is ranked, and the Earth ranks fifth


Different planets have different rotational speeds, so the duration of each day is different.

Like planets such as Mercury and Venus, the temperature will be very high due to the very strong illumination of the sun, even as high as more than 400 degrees Celsius.

In space, the surface of the moon is not covered by clouds, and the surface temperature will rise to more than 100 degrees Celsius when it is irradiated by sunlight.

At night, the temperature on the surface of the moon drops to more than -100 degrees Celsius due to the long nights, which makes the surface of the moon characterized by a surface environment covered by hot lava.

Which of the planets in the solar system rotates the fastest? The rotation speed of the eight planets is ranked, and the Earth ranks fifth

However, on the earth, due to the obstruction of the atmosphere and clouds, when the sunlight hits the earth's surface, it can be absorbed by the atmosphere and clouds, which reduces the energy of the sun's rays to penetrate the atmosphere and hit the ground, so its temperature is maintained within a certain range.

The rotation speed of different planets can reflect the materials and motion characteristics that make up the planet, thus affecting the environment and climate formation of the surface, and according to the rotation speed, it is also possible to understand the internal structure of the planet.

Therefore, the rotation speed of different planets still has great differences and characteristics.

It also reflects the complexity and diversity of planetary births.

In the future, there are still many unknowns about the rotation speed of the eight planets in the solar system, and there is no detailed study.

This also requires us to continue to explore and discover to solve this eternal mystery of the universe.

It also inspires us to keep moving forward and explore the mysteries of the universe. ##

Which of the planets in the solar system rotates the fastest? The rotation speed of the eight planets is ranked, and the Earth ranks fifth